Number of records found: 424
Pinning of magnetic skyrmions in a monolayer Co film on Pt(111) : Theoretical characterization and exemplified utilization”. Stosic D, Ludermir TB, Milošević, MV, Physical review B 96, 214403 (2017).
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Single-walled carbon nanotube reactor for redox transformation of mercury dichloride”. Fedoseeva YV, Orekhov AS, Chekhova GN, Koroteev VO, Kanygin MA, Seovskiy BV, Chuvilin A, Pontiroli D, Ricco M, Bulusheva LG, Okotrub AV, ACS nano 11, 8643 (2017).
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Probing the intrinsic limitations of the contact resistance of metal/semiconductor interfaces through atomistic simulations”. Pourtois G, Dabral A, Sankaran K, Magnus W, Yu H, de de Meux AJ, Lu AKA, Clima S, Stokbro K, Schaekers M, Houssa M, Collaert N, Horiguchi N, Semiconductors, Dielectrics, And Metals For Nanoelectronics 15: In Memory Of Samares Kar , 303 (2017).
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A joint action of aptamers and gold nanoparticles chemically trapped on a glassy carbon support for the electrochemical sensing of ofloxacin”. Pilehvar S, Reinemann C, Bottari F, Vanderleyden E, Van Vlierberghe S, Blust R, Strehlitz B, De Wael K, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 240, 1024 (2017).
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Nitrogen cycling in bioregenerative life support systems : challenges for waste refinery and food production processes”. Clauwaert P, Muys M, Alloul A, De Paepe J, Luther A, Sun X, Ilgrande C, Christiaens MER, Hu X, Zhang D, Lindeboom REF, Sas B, Rabaey K, Boon N, Ronsse F, Geelen D, Vlaeminck SE, Progress in aerospace sciences 91, 87 (2017).
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On the electrostatic control achieved in transistors based on multilayered MoS2 : a first-principles study”. Lu AKA, Pourtois G, Luisier M, Radu IP, Houssa M, Journal of applied physics 121, 044505 (2017).
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The contribution of microbial biotechnology to sustainable development goals”. Timmis K, de Vos WM, Luis Ramos J, Vlaeminck SE, Prieto A, Danchin A, Verstraete W, de Lorenzo V, Lee SY, Brussow H, Timmis JK, Singh BK, Microbial biotechnology 10, 984 (2017).
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Heterogeneous interfacial chemical nature and bonds in a W-coated diamond/Al composite”. Ji G, Tan Z, Lu Y, Schryvers D, Li Z, Zhang D, Materials characterization 112, 129 (2016).
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Appearance of a conductive carbonaceous coating in a CO2dielectric barrier discharge and its influence on the electrical properties and the conversion efficiency”. Belov I, Paulussen S, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 015023 (2016).
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Ferroelastic switching in a layered-perovskite thin film”. Wang C, Ke X, Wang J, Liang R, Luo Z, Tian Y, Yi D, Zhang Q, Wang J, Han X-F, Van Tendeloo G, Chen L-Q, Nan C-W, Ramesh R, Zhang J, Nature communications 7, 10636 (2016).
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Homogeneous Protein Analysis by Magnetic Core-Shell Nanorod Probes”. Schrittwieser S, Pelaz B, Parak WJ, Lentijo-Mozo S, Soulantica K, Dieckhoff J, Ludwig F, Altantzis T, Bals S, Schotter J, ACS applied materials and interfaces 8, 8893 (2016).
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Microstructure and phase composition characterization in a Co38Ni33Al29 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy”. Lu JB, Schryvers D, Materials characterization 118, 9 (2016).
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Enhanced 77K vortex-pinning in YBa2Cu3O7−x films with Ba2YTaO6 and mixed Ba2YTaO6 + Ba2YNbO6 nano-columnar inclusions with irreversibility field to 11T”. Rizzo F, Augieri A, Angrisani Armenio A, Galluzzi V, Mancini A, Pinto V, Rufoloni A, Vannozzi A, Bianchetti M, Kursumovic A, MacManus-Driscoll JL, Meledin A, Van Tendeloo G, Celentano G, APL materials 4, 061101 (2016).
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Symmetry-constrained electron vortex propagation”. Clark L, Guzzinati G, Béché, A, Lubk A, Verbeeck J, Physical review A 93, 063840 (2016).
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CVD diamond growth from nanodiamond seeds buried under a thin chromium layer”. Degutis G, Pobedinskas P, Turner S, Lu Y-G, Al Riyami S, Ruttens B, Yoshitake T, D'Haen J, Haenen K, Verbeeck J, Hardy A, Van Bael MK, Diamond and related materials 64, 163 (2016).
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Direct imaging of boron segregation at dislocations in B:diamond heteroepitaxial films”. Turner S, Idrissi H, Sartori AF, Korneychuck S, Lu Y-G, Verbeeck J, Schreck M, Van Tendeloo G, Nanoscale 8, 2212 (2016).
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Influence of defect distribution on the reducibility of CeO2-x nanoparticles”. Spadaro MC, Luches P, Bertoni G, Grillo V, Turner S, Van Tendeloo G, Valeri S, D'Addato S, Nanotechnology 27, 425705 (2016).
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Exciton pumping across type-I gallium chalcogenide heterojunctions”. Cai H, Kang J, Sahin H, Chen B, Suslu A, Wu K, Peeters F, Meng X, Tongay S, Nanotechnology 27, 065203 (2016).
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Unusual dimensionality effects and surface charge density in 2D Mg(OH)2”. Suslu A, Wu K, Sahin H, Chen B, Yang S, Cai H, Aoki T, Horzum S, Kang J, Peeters FM, Tongay S;, Scientific reports 6, 20525 (2016).
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A Universal Deposition Protocol for Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Efficiency Based on Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskite Families”. Conings B, Babayigit A, Klug M T, Bai S, Gauquelin N, Sakai N, Wang J T-W, Verbeeck J, Boyen H-G, Advanced materials 28, 10701 (2016).
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Quantitative measurement for the microstructural parameters of nano-precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys”. Li K, Idrissi H, Sha G, Song M, Lu J, Shi H, Wang W, Ringer SP, Du Y, Schryvers D, Materials characterization 118, 352 (2016).
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Towards biolubricant compatible vegetable oils by pore mouth hydrogenation with shape-selective Pt/ZSM-5 catalysts”. Van Aelst J, Philippaerts A, Bartholomeeusen E, Fayad E, Thibault-Starzyk F, Lu J, Schryvers D, Ooms R, Verboekend D, Jacobs P, Sels B, Catalysis science &, technology 6, 2820 (2016).
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GPU-advanced 3D electromagnetic simulations of superconductors in the Ginzburg-Landau formalism”. Stosic D, Stosic D, Ludermir T, Stosic B, Milošević, MV, Journal of computational physics 322, 183 (2016).
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Spiral phase plate contrast in optical and electron microscopy”. Juchtmans R, Clark L, Lubk A, Verbeeck J, Physical review A 94, 023838 (2016).
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Fundamentals of Focal Series Inline Electron Holography”. Lubk A, Vogel K, Wolf D, Krehl J, Röder F, Clark L, Guzzinati G, Verbeeck J Advances in imaging and electron physics T2 – Advances in imaging and electron physics / Hawkes, P.W. [edit.]. Elsevier BV, page 105 (2016).
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Thick homoepitaxial (110)-oriented phosphorus-doped n-type diamond”. Balasubramaniam Y, Pobedinskas P, Janssens SD, Sakr G, Jomard F, Turner S, Lu YG, Dexters W, Soltani A, Verbeeck J, Barjon J, Nesládek M, Haenen K;, Applied physics letters 109, 062105 (2016).
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Silicene nanoribbons on transition metal dichalcogenide substrates : effects on electronic structure and ballistic transport”. van den Broek B, Houssa M, Lu A, Pourtois G, Afanas'ev V, Stesmans A, Nano Research 9, 3394 (2016).
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Analysis and comparison of the co2 and co dielectric barrier discharge solid products”. Belov I, Paulussen S, Bogaerts A, Hakone Xv: International Symposium On High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry: With Joint Cost Td1208 Workshop: Non-equilibrium Plasmas With Liquids For Water And Surface Treatment (2016)
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Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap”. Bruggeman PJ, Kushner MJ, Locke BR, Gardeniers JGE, Graham WG, Graves DB, Hofman-Caris RCHM, Maric D, Reid JP, Ceriani E, Fernandez Rivas D, Foster JE, Garrick SC, Gorbanev Y, Hamaguchi S, Iza F, Jablonowski H, Klimova E, Kolb J, Krcma F, Lukes P, Machala Z, Marinov I, Mariotti D, Mededovic Thagard S, Minakata D, Neyts EC, Pawlat J, Petrovic ZL, Pflieger R, Reuter S, Schram DC, Schröter S, Shiraiwa M, Tarabová, B, Tsai PA, Verlet JRR, von Woedtke T, Wilson KR, Yasui K, Zvereva G, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 053002 (2016).
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Diatom silica-titania photocatalysts for air purification by bio-accumulation of different titanium sources”. Van Eynde E, Hu Z-Y, Tytgat T, Verbruggen SW, Watte J, Van Tendeloo G, Van Driessche I, Blust R, Lenaerts S, Environmental science : nano 3, 1052 (2016).
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