Number of records found: 7465
Cobalt location in p-CoOxIn-SnO2 nanocomposites : correlation with gas sensor performances”. Vladimirova SA, Rumyantseva MN, Filatova DG, Chizhov AS, Khmelevsky NO, Konstantinova EA, Kozlovsky VF, Marchevsky AV, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Gaskov AM, Journal of alloys and compounds 721, 249 (2017).
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Antiferroelectric properties and site occupations ofR3+ cations in Ca8MgR(PO4)7 luminescent host materials”. Belik AA, Morozov VA, Deyneko DV, Savon AE, Baryshnikova OV, Zhukovskaya ES, Dorbakov NG, Katsuya Y, Tanaka M, Stefanovich SY, Hadermann J, Lazoryak BI, Journal of alloys and compounds 699, 928 (2017).
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Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: insights through computer modeling”. Bogaerts A, Aghaei M, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 233 (2017).
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The darkening of copper- or lead-based pigments explained by a structural modification of natural orpiment : a spectroscopic and electrochemical study”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, De Wael K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 1331 (2017).
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The ID21 X-ray and infrared microscopy beamline at the ESRF: status and recent applications to artistic materials”. Cotte M, Pouyet E, Salome M, Rivard C, De Nolf W, Castillo-Michel H, Fabris T, Monico L, Janssens K, Wang T, Sciau P, Verger L, Cormier L, Dargaud O, Brun E, Bugnazet D, Fayard B, Hesse B, del Real AEP, Veronesi G, Langlois J, Balcar N, Vandenberghe Y, Sole VA, Kieffer J, Barrett R, Cohen C, Cornu C, Baker R, Gagliardini E, Papillon E, Susini J, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 477 (2017).
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Thickness dependence of the resistivity of platinum-group metal thin films”. Dutta S, Sankaran K, Moors K, Pourtois G, Van Elshocht S, Bommels J, Vandervorst W, Tokei Z, Adelmann C, Journal of applied physics 122, 025107 (2017).
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On the electrostatic control achieved in transistors based on multilayered MoS2 : a first-principles study”. Lu AKA, Pourtois G, Luisier M, Radu IP, Houssa M, Journal of applied physics 121, 044505 (2017).
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Characterization of 18th century Portuguese glass from Real Fábrica de Vidros de Coina”. Lopes F, Lima A, Pires de Matos A, Custódio J, Cagno S, Schalm O, Janssens K, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14, 137 (2017).
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Quantitative determination of residual silver distribution in nanoporous gold and its influence on structure and catalytic performance”. Mahr C, Kundu P, Lackmann A, Zanaga D, Thiel K, Schowalter M, Schwan M, Bals S, Wittstock A, Rosenauer A, Journal of catalysis 352, 52 (2017).
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Enhancing immobilization of arsenic in groundwater: A model-based evaluation”. Peng L, Liu Y, Sun J, Wang D, Dai X, Ni B-J, Journal of cleaner production 166, 449 (2017).
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CO2 conversion in a gliding arc plasma: Performance improvement based on chemical reaction modeling”. Sun SR, Wang HX, Mei DH, Tu X, Bogaerts A, Journal of CO2 utilization 17, 220 (2017).
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Kinetic and thermodynamic heterogeneity : an intrinsic source of variability in Cu-based RRAM memories”. Clima S, Belmonte A, Degraeve R, Fantini A, Goux L, Govoreanu B, Jurczak M, Ota K, Redolfi A, Kar GS, Pourtois G, Journal of computational electronics 16, 1011 (2017).
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Efficient solution of the Wigner-Liouville equation using a spectral decomposition of the force field”. Van de Put ML, Sorée B, Magnus W, Journal of computational physics 350, 314 (2017).
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Reclaiming the image of daguerreotypes: Characterization of the corroded surface before and after atmospheric plasma treatment”. Grieten E, Schalm O, Tack P, Bauters S, Storme P, Gauquelin N, Caen J, Patelli A, Vincze L, Schryvers D, Journal of cultural heritage (2017).
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Grain-boundary engineering for aging and slow-crack-growth resistant zirconia”. Zhang F, Chevalier J, Olagnon C, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Van Meerbeek B, Vleugels J, Journal of dental research 96, 774 (2017).
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Electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on boron doped diamond electrodes for the enhanced reduction of small organic molecules”. Bottari F, De Wael K, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry : an international journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kynetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry. 801, 521 (2017).
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The lock-in effect and the greening of automotive cooling systems in the European Union”. Bjornavold A, Van Passel S, Journal Of Environmental Management 203, 1199 (2017).
