Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Times cited |
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Lebedev, O.I.; Van Tendeloo, G. |
Phase transitions: an alternative for stress accommodation in CMR manganate films |
2004 |
Zeitschrift für Metallkunde |
95 |
UA library record; WoS full record |
Van Aert, S.; den Dekker, A.J.; van den Bos, A.; van Dyck, D. |
Statistical experimental design for quantitative atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy |
2004 |
13 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Bals, S.; Radmilovic, V.; Kisielowski, C. |
TEM annular objective apertures fabricated by FIB |
2004 |
Microscopy and microanalysis |
10 |
UA library record |
Jinschek, J.R.; Bals, S.; Gopal, V.; Xus, X.; Kisielowski, C. |
Probing local stoichiometry in InGaN based quantum wells of solid-state LEDs |
2004 |
Microscopy and microanalysis |
10 |
UA library record |
Vasilopoulos, P.; Molnar, B.; Peeters, F.M. |
Magnetoconductance through a chain of rings in the presence of spin-orbit interaction |
2004 |
International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics |
18 |
2 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Wang, X.F.; Vasilopoulos, P.; Peeters, F.M. |
Influence of spin-orbit interaction on the magnetotransport of a periodically modulated two-dimensional electron gas |
2004 |
International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics
T2 – 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor, Physics, AUG 02-06, 2004, Florida State Univ, NHMFL, Tallahassee, FL |
18 |
UA library record; WoS full record |
Tavernier, M.B.; Anisimovas, E.; Peeters, F.M. |
Electron-vortex interaction in a quantum dot |
2004 |
International journal of modern physics: B: condensed matter physics, statistical physics, applied physics
T2 – 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor, Physics, AUG 02-06, 2004, Florida State Univ, NHMFL, Tallahassee, FL |
18 |
UA library record; WoS full record |
Lebedev, O.I.; Verbeeck, J.; Van Tendeloo, G.; Hayashi, N.; Terashima, T.; Takano, M. |
Structure and microstructure of epitaxial SrnFenO3n-1 films |
2004 |
Philosophical magazine |
84 |
4 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Szafran, B.; Peeters, F.M.; Bednarek, S.; Adamowski, J. |
In-plane magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystallization in a two-electron quantum dot |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
7 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Cabral, L.R.E.; Peeters, F.M. |
Elastic modes of vortex configurations in thin disks |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
6 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Milošević, M.V.; Peeters, F.M. |
Vortex-antivortex lattices in superconducting films with magnetic pinning arrays |
2004 |
Physical review letters |
93 |
105 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Shanenko, A.A. |
Imperfect fermi gas : kinetic and interaction energies |
2004 |
Physical review : A : atomic, molecular and optical physics |
70 |
UA library record; WoS full record |
Kanda, A.; Baelus, B.J.; Peeters, F.M.; Kadowaki, K.; Ootuka, Y. |
Experimental evidence for giant vortex states in a mesoscopic superconducting disk |
2004 |
Physical review letters |
93 |
234 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Howard, I.A.; Zutterman, F.; Deroover, G.; Lamoen, D.; van Alsenoy, C. |
Approaches to calculation of exciton interaction energies for a molecular dimer |
2004 |
Journal Of Physical Chemistry B |
108 |
35 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Tobías, G.; Beltrán-Porter, D.; Lebedev, O.I.; Van Tendeloo, G.; Rodríguez-Carvajal, J.; Fuertes, A. |
Anion ordering and defect structure in Ruddlesden-Popper strontium niobium oxynitrides |
2004 |
Inorganic chemistry |
43 |
31 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Schowalter, M.; Lamoen, D.; Kruse, P.; Gerthsen, D.; Rosenauer, A. |
First-principles calculations of the mean inner Coulomb potential for sphalerite type II.VI semiconductors |
2004 |
Applied Physics Letters |
85 |
16 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Anisimovas, E.; Matulis, A.; Peeters, F.M. |
Currents in a many-particle parabolic quantum dot under a strong magnetic field |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
8 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Krstajić, P.M.; Peeters, F.M.; Ivanov, V.A.; Fleurov, V.; Kikoin, K. |
Double-exchange mechanisms for Mn-doped III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
115 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kong, M.; Vagov, A.; Partoens, B.; Peeters, F.M.; Ferreira, W.P.; Farias, G.A. |
Nonlinear screening in large two-dimensional Coulomb clusters |
2004 |
Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics |
70 |
4 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kukhlevsky, S.V.; Mechler, M.; Csapo, L.; Janssens, K.; Samek, O. |
Enhanced transmission versus localization of a light pulse by a subwavelength metal slit |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
17 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
de Bleecker, K.; Bogaerts, A.; Goedheer, W. |
Modeling of the formation and transport of nanoparticles in silane plasmas |
2004 |
Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics |
70 |
31 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Tadić, M.; Peeters, F.M. |
Exciton states and oscillator strength in two vertically coupled InP/InGaP quantum discs |
2004 |
Journal of physics : condensed matter |
16 |
13 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Vincze, L.; Vekemans, B.; Brenker, F.E.; Falkenberg, G.; Rickers, K.; Somogyi, A.; Kersten, M.; Adams, F. |
Three-dimensional trace element analysis by confocal X-ray microfluorescence imaging |
2004 |
Analytical chemistry |
76 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kolev, I.; Bogaerts, A. |
Numerical models of the planar magnetron glow discharges |
2004 |
Contributions to plasma physics |
44 |
22 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Adriaensen, L.; Vangaever, F.; Gijbels, R. |
Metal-assisted secondary ion mass spectrometry: the influence of Ag and Au deposition on molecular ion yields |
2004 |
Analytical chemistry |
76 |
67 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Mattauch, S.; Heger, G.; Michel, K.H. |
High resolution neutron and X-ray diffraction studies as a function of temperature and electric field of the ferroelectric phase transition of RDP |
2004 |
Crystal research and technology |
39 |
12 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Stefanovich, S.Y.; Belik, A.A.; Azuma, M.; Takano, M.; Baryshnikova, O.V.; Morozov, V.A.; Lazoryak, B.I.; Lebedev, O.I.; Van Tendeloo, G. |
Antiferroelectric phase transition in Sr9In(PO4)7 |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
17 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Szafran, B.; Peeters, F.M.; Bednarek, S. |
Exchange energy tuned by asymmetry in artificial molecules |
2004 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
70 |
37 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Nikolaev, A.V.; Michel, K.H. |
Ab initio approach to superexchange interactions in alkali doped fullerides AC60 |
2004 |
AIP conference proceedings
T2 – 18th International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties, of Novel Materials, MAR 06-JUN 13, 2004, Kirchberg, AUSTRIA |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
van Daele, B.; Van Tendeloo, G.; Jacobs, K.; Moerman, I.; Leys, M. |
Formation of metallic In in InGaN/GaN multiquantum wells |
2004 |
Applied physics letters |
85 |
32 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |