Record |
Links |
Author |
Vandelannoote, R.; Blommaert, W.; Van 't dack, L.; Gijbels, R.; van Grieken, R. |

Title |
Statistical grouping and controlling factors of dissolved trace elements in a surface water system |
Type |
A3 Journal article |
Year  |
1983 |
Publication |
Environmental technology letters |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
4 |
Issue |
8/9 |
Pages |
363-376 |
Keywords |
A3 Journal article; Plasma Lab for Applications in Sustainability and Medicine – Antwerp (PLASMANT); AXES (Antwerp X-ray Analysis, Electrochemistry and Speciation) |
Abstract |
Sensitive multi‐element analytical techniques were applied to determine 24 dissolved trace components in 25 different water samples from a 10 km2 zone in Brittany, France. Correspondence factor and multiple regression analyses showed that the elements considered are influenced mainly by the presence of: Fe‐Mn oxide accumulations, a local poly‐metallic sulfide mineralization, and non‐mineralized host rocks, agricultural activity and abundant organic material in local swamps. Via these numerical techniques the location of the poly‐metallic ore body can be derived from the data set. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
London |
Editor |
Language |
Wos |
Publication Date |
2008-12-17 |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
0143-2060; |
Additional Links |
UA library record |
Impact Factor |
Times cited |
1 |
Open Access |
Notes |
Approved |
PHYSICS, APPLIED 28/145 Q1 # |
Call Number |
UA @ lucian @ c:irua:111443 |
Serial |
3157 |
Permanent link to this record |