Number of records found: 166
Automated particle analysis of populations of silver halide microcrystals by electron probe microanalysis under cryogenic conditions”. Gregory CL, Nullens HA, Gijbels RH, van Espen PJ, Geuens I, de Keyzer R, Analytical chemistry 70, 2551 (1998).
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High resolution electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of heteroepitaxial SixGe1-x alloys produced through laser induced processing”. Frangis N, van Landuyt J, Lartiprete R, Martelli S, Borsella E, Chiussi S, Castro J, Leon B, Applied physics letters 72, 2877 (1998).
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Synthesis and structure of Bi14O20(SO4), a new bismuth oxide sulfate”. Francesconi MG, Kirbyshire AL, Greaves C, Richard O, Van Tendeloo G, Chem. mater. 10, 626 (1998).
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Heavy metals in sediments from the Paraguay river: a preliminary study”. Facetti J, Dekov VM, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 209, 79 (1998).
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Chemical composition of sediments and suspended matter from the Cauvery and Brahmaputra rivers (India)”. Dekov VM, Araujo F, Van Grieken R, Subramanian V, The science of the total environment 212, 89 (1998).
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Purification of catalytically produced multi-wall nanotubes”. Colomer J-F, Piedigrosso P, Willems I, Journet C, Bernier P, Van Tendeloo G, Fonseca A, Nagy JB, Journal of the Chemical Society : Faraday transactions: physical chemistry and chemical physics 94, 3753 (1998).
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Voidites in polycrystalline natural diamond”. Chen JH, Bernaerts D, Seo JW, Van Tendeloo G, Kagi H, Philosophical magazine letters 77, 135 (1998).
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Structural characterization of colloidal Ag2Se nanocrystals”. Buschmann V, Van Tendeloo G, Langmuir 14, 1528 (1998).
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A new model for the (2x1) reconstructed CoSi2-Si(100) interface”. Buschmann V, Fedina L, Rodewald M, Van Tendeloo G, Philosophical magazine letters 77, 147 (1998).
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Collisional-radiative model for an argon glow discharge”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Vlcek J, Journal of applied physics 84, 121 (1998).
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Modeling of glow discharge optical emission spectrometry: calculation of the argon atomic optical emission spectrum”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Vlcek J, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 53, 1517 (1998).
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Collisional-radiative model for the sputtered copper atoms and ions in a direct current argon glow discharge”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Carman RJ, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 53, 1679 (1998).
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Argon and copper optical emission spectra in a Grimm glow discharge source: mathematical simulations and comparison with experiment”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 13, 721 (1998).
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Modeling of argon direct current glow discharges and comparison with experiment: how good is the agreement?”.Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 13, 945 (1998).
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Comprehensive description of a Grimm-type glow discharge source used for optical emission spectrometry: a mathematical simulation”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 53, 437 (1998).
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Barium-based manganites Ln1-xBaxMnO3 with Ln = {Pr, La}: phase transitions and magnetoresistance properties”. Barnabé, A, Millange F, Maignan A, Hervieu M, Raveau B, Van Tendeloo G, Laffez P, Chem. mater. 10, 252 (1998).
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Microscopical X-ray fluorescence analysis and related methods with laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources”. Adams F, Janssens K, Snigirev A, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 13, 319 (1998).
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High resolution transmission electron microscopy study of nanoscale Ni-rich Ni-Al films evaporated onto NaCl and KCl”. Yandouzi M, Toth L, Schryvers D, Nanostructured materials 10, 99 (1998).
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Resonant magnetopolaron effect in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well structures”. Wang YJ, Nichel HA, McCombe BD, Peeters FM, Shi JM, Hai GQ, Wu XG, Eustis TJ, Schaff W, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 2, 161 (1998).
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High-field cyclotron resonance and electron-phonon interaction in modulation-doped multiple quantum well structures”. Wang YJ, Jiang ZX, McCombe BD, Peeters FM, Wu XG, Hai GQ, Eusfis TJ, Schaff W, Physica: B : condensed matter 256/258, 215 (1998).
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Reduced dimensionality in different forms of carbon”. Van Tendeloo G, Bernaerts D, Amelinckx S, Carbon 36, 487 (1998).
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Defects and growth mechanisms of AgCl(100) tabular crystals”. van Renterghem W, Goessens C, Schryvers D, van Landuyt J, Verrept P, Bollen D, van Roost C, de Keyzer R, Journal of crystal growth 187, 410 (1998).
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Theory of the band mixing induced negative magnetoresistance in broken gap superlattices”. Symons DM, Peeters FM, Lakrimi M, Khym S, Portal JC, Mason NJ, Nicholas RJ, Walker PJ, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 2, 353 (1998).
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Weathering of dolomitic sandstone under ambient conditions”. Sweevers H, Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 32, 733 (1998).
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TEM investigation of the microstructure and defects of CuZr martensite: 1: morphology and twin systems”. Seo JW, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 46, 1165 (1998).
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TEM investigation of the microstructure and defects of CuZr martensite: 2: planar defects”. Seo JW, Schryvers D, Acta materialia 46, 1177 (1998).
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Austenite and martensite microstructures in splat-cooled Ni-Al”. Schryvers D, Holland-Moritz D, Intermetallics 6, 427 (1998).
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Recrystallization and grain growth in a B2 iron aluminide alloy”. Samajdar I, Ratchev P, Verlinden B, Schryvers D, Intermetallics 6, 419 (1998).
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Structural and analytical characterization of Ag(Br,I) nanocrystals by cryo-AEM techniques”. Oleshko VP, van Daele A, Gijbels RH, Jacob WA, Journal of nanostructured materials 10, 1225 (1998).
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Minigaps and the quantum Hall effect in broken gap InAs/GaSb heterostructures”. Nicholas RJ, Lakrimi M, Khym SW, Mason NJ, Poulter AJL, Vaughan T, Walker PJ, Maude DK, Portal JC, Symons DM, Peeters FM, Physica: B : condensed matter 256/258, 207 (1998).
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