Number of records found: 7465
Overcoming Crystallinity Limitations of Aluminium Metal-Organic Frameworks by Oxalic Acid Modulated Synthesis”. Canossa S, Gonzalez-Nelson A, Shupletsov L, Carmen Martin M, Van der Veen MA, Chemistry-A European Journal 26, 3564 (2020).
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Pioneering on single-sludge nitrification/denitrification at 50 °C”. Vandekerckhove TGL, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Chemosphere 252, 126527 (2020).
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Photoelectrochemistry for measuring the photocatalytic activity of soluble photosensitizers”. Khan SU, Trashin SA, Korostei YS, Dubinina TV, Tomilova LG, Verbruggen SW, De Wael K, ChemPhotoChem 4, 300 (2020).
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A first-principles study of C3N nanostructures : control and engineering of the electronic and magnetic properties of nanosheets, tubes and ribbons”. Bafekry A, Stampfl C, Shayesteh SF, Chemphyschem 21, 164 (2020).
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C2-H arylation of indoles catalyzed by palladium-containing metal-organic-framework in γ-valerolactone”. Anastasiou I, Van Velthoven N, Tomarelli E, Lombi A, Lanari D, Liu P, Bals S, De Vos DE, Vaccaro L, Chemsuschem 13 (2020).
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Modeling the physicochemical properties of natural deep eutectic solvents : a review”. Kovács A, Billen P, Cornet I, Wijnants M, Neyts EC, Chemsuschem 13, 3789 (2020).
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Adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers toward climate change: evidence from Hamadan province in Iran”. Jamshidi O, Asadi A, Kalantari K, Movahhed Moghaddam S, Dadrass Javan F, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Climate And Development , 1 (2020).
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Misfit phase (BiSe)1.10NbSe2 as the origin of superconductivity in niobium-doped bismuth selenide”. Kamminga ME, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Clarke SJ, Communications Materials 1, 82 (2020).
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Emerging halogenated flame retardants in the indoor environment”. Poma G, McGrath TJ, Christia C, Govindan M, Covaci A, Comprehensive analytical chemistry 88, 107 (2020).
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Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of large systems with parallel collective variable-driven hyperdynamics”. Fukuhara S, Bal KM, Neyts EC, Shibuta Y, Computational Materials Science 177, 109581 (2020).
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Tight-binding studio : a technical software package to find the parameters of tight-binding Hamiltonian”. Nakhaee M, Ketabi SA, Peeters FM, Computer Physics Communications 254, 107379 (2020).
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Effect of plasma-induced oxidative stress on the glycolysis pathway of Escherichia coli”. Ranjbar S, Shahmansouri M, Attri P, Bogaerts A, Computers In Biology And Medicine 127, 104064 (2020).
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Transition metal dichalcogenides as strategy for high temperature electron-hole superfluidity”. Conti S, Neilson D, Peeters FM, Perali A, Condensed Matter 5, 22 (2020).
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Effect of ultra-fine fly ash on concrete performance and durability”. Kara De Maeijer P, Craeye B, Snellings R, Kazemi-Kamyab H, Loots M, Janssens K, Nuyts G, Construction And Building Materials 263, 120493 (2020).
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Crack initiation in tapered high Si stainless steel specimens : stress threshold analyses”. Penders A, Konstantinovic MJ, Bosch RW, Schryvers D, Corrosion Engineering Science And Technology , 1 (2020).
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Compatibility of Zr₂AlC MAX phase-based ceramics with oxygen-poor, static liquid lead-bismuth eutectic”. Tunca B, Lapauw T, Callaert C, Hadermann J, Delville R, Caspi E'ad N, Dahlqvist M, Rosen J, Marshal A, Pradeep KG, Schneider JM, Vleugels J, Lambrinou K, Corrosion Science 171, 108704 (2020).
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Water structures and packing efficiency in methylene blue cyanometallate salts”. Canossa S, Graiff C, Crocco D, Predieri G, Crystals 10, 558 (2020).
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Systematic coformer contribution to cocrystal stabilization: energy and packing trends”. Mazzeo PP, Canossa S, Carraro C, Pelagatti P, Bacchi A, Crystengcomm 22, 7341 (2020).
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A five-stage treatment train for water recovery from urine and shower water for long-term human Space missions”. Lindeboom REF, De Paepe J, Vanoppen M, Alonso-Fariñas B, Coessens W, Alloul A, Christiaens MER, Dotremont C, Beckers H, Lamaze B, Demey D, Clauwaert P, Verliefde ARD, Vlaeminck SE, Desalination 495, 114634 (2020).
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Drought risk assessment: Towards drought early warning system and sustainable environment in western Iran”. Sharafi L, Zarafshani K, Keshavarz M, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Ecological Indicators 114, 106276 (2020).
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Ecosystem services assessment tools for African Biosphere Reserves: A review and user-informed classification”. Hugé, J, Rochette Aj, de Béthune S, Parra Paitan Cc, Vanderhaegen K, Vandervelden T, Van Passel S, Vanhove Mpm, Verbist B, Verheyen D, Waas T, Janssens I, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Ecosystem Services 42, 101079 (2020).
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Source/drain materials for Ge nMOS devices: phosphorus activation in epitaxial Si, Ge, Ge1-xSnx and SiyGe1-x-ySnx”. Vohra A, Makkonen I, Pourtois G, Slotte J, Porret C, Rosseel E, Khanam A, Tirrito M, Douhard B, Loo R, Vandervorst W, Ecs Journal Of Solid State Science And Technology 9, 044010 (2020).
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Electroactivity of superoxide anion in aqueous phosphate buffers analyzed with platinized microelectrodes”. Lefrancois P, Girard-Sahun F, Badets V, Clement F, Arbault S, Electroanalysis (2020).
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Integration of a photoelectrochemical cell in a flow system for quantification of 4-aminophenol with titanium dioxide”. Mendonça CD, Rahemi V, Hereijgers J, Breugelmans T, Machado SAS, De Wael K, Electrochemistry Communications 117, 106767 (2020).
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Effect of microstructure and internal stress on hydrogen absorption into Ni thin film electrodes during alkaline water electrolysis”. Delvaux A, Lumbeeck G, Idrissi H, Proost J, Electrochimica Acta 340, 135970 (2020).
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Reducing winter peaks in electricity consumption: A choice experiment to structure demand response programs”. Srivastava A, Van Passel S, Kessels R, Valkering P, Laes E, Energy Policy 137, 111183 (2020).
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Eliciting policymakers&rsquo, preferences for technologies to decarbonise transport: A discrete choice experiment”. Bjørnåvold A, Lizin S, Van Dael M, Arnold F, Van Passel S, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 21 (2020).
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Microstructure characterization of oceanic polyethylene debris”. Rowenczyk L, Dazzi A, Deniset-Besseau A, Beltran V, Goudounèche D, Wong-Wah-Chung P, Boyron O, George M, Fabre P, Roux C, Mingotaud AF, ter Halle A, Environmental Science &, Technology 54, 4102 (2020).
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Return-sludge treatment with endogenous free nitrous acid limits nitrate production and N₂O emission for mainstream partial nitritation/anammox”. Peng L, Xie Y, Van Beeck W, Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, Tytgat T, Lebeer S, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental Science &, Technology 54, 5822 (2020).
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Impact of carrier on ammonia and organics removal from zero-discharge marine recirculating aquaculture system with sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR)”. Li J, Zhu W, Dong H, Yang Z, Zhang P, Qiang Z, Environmental Science And Pollution Research 27, 34614 (2020).
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