Record |
Links |
Author |
Tang, C.S.; Zeng, S.; Wu, J.; Chen, S.; Naradipa, M.A.; Song, D.; Milošević, M.V.; Yang, P.; Diao, C.; Zhou, J.; Pennycook, S.J.; Breese, M.B.H.; Cai, C.; Venkatesan, T.; Ariando, A.; Yang, M.; Wee, A.T.S.; Yin, X. |

Title |
Detection of two-dimensional small polarons at oxide interfaces by optical spectroscopy |
Type |
A1 Journal article |
Year  |
2023 |
Publication |
Applied physics reviews |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
10 |
Issue |
3 |
Pages |
031406-31409 |
Keywords |
A1 Journal article; Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) |
Abstract |
Two-dimensional (2D) perovskite oxide interfaces are ideal systems to uncover diverse emergent properties, such as the arising polaronic properties from short-range charge-lattice interactions. Thus, a technique to detect this quasiparticle phenomenon at the buried interface is highly coveted. Here, we report the observation of 2D small-polarons at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 conducting interface using high-resolution spectroscopic ellipsometry. First-principles investigations show that interfacial electron-lattice coupling mediated by the longitudinal phonon mode facilitates the formation of these polarons. This study resolves the long-standing question by attributing the formation of interfacial 2D small polarons to the significant mismatch between experimentally measured interfacial carrier density and theoretical values. Our study sheds light on the complexity of broken periodic lattice-induced quasi-particle effects and its relationship with exotic phenomena at complex oxide interfaces. Meanwhile, this work establishes spectroscopic ellipsometry as a useful technique to detect and locate optical evidence of polaronic states and other emerging quantum properties at the buried interface. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Wos |
001038283300001 |
Publication Date |
2023-09-06 |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1931-9401 |
Additional Links |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Impact Factor |
15 |
Times cited |
Open Access |
OpenAccess |
Notes |
Approved |
Most recent IF: 15; 2023 IF: 13.667 |
Call Number |
UA @ admin @ c:irua:198433 |
Serial |
8847 |
Permanent link to this record |