Record |
Links |
Author |
Tsai, C.-Y.; Chang, Y.-C.; Lobato, I.; Van Dyck, D.; Chen, F.-R. |

Title |
Hollow Cone Electron Imaging for Single Particle 3D Reconstruction of Proteins |
Type |
A1 Journal article |
Year  |
2016 |
Publication |
Scientific reports |
Abbreviated Journal |
Sci Rep-Uk |
Volume |
6 |
Issue |
6 |
Pages |
27701 |
Keywords |
A1 Journal article; Electron microscopy for materials research (EMAT); Vision lab |
Abstract |
The main bottlenecks for high-resolution biological imaging in electron microscopy are radiation sensitivity and low contrast. The phase contrast at low spatial frequencies can be enhanced by using a large defocus but this strongly reduces the resolution. Recently, phase plates have been developed to enhance the contrast at small defocus but electrical charging remains a problem. Single particle cryo-electron microscopy is mostly used to minimize the radiation damage and to enhance the resolution of the 3D reconstructions but it requires averaging images of a massive number of individual particles. Here we present a new route to achieve the same goals by hollow cone dark field imaging using thermal diffuse scattered electrons giving about a 4 times contrast increase as compared to bright field imaging. We demonstrate the 3D reconstruction of a stained GroEL particle can yield about 13.5 A resolution but using a strongly reduced number of images. |
Address |
Department of Engineering and System Science, Tsing-Hua University, HsinChu 300, Taiwan |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Wos |
000377670500001 |
Publication Date |
2016-06-13 |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2045-2322 |
Additional Links |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Impact Factor |
4.259 |
Times cited |
Open Access |
Notes |
D. Van Dyck acknowledges the financial support from the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (FWO) under Project nos. VF04812N and G.0188.08. F. R. Chen would like to thank the support from NSC 101-2221-E-007- 063-MY3 and MOST 104-2321-B-007-004. We are grateful for the use of the Tecnai F20 in the Cryo-EM Core Facility, Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service at Academia Sinica. |
Approved |
Most recent IF: 4.259 |
Call Number |
c:irua:134038 |
Serial |
4087 |
Permanent link to this record |