Number of records found: 371
The stained-glass panel depicting the anointing at Bethany : art historical research, technical analysis, and treatment”. Caen J, Cagno S, Janssens K page 247 (2013).
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The consolidation of cracks and fissures in dalle de verre : assessment of selected adhesives”. De Vis K, Caen J, Janssens K, Jacobs P page 43 (2013).
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Predicting the surface plasmon resonance wavelength of gold-silver alloy nanoparticles”. Verbruggen SW, Keulemans M, Martens JA, Lenaerts S, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 19142 (2013).
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A GLUE uncertainty analysis of a drying model of pharmaceutical granules”. Mortier STFC, Van Hoey S, Cierkens K, Gernaey KV, Seuntjens P, De Baets B, De Beer T, Nopens I, European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics 85, 984 (2013).
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Manufacturing techniques and production defects of 16th-17th century majolica tiles from Antwerp (Belgium)”. Vandevijvere M, Van de Voorde L, Caen J, van Espen P, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Schalm O page 169 (2013).
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Plasma catalysis : integration of a photocatalytic coating in a corona discharge unit”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2013)
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Life cycle analyses of organic photovoltaics : a review”. Lizin S, Van Passel S, De Schepper E, Maes W, Lutsen L, Manca J, Vanderzande D, Energy &, Environmental Science 6, 3136 (2013).
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Enhanced landfill mining in view of multiple resource recovery : a critical review”. Jones PT, Geysen D, Tielemans Y, Van Passel S, Pontikes Y, Blanpain B, Quaghebeur M, Hoekstra N, Journal Of Cleaner Production 55, 45 (2013).
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The economics of enhanced landfill mining : private and societal performance drivers”. Van Passel S, Dubois M, Eyckmans J, de Gheldere S, Ang F, Jones PT, Van Acker K, Journal Of Cleaner Production 55, 92 (2013).
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A patent landscape analysis for organic photovoltaic solar cells : identifying the technology's development phase”. Lizin S, Leroy J, Delvenne C, Dijk M, De Schepper E, Van Passel S, Renewable Energy 57, 5 (2013).
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A techno-economic evaluation of a biomass energy conversion park”. Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Pelkmans L, Guisson R, Reumermann P, Luzardo NM, Witters N, Broeze J, Applied Energy 104, 611 (2013).
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Food miles to assess sustainability : a revision”. Van Passel S, Sustainable Development 21, 1 (2013).
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The value of groundwater modeling to support a pump and treat design”. Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Lebbe L, Groundwater monitoring &, remediation 33, 111 (2013).
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Bioremediation : how to deal with removal efficiency uncertainty? An economic application”. Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Lebbe L, Journal Of Environmental Management 127, 77 (2013).
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Safe use of metal-contaminated agricultural land by cultivation of energy maize (Zea mays)”. Van Slycken S, Witters N, Meers E, Peene A, Michels E, Adriaensen K, Ruttens A, Vangronsveld J, Du Laing G, Wierinck I, Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Tack FMG, Environmental Pollution 178, 375 (2013).
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Study of the main physical processes contributing to image formation in emission radiography using mathematical modeling”. Leyva Pernia D, Cabal Rodríguez AE, Schalm O, van Espen P, Piñera Hernández I, Abreu Alfonso Y, (2013)
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Advanced reconstruction algorithms for electron tomography : from comparison to combination”. Goris B, Roelandts T, Batenburg KJ, Heidari Mezerji H, Bals S, Ultramicroscopy 127, 40 (2013).
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Dedicated TEM on domain boundaries from phase transformations and crystal growth”. Schryvers D, Van Aert S, Delville R, Idrissi H, Turner S, Salje EKH, Phase transitions 86, 15 (2013).
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Wigner distribution functions for complex dynamical systems : a path integral approach”. Sels D, Brosens F, Magnus W, Physica: A : theoretical and statistical physics 392, 326 (2013).
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Controlling pore size and uniformity of mesoporous titania by early stage low temperature stabilization”. Herregods SJF, Mertens M, Van Havenbergh K, Van Tendeloo G, Cool P, Buekenhoudt A, Meynen V, Journal of colloid and interface science 391, 36 (2013).
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Quantitative structure determination of large three-dimensional nanoparticle assemblies”. Altantzis T, Goris B, Sánchez-Iglesias A, Grzelczak M, Liz-Marzán LM, Bals S, Particle and particle systems characterization 30, 84 (2013).
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Low-dimensional semiconductor superlattices formed by geometric control over nanocrystal attachment”. Evers WH, Goris B, Bals S, Casavola M, de Graaf J, van Roij R, Dijkstra M, Vanmaekelbergh D, Nano letters 13, 2317 (2013).
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Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of KSbO3-type Bi3Mn1.9Te1.1O11”. Li MR, Retuerto M, Bok Go Y, Emge TJ, Croft M, Ignatov A, Ramanujachary KV, Dachraoui W, Hadermann J, Tang MB, Zhao JT, Greenblatt M;, Journal of solid state chemistry 197, 543 (2013).
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A simplified approach to the band gap correction of defect formation energies : Al, Ga, and In-doped ZnO”. Saniz R, Xu Y, Matsubara M, Amini MN, Dixit H, Lamoen D, Partoens B, The journal of physics and chemistry of solids 74, 45 (2013).
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Gas ratio effects on the Si etch rate and profile uniformity in an inductively coupled Ar/CF4 plasma”. Zhao S-X, Gao F, Wang Y-N, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 22, 015017 (2013).
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Reactive molecular dynamics simulations on SiO2-coated ultra-small Si-nanowires”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, Bogaerts A, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 5, 719 (2013).
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EM characterization of precipitates in as-cast and annealed Ni45.5Ti45.5Nb9 shape memory alloys”. Shi H, Frenzel J, Schryvers D, Materials science forum 738/739, 113 (2013).
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Effect of annealing on the transformation behavior and mechanical properties of two nanostructured Ti-50.8at.%Ni thin wires produced by different methods”. Wang X, Amin-Ahmadi B, Schryvers D, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Materials science forum 738/739, 306 (2013).
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Nano- and microcrystal investigations of precipitates, interfaces and strain fields in Ni-Ti-Nb by various TEM techniques”. Schryvers D, Shi H, Martinez GT, Van Aert S, Frenzel J, Van Humbeeck J, Materials science forum T2 –, 9th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2012), SEP 09-16, 2012, St Petersburg, RUSSIA 738/739, 65 (2013).
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Atomic spectroscopy”. Bings NH, Bogaerts A, Broekaert JAC, Analytical chemistry 85, 670 (2013).
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