Record |
Links |
Author |
Conings, B.; Bretschneider, S.A.; Babayigit, A.; Gauquelin, N.; Cardinaletti, I.; Manca, J.V.; Verbeeck, J.; Snaith, H.J.; Boyen, H.-G. |

Title |
Structure-property relations of methylamine vapor treated hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 films and solar cells |
Type |
A1 Journal article |
Year  |
2017 |
Publication |
ACS applied materials and interfaces |
Abbreviated Journal |
Acs Appl Mater Inter |
Volume |
9 |
Issue |
9 |
Pages |
8092-8099 |
Keywords |
A1 Journal article; Engineering sciences. Technology; Electron microscopy for materials research (EMAT) |
Abstract |
The power conversion efficiency of halide perovskite solar cells is heavily dependent on the perovskite layer being sufficiently smooth and pinhole-free. It has been shown that these features can be obtained even when starting out from rough and discontinuous perovskite film, by briefly exposing it to methylamine (MA) vapor. The exact underlying physical mechanisms of this phenomenon are, however, still unclear. By investigating smooth, MA treated films, based on very rough and discontinuous reference films of methylammonium triiode (MAPbI3), considering their morphology, crystalline features, local conductive properties, and charge carrier lifetime, we unravel the relation between their characteristic physical qualities and their performance in corresponding solar cells. We discover that the extensive improvement in photovoltaic performance upon MA treatment is a consequence of the induced morphological enhancement of the perovskite layer, together with improved electron injection into TiO2, which in fact compensates for an otherwise compromised bulk electronic quality, simultaneously caused by the MA treatment. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Wos |
000396186000025 |
Publication Date |
2017-02-10 |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1944-8244 |
Additional Links |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Impact Factor |
7.504 |
Times cited |
43 |
Open Access |
OpenAccess |
Notes |
This work was financially supported by BOF (Hasselt University) and the Research Fund Flanders (FWO). B.C. is a postdoctoral research fellow of the FWO. A.B. is financially supported by FWO and Imec. J.V. and N.G. acknowledge funding from GOA project “Solarpaint” of the University of Antwerp and FWO project G.0044.13N “Charge ordering”. The Qu-Ant-EM microscope used for this study was partly funded by the Hercules fund from the Flemish Government. The authors thank Tim Vangerven for Urbach energy determination, and Johnny Baccus and Jan Mertens for technical support. |
Approved |
Most recent IF: 7.504 |
Call Number |
EMAT @ emat @ c:irua:140849 |
Serial |
4422 |
Permanent link to this record |