Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Times cited |
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Kirilenko, D.A.; Brunkov, P.N. |
Measuring the height-to-height correlation function of corrugation in suspended graphene |
2016 |
Ultramicroscopy |
165 |
3 |
Kirilenko, D.A.; Dideykin, A.T.; Aleksenskiy, A.E.; Sitnikova, A.A.; Konnikov, S.G.; Vul', A.Y. |
One-step synthesis of a suspended ultrathin graphene oxide film: Application in transmission electron microscopy |
2015 |
Micron |
68 |
13 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kirilenko, D.A. |
Electron diffraction measurement of the binding rigidity of free-standing graphene |
2013 |
Technical physics letters |
39 |
3 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Trofimova, E.Y.; Kurdyukov, D.A.; Yakovlev, S.A.; Kirilenko, D.A.; Kukushkina, Y.A.; Nashchekin, A.V.; Sitnikova, A.A.; Yagovkina, M.A.; Golubev, V.G. |
Monodisperse spherical mesoporous silica particles : fast synthesis procedure and fabrication of photonic-crystal films |
2013 |
Nanotechnology |
24 |
49 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kirilenko, D.A.; Dideykin, A.T.; Van Tendeloo, G. |
Measuring the corrugation amplitude of suspended and supported graphene |
2011 |
Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics |
84 |
31 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Razdobarin, A.G.; Mukhin, E.E.; Semenov, V.V.; Tolstyakov, S.Y.; Kochergin, M.M.; Kurskiev, G.S.; Podushnikova, K.A.; Kirilenko, D.A.; Sitnikova, A.A.; Konovalov, V.G.; Solodovchenko, S.I.; Nekhaieva, O.M.; Skorik, O.A.; Bondarenko, V.N.; Voitsenya, V.S.; |
Diagnostic mirrors with transparent protection layer for ITER |
2011 |
Fusion engineering and design |
86 |
6 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Razdobarin, A.G.; Mukhin, E.E.; Semenov, V.V.; Yu.Tolstyakov, S.; Kochergin, M.M.; Kurskiev, G.S.; Podushnikova, K.A.; Kirilenko, D.A.; Sitnikova, A.A.; Gorodetsky, А.Е.; Bukhovets, V.L.; Zalavutdinov, R.K.; Zakharov, А.P.; Arkhipov, I.I.; Voitsenya, V.S.; Bondarenko, V.N.; Konovalov, V.G.; Ryzhkov, I.V.; |
High reflective mirrors for in-vessel applications in ITER |
2010 |
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment |
623 |
4 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Afanasov, I.M.; Shornikova, O.N.; Kirilenko, D.A.; Vlasov, I.I.; Zhang, L.; Verbeeck, J.; Avdeev, V.V.; Van Tendeloo, G. |
Graphite structural transformations during intercalation by HNO3 and exfoliation |
2010 |
Carbon |
48 |
43 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |