Number of records found: 762
Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer–The Importance of Pancreatic Stellate Cells”. Verloy R, Privat-Maldonado A, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Cancers 12, 2782 (2020).
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On the Anti-Cancer Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and the Possible Role of Catalase-Dependent Apoptotic Pathways”. Bengtson C, Bogaerts A, Cells 9, 2330 (2020).
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Al2O3-Supported Transition Metals for Plasma-Catalytic NH3 Synthesis in a DBD Plasma: Metal Activity and Insights into Mechanisms”. Gorbanev Y, Engelmann Y, van’t Veer K, Vlasov E, Ndayirinde C, Yi Y, Bals S, Bogaerts A, Catalysts 11, 1230 (2021).
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Producing oxygen and fertilizer with the Martian atmosphere by using microwave plasma”. Kelly S, Verheyen C, Cowley A, Bogaerts A, Chem 8, 2797 (2022).
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NH3and HNOxFormation and Loss in Nitrogen Fixation from Air with Water Vapor by Nonequilibrium Plasma”. Vervloessem E, Gromov M, De Geyter N, Bogaerts A, Gorbanev Y, Nikiforov A, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 11, 4289 (2023).
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Plasma‐driven<scp>CO2</scp>hydrogenation to<scp>CH3OH</scp>over<scp>Fe2O3</scp>/<scp>γ‐Al2O3</scp>catalyst”. Meng S, Wu L, Liu M, Cui Z, Chen Q, Li S, Yan J, Wang L, Wang X, Qian J, Guo H, Niu J, Bogaerts A, Yi Y, AIChE Journal 69, e18154 (2023).
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Catalyzed growth of carbon nanotube with definable chirality by hybrid molecular dynamics-force biased Monte Carlo simulations”. Neyts EC, Shibuta Y, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, ACS nano 4, 6665 (2010).
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Comparison of electrostatic and electromagnetic simulations for very high frequency plasmas”. Zhang Y-R, Xu X, Zhao S-X, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Physics of plasmas 17, 113512 (2010).
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Computer simulations of laser ablation sample introduction for plasma-source elemental microanalysis”. Bleiner D, Bogaerts A, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 21, 1161 (2006).
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Effect of bulk electric field reversal on the bounce resonance heating in dual-frequency capacitively coupled electronegative plasmas”. Liu Y-X, Zhang Q-Z, Liu J, Song Y-H, Bogaerts A, Wang Y-N, Applied physics letters 101, 114101 (2012).
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Fluid modeling of the conversion of methane into higher hydrocarbons in an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge”. De Bie C, Verheyde B, Martens T, van Dijk J, Paulussen S, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 8, 1033 (2011).
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Hybrid modeling network for a helium-argon-copper hollow cathode discharge used for laser applications”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of applied physics 92, 6408 (2002).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of Cl+ etching on a Si(100) surface”. Gou F, Neyts E, Eckert M, Tinck S, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 107, 113305 (2010).
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Monte Carlo analysis of the electron thermalization process in the afterglow of a microsecond dc pulsed glow discharge”. Martín A, Bordel N, Pereiro R, Bogaerts A, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 63, 1274 (2008).
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Optimized transport setup for high repetition rate pulse-separated analysis in laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry”. Lindner H, Autrique D, Garcia CC, Niemax K, Bogaerts A, Analytical chemistry 81, 4241 (2009).
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Plasma-induced destruction of bacterial cell wall components : a reactive molecular dynamics simulation”. Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Huygh S, Snoeckx R, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 5993 (2013).
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Rotating cylindrical magnetron sputtering: simulation of the reactive process”. Depla D, Li XY, Mahieu S, van Aeken K, Leroy WP, Haemers J, de Gryse R, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 107, 113307 (2010).
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Space charge corrected electron emission from an aluminum surface under non-equilibrium conditions”. Wendelen W, Mueller BY, Autrique D, Rethfeld B, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 111, 113110 (2012).
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Modeling of CO2plasma: effect of uncertainties in the plasma chemistry”. Berthelot A, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 26, 115002 (2017).
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Pressure as an additional control handle for non-thermal atmospheric plasma processes”. Belov I, Paulussen S, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 14, 1700046 (2017).
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Reduction of Human Glioblastoma Spheroids Using Cold Atmospheric Plasma: The Combined Effect of Short- and Long-Lived Reactive Species”. Privat-Maldonado A, Gorbanev Y, Dewilde S, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Cancers 10, 394 (2018).
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CO2 activation on TiO2-supported Cu5 and Ni5 nanoclusters : effect of plasma-induced surface charging”. Jafarzadeh A, Bal KM, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 123, 6516 (2019).
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Advances in Plasma Oncology toward Clinical Translation”. Lin A, Stapelmann K, Bogaerts A, Cancers 12, 3283 (2020).
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Liquid treatment with a plasma jet surrounded by a gas shield: effect of the treated substrate and gas shield geometry on the plasma effluent conditions”. Heirman P, Verloy R, Baroen J, Privat-Maldonado A, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 57, 115204 (2024).
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Van Loenhout J, Freire Boullosa L, Quatannens D, De Waele J, Merlin C, Lambrechts H, Lau HW, Hermans C, Lin A, Lardon F, Peeters M, Bogaerts A, Smits E, Deben C (2021) Auranofin and Cold Atmospheric Plasma Synergize to Trigger Distinct Cell Death Mechanisms and Immunogenic Responses in Glioblastoma. 2936
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Nitrogen fixation in an electrode-free microwave plasma”. Kelly S, Bogaerts A, Joule 5, 3006 (2021).
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Effects of oxygen addition to argon glow discharges: a hybrid Monte Carlo-fluid modeling investigation”. Bogaerts A, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 64, 1266 (2009).
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Study of atmospheric MOCVD of TiO2 thin films by means of computational fluid dynamics simulations”. Baguer N, Neyts E, van Gils S, Bogaerts A, Chemical vapor deposition 14, 339 (2008).
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Plasma Catalysis: Synergistic Effects at the Nanoscale”. Neyts EC, Ostrikov KK, Sunkara MK, Bogaerts A, Chemical reviews 115, 13408 (2015).
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Bulk plasma fragmentation in a C4F8 inductively coupled plasma : a hybrid modelling study”. Zhao S-X, Zhang Y-R, Gao F, Wang Y-N, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 117, 243303 (2015).
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