Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
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Times cited |
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Uzonyi, I.; Szöör, G.; Rozsa, P.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Adams, F.; Drakopoulos, M.; Somogyi, A.; Kiss, Á.Z. |
Characterization of impact materials around Barringer meteor crater by micro-PIXE nd micro-SRXRF techniques |
2004 |
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research: B: beam interactions with materials and atoms |
219/220 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kempenaers, L.; Vincze, L.; Vekemans, B.; Janssens, K.; Adams, F.; Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Simionovici, A.S. |
Micro-heterogeneity study of trace elements in reference materials |
2004 |
UA library record |
Kempenaers, L.; Janssens, K.; Jochum, K.P.; Vincze, L.; Vekemans, B.; Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Adams, F. |
Micro-heterogeneity study of trace elements in USGS, MPI-DING and glass reference materials by means of synchrotron micro-XRF |
2003 |
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry |
18 |
38 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Kempenaers, L.; Simionovici, A.S.; Adams, F. |
Quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis at the ESRF ID18F microprobe |
2003 |
Nuclear instruments and methods: B |
199 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Vekemans, B.; Vincze, L.; Simionovici, A.S.; Adams, F. |
Effects of beamline components (undulators, monochromator, focusing devices) on the beam intensity at ID18F (ESRF) |
2003 |
Nuclear instruments and methods: B |
199 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Kempenaers, L.; Janssens, K.; Vincze, L.; Vekemans, B.; Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Simionovici, A.S.; Adams, F. |
A Monte Carlo model for studying the microheterogeneity of trace elements in reference materials by means of synchrotron microscopic X-ray fluorescence |
2002 |
Analytical chemistry |
74 |
21 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Vincze, L.; Vekemans, B.; Camerani, C.; Janssens, K.; Snigirev, A.; Adams, F. |
ID18F: a new X-ray microprobe end station |
2002 |
ESRF highlights 2001 |
UA library record |
Salbu, B.; Janssens, K.; Lind, O.C.; Simionovici, A.S.; Trekling, T.; Drakopoulos, M.; Snigireva, I.; Snigirev, A. |
SR-based X-ray microbeam techniques utilised for solid-state speciation of U in fuel particles |
2002 |
UA library record |
Somogyi, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Vincze, L.; Vekemans, B.; Camerani, C.; Janssens, K.; Snigirev, A.; Adams, F. |
ID18F: a new micro-X-ray fluorescence end-station at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF): preliminary results |
2001 |
X-ray spectrometry |
30 |
76 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Salbu, B.; Krekling, T.; Lind, O.C.; Oughton, D.H.; Drakopoulos, M.; Simionovici, A.S.; Snigireva, I.; Snigirev, A.; Weitkamp, T.; Adams, F.; Janssens, K.; Kashparov, V.A. |
High energy X-ray microscopy for characterisation of fuel particles |
2001 |
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment |
467 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Chukalina, M.; Simionovici, A.S.; Snigirev, A.; Drakopoulos, M.; Snigireva, I.; Adams, F.; Janssens, K. |
X-ray fluorescence microtomography |
2001 |
Poverhnost |
3 |
UA library record |
Simionovici, A.S.; Chukalina, M.; Schroer, C.; Drakopoulos, M.; Snigirev, A.; Snigireva, I.; Lengeler, B.; Janssens, K.; Adams, F. |
High-resolution X-ray fluorescence microtomography of homogeneous samples |
2000 |
IEEE transactions on nuclear science |
47 |
UA library record; WoS full record; WoS citing articles |
Simionovici, A.S.; Chukalina, M.; Drakopoulos, M.; Snigireva, I.; Snigirev, A.; Schroer, C.; Lengeler, B.; Janssens, K.; Adams, F. |
X-ray fluorescence microtomography: experiment and reconstruction |
1999 |
UA library record |