Number of records found: 469
Removal of a past varnish treatment from a 19th-century Belgian wall painting by means of a solvent-loaded double network hydrogel”. Al-Emam E, Beltran V, De Meyer S, Nuyts G, Wetemans V, De Wael K, Caen J, Janssens K, Polymers 13, 2651 (2021).
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Some critical observations about the degradation of glass : the formation of lamellae explained”. Schalm O, Nuyts G, Janssens K, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids 569, 120984 (2021).
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Soot removal from ancient Egyptian complex painted surfaces using a double network gel : empirical tests on the ceiling of the sanctuary of Osiris in the temple of Seti I-Abydos”. Al-Emam E, Motawea AG, Caen J, Janssens K, Heritage science 9, 1 (2021).
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Unraveling the Role of Lattice Substitutions on the Stabilization of the Intrinsically Unstable Pb2Sb2O7Pyrochlore: Explaining the Lightfastness of Lead Pyroantimonate Artists&rsquo, Pigments”. Marchetti A, Saniz R, Krishnan D, Rabbachin L, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, Verbeeck J, Janssens K, Pelosi C, Lamoen D, Partoens B, De Wael K, Chemistry Of Materials 32, 2863 (2020).
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Characterization of polyvinyl alcohol-borax/agarose (PVA-B/AG) double network hydrogel utilized for the cleaning of works of art”. Al-Emam E, Soenen H, Caen J, Janssens K, Heritage science 8, 106 (2020).
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Characterization of radioactive particles from the Dounreay nuclear reprocessing facility”. Byrnes I, Lind OC, Hansen EL, Janssens K, Salbu B, Science Of The Total Environment 727, 138488 (2020).
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Comparison of four mobile, non‐invasive diagnostic techniques for differentiating glass types in historical leaded windows : MA‐XRF , UV–Vis–NIR, Raman spectroscopy and IRT”. Cagno S, van der Snickt G, Legrand S, Caen J, Patin M, Meulebroeck W, Dirkx Y, Hillen M, Steenackers G, Rousaki A, Vandenabeele P, Janssens K, X-Ray Spectrometry , xrs.3185 (2020).
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Dual mode standoff imaging spectroscopy documents the painting process of the Lamb of God in the Ghent Altarpiece by J. and H. Van Eyck”. van der Snickt G, Dooley KA, Sanyova J, Dubois H, Delaney JK, Gifford EM, Legrand S, Laquiere N, Janssens K, Science Advances 6, eabb3379 (2020).
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Effect of ultra-fine fly ash on concrete performance and durability”. Kara De Maeijer P, Craeye B, Snellings R, Kazemi-Kamyab H, Loots M, Janssens K, Nuyts G, Construction And Building Materials 263, 120493 (2020).
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Macroscopic mid-FTIR mapping and clustering-based automated data-reduction : an advanced diagnostic tool for in situ investigations of artworks”. Sciutto G, Legrand S, Catelli E, Prati S, Malegori C, Oliveri P, Janssens K, Mazzeo R, Talanta 209, 120575 (2020).
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Molecular fluorescence imaging spectroscopy for mapping low concentrations of red lake pigments : Van Gogh's painting The Olive Orchard”. Dooley KA, Chieli A, Romani A, Legrand S, Miliani C, Janssens K, Delaney JK, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition (2020).
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Probing the chemistry of CdS paints in The Scream by in situ noninvasive spectroscopies and synchrotron radiation x-ray techniques”. Monico L, Cartechini L, Rosi F, Chieli A, Grazia C, De Meyer S, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Cotte M, De Nolf W, Falkenberg G, Sandu ICA, Tveit ES, Mass J, De Freitas RP, Romani A, Miliani C, Science Advances 6, eaay3514 (2020).
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Study of the influence of water and oxygen on the morphology and chemistry of pyritized lignite: Implications for the development of a preventive drying protocol”. Odin GP, Belhadj O, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Wattiaux A, Francois A, Rouchon V, Journal Of Cultural Heritage 42, 117 (2020).
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Cluster analysis of IR thermography data for differentiating glass types in historical leaded-glass windows”. Hillen M, Legrand S, Dirkx Y, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Caen J, Steenackers G, Applied Sciences-Basel 10, 4255 (2020).
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Damages induced by synchrotron radiation-based X-ray microanalysis in chrome yellow paints and related Cr-compounds : assessment, quantification, and mitigation strategies”. Monico L, Cotte M, Vanmeert F, Amidani L, Janssens K, Nuyts G, Garrevoet J, Falkenberg G, Glatzel P, Romani A, Miliani C, Analytical Chemistry 92, 14164 (2020).
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Formation of zinc oxalate from zinc white in various oil binding media: the influence of atmospheric carbon dioxide by reaction with 13CO2”. Simonsen KP, Poulsen JN, Vanmeert F, Ryhl-Svendsen M, Bendix J, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Mederos-Henry F, Heritage science 8, 126 (2020).
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Insights into the composition of ancient Egyptian red and black inks on papyri achieved by synchrotron-based microanalyses”. Christiansen T, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Mouro E, Reyes-Herrera J, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Salvado N, Gonzalez V, Lindelof PE, Mortensen K, Ryholt K, Janssens K, Larsen S, Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 117, 27825 (2020).
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Micro-analytical characterization of thorium-rich aggregates from Norwegian NORM sites (Fen Complex, Telemark)”. Cagno S, Lind OC, Popic JM, Skipperud L, De Nolf W, Nuyts G, Vanmeert F, Jaroszewicz J, Janssens K, Salbu B, Journal Of Environmental Radioactivity 219, 106273 (2020).
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Multi-modal approach for the characterization of resin carriers in Daylight Fluorescent Pigments”. Álvarez-Martín A, De Winter S, Nuyts G, Hermans J, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Microchemical Journal 159, 105340 (2020).
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The role of smalt in complex pigment mixtures in Rembrandt'sHomer1663: combining MA-XRF imaging, microanalysis, paint reconstructions and OCT”. van Loon A, Noble P, de Man D, Alfeld M, Callewaert T, van der Snickt G, Janssens K, Dik J, Heritage science 8, 90 (2020).
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Combined Micro- and Macro scale X-ray powder diffraction mapping of degraded Orpiment paint in a 17th century still life painting by Martinus Nellius”. Simoen J, De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, De Keyser N, Avranovich E, van der Snickt G, Van Loon A, Keune K, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 83 (2019).
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Disclosing the binding medium effects and the pigment solubility in the (photo)reduction process of chrome yellows (PbCrO4/PbCr1-xSxO4)”. Monico L, Sorace L, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, ACS Omega 4, 6607 (2019).
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Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol–borax/agarose (PVA–B/AG) blend hydrogels for removal of deteriorated consolidants from ancient Egyptian wall paintings”. Al-Emam E, Motawea AG, Janssens K, Caen J, Heritage science 7, 22 (2019).
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Imaging secondary reaction products at the surface of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring by means of macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, van Loon A, Gonzalez V, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 67 (2019).
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Interpreting technical evidence from spectral imaging of paintings by Edouard Manet in the Courtauld Gallery”. Amato SR, Burnstock A, Cross M, Janssens K, Rosi F, Cartechini L, Fontana R, Dal Fovo A, Paolantoni M, Grazia C, Romani A, Michelin A, Andraud C, Tournie A, Dik J, X-ray spectrometry T2 –, MA-XRF Workshop on Developments and Applications of Macro-XRF in, Conservation, Art, and Archeology, SEP 24-25, 2017, Trieste, ITALY 48, 282 (2019).
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LA-ICP-MS labels early medieval Tuscan finds from Siena and Donoratico as late natron glass”. Hellemans K, Cagno S, Bogana L, Janssens K, Mendera M, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 844 (2019).
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Macroscopic x-ray powder diffraction imaging reveals Vermeer's discriminating use of lead white pigments in Girl with a Pearl Earring”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, Van Loon A, Gonzalez V, Delaney J, Dooley K, Dik J, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Science Advances 5, eaax1975 (2019).
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Preface to the special issue on: MA-XRF “developments and applications of macro-XRF in conservation, art, and archeology&rdquo, (Trieste, Italy, 24 and 25 September 2017)”. Romano FP, Janssens K, X-ray spectrometry 48, 249 (2019).
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Rapid evaluation of the debromination mechanism of eosin in oil paint by direct analysis in real time and direct infusion-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry”. Alvarez-Martin A, Cleland TP, Kavich GM, Janssens K, Newsome GA, Analytical chemistry 91, 10856 (2019).
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Recent advances in analysis of trace elements in environmental samples by X-ray based techniques (IUPAC Technical Report)”. Terzano R, Denecke MA, Falkenberg G, Miller B, Paterson D, Janssens K, Pure and applied chemistry 91, 1029 (2019).
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