Number of records found: 589
Deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated with thermal hydrolysis : overcoming inhibition through process optimization”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, Applied microbiology and biotechnology 100, 5595 (2016).
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A robust nitrifying community in a bioreactor at 50 degrees C opens up the path for thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Courtens ENP, Spieck E, Vilchez-Vargas R, Bode S, Boeckx P, Schouten S, Jauregui R, Pieper DH, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, The ISME journal : multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology 10, 2293 (2016).
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Laboratory-scale membrane up-concentration and co-anaerobic digestion for energy recovery from sewage and kitchen waste”. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Nguyen Phuoc Dan, Nguyen Cong Vu, Nguyen Le Hoang Trung, Bui Xuan Thanh, De Wever H, Goemans M, Diels L, Water science and technology 73, 597 (2016).
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CFD modeling of transient adsorption/desorption behavior in a gas phase photocatalytic fiber reactor”. Verbruggen SW, Keulemans M, van Walsem J, Tytgat T, Lenaerts S, Denys S, Chemical engineering journal 292, 42 (2016).
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Energy efficient treatment of A-stage effluent : pilot-scale experiences with short-cut nitrogen removal”. Seuntjens D, Bundervoet BLM, Mollen H, De Mulder C, Wypkema E, Verliefde A, Nopens I, Colsen JGM, Vlaeminck SE, Water science and technology 73, 2150 (2016).
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Plasmonic ‘rainbow&rsquo, photocatalyst with broadband solar light response for environmental applications”. Verbruggen SW, Keulemans M, Goris B, Blommaerts N, Bals S, Martens JA, Lenaerts S, Applied catalysis : B : environmental 188, 147 (2016).
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Valorization of flue gas by combining photocatalytic gas pretreatment with microalgae production”. Van Eynde E, Lenaerts B, Tytgat T, Blust R, Lenaerts S, Environmental science and technology 50, 2538 (2016).
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Sensitivity of water stress in a two-layered sandy grassland soil to variations in groundwater depth and soil hydraulic parameters”. Rezaei M, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Hoey S, Campling P, Cornelis WM, Hydrology and earth system sciences 20, 487 (2016).
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Transition thinking and business model innovation-towards a transformative business model and new role for the reuse centers of Limburg, Belgium”. Gorissen L, Vrancken K, Manshoven S, Sustainability 8 (2016).
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Valorization of stainless steel slag by selective chromium recovery and subsequent carbonation of the matrix material”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Nielsen P, Horckmans L, Geurts R, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Journal of cleaner production 117, 221 (2016).
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Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity in a sandy grassland using proximally sensed apparent electrical conductivity”. Rezaei M, Saey T, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Meirvenne M, Cornelis W, Journal of applied geophysics 126, 35 (2016).
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Empowering a mesophilic inoculum for thermophilic nitrification : growth mode and temperature pattern as critical proliferation factors for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Courtens ENP, Vandekerckhove T, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 92, 94 (2016).
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The relevance of in-situ and laboratory characterization of sandy soil hydraulic properties for soil water simulations”. Rezaei M, Seuntjens P, Shahidi R, Joris I, Boenne W, Al-Barri B, Cornelis W, Journal of hydrology 534, 251 (2016).
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CO2conversion in a dielectric barrier discharge plasma: N2in the mix as a helping hand or problematic impurity?”.Snoeckx R, Heijkers S, Van Wesenbeeck K, Lenaerts S, Bogaerts A, Energy &, environmental science 9, 999 (2016).
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Microscale profiling of photosynthesis-related variables in a highly productive biofilm photobioreactor”. Li T, Piltz B, Podola B, Dron A, de Beer D, Melkonian M, Biotechnology and bioengineering 113, 1046 (2016).
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Monitoring the laccase reaction of vanillin and poplar hydrolysate”. Sóti V, Jacquet N, Apers S, Richel A, Lenaerts S, Cornet I, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology 91, 1914 (2016).
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From streambed temperature measurements to spatial-temporal flux quantification : using the LPML method to study groundwater-surface water interaction”. Anibas C, Schneidewind U, Vandersteen G, Joris I, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Hydrological processes 30, 203 (2016).
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Mechanistic understanding of microbial activity inhibition : case study on sidestream deammonification for digester supernatant pretreated by thermal hydrolysis”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, Shaw A, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 5 p. T2 (2016)
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Inhibition mechanisms affecting deammonification of dewatering filtrate from thermally hydrolyzed digested solid”. Zhang Q, De Clippeleir H, DeBarbadillo C, Su C, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Chandran K, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, , 9 p. T2 (2016)
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The rise of thermophilic biotechnology for nitrogen removal”. Vandekerckhove TGL, Courtens ENP, Prat D, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 17 p. T2 (2016)
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Transitioning from mesophilic to thermophilic nitrification: shaping a niche for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Vandekerckhove T, Courtens ENP, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 9 p. T2 (2016)
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Lets settle together? Extending external selection from mainstream deammonification to high-rate activated sludge”. Van Winckel T, De Clippeleir H, Yapuwa H, Wett B, Bott C, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Balancing flocs and granules by external selectors to increase capacity in high-rate activated sludge systems”. Van Winckel T, De Clippeleir H, Mancell-Egala A, Rahman A, Wett B, Bott C, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, , 6 p. T2 (2016)
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Van Wesenbeeck K (2016) Plasma catalysis as an efficient and sustainable air purification technology. 171 p
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Invigorating the renaissance of single cell protein : safe opportunities for nutrient recovery and reuse as feed ingredient”. Sui Y, Alloul A, Muys M, Makyeme M, Coppens J, Verstraete W, Vlaeminck SE, , 12 p. T2 (2016)
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Microbial ecology of high-rate versus conventional activated sludge : environmental and operational parameters shape microbial structure, co-occurrence and functionality”. Seuntjens D, Meerburg FA, Vlaeminck SE, Roume H, Pieper DH, Jauregui R, Vilchez-Vargas R, Boon N, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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The ManureEcoMine Pilot Plant : towards advanced nutrient management in livestock waste treatment”. Pintucci C, Peng L, Prat D, Colica G, Merijn P, Colsen J, Varga S, Sarli J, Benito O, Vlaeminck SE, , 13 p. T2 (2016)
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Struvite solubilisation rates enable direct addition To single cell protein bioreactors”. Muys M, Derese S, Verliefde A, Vlaeminck SE, , 10 p. T2 (2016)
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Solubilization of struvite as a sustainable nutrient source for single cell protein production”. Muys M, Derese S, Verliefde A, Vlaeminck SE, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81, 179 (2016)
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Impact of temperature on mainstream deammonification performance and microbial community”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 3 p. T2 (2016)
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