Number of records found: 1475
Proof of concept of an upscaled photocatalytic multi-tube reactor : a combined modelling and experimental study”. van Walsem J, Roegiers J, Modde B, Lenaerts S, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 378, 122038 (2019).
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A multi-objective optimization-extended techno-economic assessment : exploring the optimal microalgal-based value chain”. Thomassen G, Van Dael M, You F, Van Passel S, Green Chemistry 21, 5945 (2019).
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How to assess the potential of emerging green technologies? Towards a prospective environmental and techno-economic assessment framework”. Thomassen G, Van Dael M, Van Passel S, You F, Green Chemistry 21, 4868 (2019).
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Hole-induced spontaneous mutual annihilation of dislocation pairs”. Wu Y, Chen G, Yu J, Wang D, Ma C, Li C, Pennycook SJ, Yan Y, Wei S-H, The journal of physical chemistry letters 10, 7421 (2019).
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How membrane lipids influence plasma delivery of reactive oxygen species into cells and subsequent DNA damage : an experimental and computational study”. Van der Paal J, Hong S-H, Yusupov M, Gaur N, Oh J-S, Short RD, Szili EJ, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 21, 19327 (2019).
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Mechanistic studies of gas reactions with multicomponent solids : what can we learn by combining NAP XPS and atomic resolution STEM/EDX?”.Sirotina AP, Callaert C, Volykhov AA, Frolov AS, Sanchez-Barriga J, Knop-Gericke A, Hadermann J, Yashina LV, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 26201 (2019).
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Reactivity and stability of plasma-generated oxygen and nitrogen species in buffered water solution: a computational study”. Heirman P, Van Boxem W, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 21, 12881 (2019).
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Vertical van der Waals heterostructure of single layer InSe and SiGe”. Eren I, Ozen S, Sozen Y, Yagmurcukardes M, Sahin H, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 31232 (2019).
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Magnetic properties of La3Ni2Sb Ta Nb1––O9, from relaxor to spin glass”. Chin C–M, Battle PD, Hunter EC, Avdeev M, Hendrickx M, Hadermann J, Journal of solid state chemistry (Print) 273, 175 (2019).
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Phase transformation behavior of a two-dimensional zeolite”. Bae J, Cichocka MO, Zhang Y, Bacsik Z, Bals S, Zou X, Willhammar T, Hong SB, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 58, 10230 (2019).
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Bio-based aromatic amines from lignin-derived monomers”. Blondiaux E, Bomon J, Smolen M, Kaval N, Lemière F, Sergeyev S, Diels L, Sels B, Maes BUW, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7, 6906 (2019).
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CFD-modelling of activated carbon fibers for indoor air purification”. Roegiers J, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 365, 80 (2019).
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Effects of salinity, pH and growth phase on the protein productivity by Dunaliella salina”. Sui Y, Vlaeminck SE, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology 94, 1032 (2019).
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Enhanced carbon and nitrogen removal performance of simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) with mannitol addition treating saline wastewater”. Yang Z, Zhu W, Yu D, Bo Y, Li J, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology 94, 377 (2019).
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Experimental methods in chemical engineering : mass spectrometry –, MS”. Perreault P, Robert E, Patience GS, The Canadian journal of chemical engineering 97, 1036 (2019).
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Overcoming floc formation limitations in high-rate activated sludge systems”. Van Winckel T, Liu X, Vlaeminck SE, Takács I, Al-Omari A, Sturm B, Kjellerup BV, Murthy SN, De Clippeleir H, Chemosphere 215, 342 (2019).
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Process intensification in a gas–solid vortex unit : computational fluid dynamics model based analysis and design”. Vandewalle LA, Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Perreault P, Van Geem KM, Marin GB, Industrial and engineering chemistry research 58, 12751 (2019).
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Redox layer deposition of thin films of MnO2 on nanostructured substrates from aqueous solutions”. Zankowski SP, Van Hoecke L, Mattelaer F, de Raedt M, Richard O, Detavernier C, Vereecken PM, Chemistry of materials 31, 4805 (2019).
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Revealing the distribution of metal carboxylates in oil paint from the micro- to nanoscale”. Ma X, Beltran V, Ramer G, Pavlidis G, Parkinson DY, Thoury M, Meldrum T, Centrone A, Berrie BH, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 58, 11652 (2019).
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Streamer propagation in a packed bed plasma reactor for plasma catalysis applications”. Wang W, Kim H-H, Van Laer K, Bogaerts A, Chemical engineering journal 334, 2467 (2018).
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Multimode Electron Tomography as a Tool to Characterize the Internal Structure and Morphology of Gold Nanoparticles”. Winckelmans N, Altantzis T, Grzelczak M, Sánchez-Iglesias A, Liz-Marzán LM, Bals S, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 122, 13522 (2018).
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Combining experimental and modelling approaches to study the sources of reactive species induced in water by the COST RF plasma jet”. Gorbanev Y, Verlackt CCW, Tinck S, Tuenter E, Foubert K, Cos P, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 2797 (2018).
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Do Binary Supracrystals Enhance the Crystal Stability?”.Yang Z, Altantzis T, Bals S, Tendeloo GV, Pileni M-P, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 122, 13515 (2018).
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The influence of acids on tuning the pore size of mesoporous TiO2 templated by non-ionic block copolymers”. Loreto S, Vanrompay H, Mertens M, Bals S, Meynen V, European journal of inorganic chemistry 2018, 62 (2018).
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Transport and accumulation of plasma generated species in aqueous solution”. Verlackt CCW, Van Boxem W, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 6845 (2018).
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Reversible Clustering of Gold Nanoparticles under Confinement”. Sánchez-Iglesias A, Claes N, Solís DM, Taboada JM, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Grzelczak M, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 3183 (2018).
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Modelling molecular adsorption on charged or polarized surfaces: a critical flaw in common approaches”. Bal KM, Neyts EC, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 20, 8456 (2018).
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Near-Infrared-Emitting CuInS2/ZnS Dot-in-Rod Colloidal Heteronanorods by Seeded Growth”. Xia C, Winckelmans N, Prins PT, Bals S, Gerritsen HC, de Mello Donegá, C, Journal of the American Chemical Society 140, 5755 (2018).
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The conversion mechanism of amorphous silicon to stoichiometric WS2”. Heyne MH, de Marneffe J-F, Nuytten T, Meersschaut J, Conard T, Caymax M, Radu I, Delabie A, Neyts EC, De Gendt S, Journal of materials chemistry C : materials for optical and electronic devices 6, 4122 (2018).
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Modeling Plasma-based CO2and CH4Conversion in Mixtures with N2, O2, and H2O: The Bigger Plasma Chemistry Picture”. Wang W, Snoeckx R, Zhang X, Cha MS, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 122, 8704 (2018).
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