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Kinetic exploration of intracellular nitrate storage in marine microalgae”. Decostere B, Coppens J, Vervaeren H, Vlaeminck SE, De Gelder L, Boon N, Nopens I, Van Hulle SWH, Journal of environmental science and health : part A: toxic/hazardous substances and environmental engineering 52, 1303 (2017).
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Thiol-ethylene bridged PMO: A high capacity regenerable mercury adsorbent via intrapore mercury thiolate crystal formation”. Esquivel D, Ouwehand J, Meledina M, Turner S, Tendeloo GV, Romero-Salguero FJ, Clercq JD, Voort PVD, Journal of hazardous materials 339, 368 (2017).
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Ship-in-a-bottle CMPO in MIL-101(Cr) for selective uranium recovery from aqueous streams through adsorption”. De Decker J, Folens K, De Clercq J, Meledina M, Van Tendeloo G, Du Laing G, Van Der Voort P, Journal of hazardous materials 335, 1 (2017).
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Electrochemical reduction of nalidixic acid at glassy carbon electrodemodified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes”. Patiño Y, Pilehvar S, Díaz E, Ordóñez S, De Wael K, Journal of hazardous materials 323, 621 (2017).
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Antarctic fish versus human cytoglobins : the same but yet so different”. Cuypers B, Vermeylen S, Hammerschmid D, Trashin S, Rahemi V, Konijnenberg A, De Schutter A, Cheng C-HC, Giordano D, Verde C, De Wael K, Sobott F, Dewilde S, Van Doorslaer S, Journal of inorganic biochemistry 173, 66 (2017).
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Assessment of corrosion resistance, material properties, and weldability of alloyed steel for ballast tanks”. De Baere K, Verstraelen H, Willemen R, Smet J-P, Tchuindjang JT, Lecomte-Beckers J, Lenaerts S, Meskens R, Jung HG, Potters G, Journal of marine science and technology 22, 176 (2017).
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Large CO2 uptake on a monolayer of CaO”. Berdiyorov GR, Neek-Amal M, Hussein IA, Madjet ME, Peeters FM, Journal of materials chemistry A : materials for energy and sustainability 5, 2110 (2017).
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3D porous nanostructured platinum prepared using atomic layer deposition”. Pulinthanathu Sree S, Dendooven J, Geerts L, Ramachandran RK, Javon E, Ceyssens F, Breynaert E, Kirschhock CEA, Puers R, Altantzis T, Van Tendeloo G, Bals S, Detavernier C, Martens JA, Journal of materials chemistry A : materials for energy and sustainability 5, 19007 (2017).
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Time evolution studies of dithieno[3,2-b:2 ',3 '-d] pyrrole-based A-D-A oligothiophene bulk heterojunctions during solvent vapor annealing towards optimization of photocurrent generation”. Ben Dkhil S, Pfannmöller M, Ata I, Duche D, Gaceur M, Koganezawa T, Yoshimoto N, Simon J-J, Escoubas L, Videlot-Ackermann C, Margeat O, Bals S, Bauerle P, Ackermann J, Journal of materials chemistry A : materials for energy and sustainability 5, 1005 (2017).
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Structural characterization of SnS crystals formed by chemical vapour deposition”. Mehta AN, Zhang H, Dabral A, Richard O, Favia P, Bender H, Delabie A, Caymax M, Houssa M, Pourtois G, Vandervorst W, Journal of microscopy T2 –, 20th International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, (MSM), APR 09-13, 2017, Univ Oxford, Univ Oxford, Oxford, ENGLAND 268, 276 (2017).
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Internal architecture of coffin-shaped ZSM-5 zeolite crystals with hourglass contrast unravelled by focused ion beam-assisted transmission electron microscopy: INTERNAL ARCHITECTURE OF COFFIN-SHAPED”. Lu J, Bartholomeeusen E, Sels BF, Schryvers D, Journal of microscopy 265, 27 (2017).
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Structures and spectroscopic properties of sulfur-nitrogen-pnictogen chains : R2P-N=S=N-PR2 and R2P-N=S=N-AsR2”. Bal KM, Cautereels J, Blockhuys F, Journal of molecular structure 1132, 102 (2017).
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Dissolution corrosion of 316L austenitic stainless steels in contact with static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) at 500 °C”. Lambrinou K, Charalampopoulou E, Van der Donck T, Delville R, Schryvers D, Journal of nuclear materials 490, 9 (2017).
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