Number of records found: 7465
Functionalization of graphitic carbon nitride systems by cobalt and cobalt-iron oxides boosts solar water oxidation performances”. Benedet M, Andrea Rizzi G, Gasparotto A, Gauquelin N, Orekhov A, Verbeeck J, Maccato C, Barreca D, Applied surface science 618, 156652 (2023).
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Effect of lipid oxidation on the channel properties of Cx26 hemichannels : a molecular dynamics study”. Oliveira MC, Cordeiro RM, Bogaerts A, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 746, 109741 (2023).
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Integrated poultry waste management by co-digestion with perennial grass : effects of mixing ratio, pretreatments, reaction temperature, and effluent recycle on biomethanation yield”. Phuttaro C, Krishnan S, Saritpongteeraka K, Charnnok B, Diels L, Chaiprapat S, Biochemical engineering journal 196, 108937 (2023).
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Development of an electrochemiluminescent oligonucleotide-based assay for the quantification of prostate cancer associated miR-141-3p in human serum”. Campos R, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Daems E, Ribeiro R, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 153, 108495 (2023).
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Haem-mediated albumin biosensing : towards voltammetric detection of PFOA”. Moro G, Campos R, Daems E, Moretto LM, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 152, 108428 (2023).
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Does non-thermal plasma modify biopolymers in solution? A chemical and mechanistic study for alginate”. Tampieri F, Espona-Noguera A, Labay C, Ginebra M-P, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Canal C, Biomaterials Science (2023).
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Unraveling the Transport Properties of RONS across Nitro-Oxidized Membranes”. Abduvokhidov D, Yusupov M, Shahzad A, Attri P, Shiratani M, Oliveira MC, Razzokov J, Biomolecules 13, 1043 (2023).
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Effects of Nitro-Oxidative Stress on Biomolecules: Part 1—Non-Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations”. Ghasemitarei M, Ghorbi T, Yusupov M, Zhang Y, Zhao T, Shali P, Bogaerts A, Biomolecules 13, 1371 (2023).
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Boosting aerobic microbial protein productivity and quality on brewery wastewater : impact of anaerobic acidification, high-rate process and biomass age”. Papini G, Muys M, Van Winckel T, Meerburg FA, Van Beeck W, Vermeir P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 368, 128285 (2023).
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Feasibility of packed-bed trickling filters for partial nitritation/anammox : effects of carrier material, bottom ventilation openings, hydraulic loading rate and free ammonia”. Xie Y, Jia M, De Wilde F, Daeninck K, De Clippeleir H, Verstraete W, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 373, 128713 (2023).
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Comparison of typical nitrite oxidizing bacteria suppression strategies and the effect on nitrous oxide emissions in a biofilm reactor”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, De Paepe J, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 387, 129607 (2023).
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Feasibility of a return-sludge nursery concept for mainstream anammox biostimulation : creating optimal conditions for anammox to recover and grow in a parallel tank”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, Alloul A, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 385, 129359 (2023).
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A novel mechanistic modelling approach for microbial selection dynamics : towards improved design and control of raceway reactors for purple bacteria”. Alloul A, Moradvandi A, Puyol D, Molina R, Gardella G, Vlaeminck SE, De Schutter B, Abraham E, Lindeboom REF, Weissbrodt DG, Bioresource technology 390, 129844 (2023).
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Are aptamer-based biosensing approaches a good choice for female fertility monitoring? A comprehensive review”. Cánovas R, Daems E, Langley AR, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 220, 114881 (2023).
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Evidence that Chinese white olive (Canarium album(Lour.) DC.) fruits are solids of revolution”. Wang L, Shi P, Chen L, Gielis J, Niklas KJ, Botany letters , 1 (2023).
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Stomatal shape described by a superellipse in four Magnoliaceae species”. Li Q, Niklas KJJ, Niinemets U, Zhang L, Yu K, Gielis J, Gao J, Shi P, Botany letters , 1 (2023).
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Modeling the hygrothermal behavior of green walls in Comsol Multiphysics®, : validation against measurements in a climate chamber”. Alvarado-Alvarado AA, De Bock A, Ysebaert T, Belmans B, Denys S, Building and environment 238, 110377 (2023).
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A review on the leaf area index (LAI) in vertical greening systems”. De Bock A, Belmans B, Vanlanduit S, Blom J, Alvarado Alvarado AA, Audenaert A, Building and environment 229, 109926 (2023).
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Electronic Mach-Zehnder interference in a bipolar hybrid monolayer-bilayer graphene junction”. Mirzakhani M, Myoung N, Peeters FM, Park HC, Carbon 201, 734 (2023).
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Modeling symmetric and defect-free carbon schwarzites into various zeolite templates”. Marazzi E, Ghojavand A, Pirard J, Petretto G, Charlier J-C, Rignanese G-M, Carbon 215, 118385 (2023).
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Heterogeneous Pt-catalyzed transfer dehydrogenation of long-chain alkanes with ethylene”. de la Croix T, Claes N, Eyley S, Thielemans W, Bals S, De Vos D, Catalysis Science &, Technology (2023).
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Challenges in unconventional catalysis”. Bogaerts A, Centi G, Hessel V, Rebrov E, Catalysis today 420, 114180 (2023).
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Plasma-catalytic ammonia synthesis : packed catalysts act as plasma modifiers”. Ndayirinde C, Gorbanev Y, Ciocarlan R-G, De Meyer R, Smets A, Vlasov E, Bals S, Cool P, Bogaerts A, Catalysis today 419, 114156 (2023).
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Bioinspired noncyclic transfer pathway electron donors for unprecedented hydrogen production”. Liu J, Wang C, Yu W, Zhao H, Hu Z-Y, Liu F, Hasan T, Li Y, Van Tendeloo G, Li C, Su B-L, CCS chemistry 5, 1470 (2023).
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Layer-by-layer delithiation during lattice collapse as the origin of planar gliding and microcracking in Ni-rich cathodes”. Yu R, Zeng W, Zhou L, Van Tendeloo G, Mai L, Yao Z, Wu J, Cell reports physical science 4, 101480 (2023).
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In-situ structural degradation study of quadruple-cation perovskite solar cells with nanostructured charge transfer layer”. Panzic I, Mandic V, Mangalam J, Rath T, Radovanovic-Peric F, Gaboardi M, De Coen B, Bals S, Schrenker N, Ceramics international 49, 24475 (2023).
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Enhanced Pomegranate‐Structured SnO2Electrocatalysts for the Electrochemical CO2Reduction to Formate”. Daele KV, Arenas‐Esteban D, Choukroun D, Hoekx S, Rossen A, Daems N, Pant D, Bals S, Breugelmans T, ChemElectroChem (2023).
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Synthesis and characterization of a highly electroactive composite based on Au nanoparticles supported on nanoporous activated carbon for electrocatalysis”. Moggia G, Hoekx S, Daems N, Bals S, Breugelmans T, ChemElectroChem , 1 (2023).
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Hierarchical zeolites containing embedded Cd0.2Zn0.8S as a photocatalyst for hydrogen production from seawater”. Yuan Y, Wu F-J, Xiao S-T, Wang Y-T, Yin Z-W, Van Tendeloo G, Chang G-G, Tian G, Hu Z-Y, Wu S-M, Yang X-Y, Chemical communications 59, 7275 (2023).
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3D porous catalysts for plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane : how does the pore size affect the plasma-catalytic performance?”.Wang J, Zhang K, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Chemical engineering journal 464, 142574 (2023).
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