Number of records found: 1117
Enhancing bioflocculation in high-rate activated sludge improves effluent quality yet increases sensitivity to surface overflow rate”. Van Winckel T, Ngo N, Sturm B, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Vlaeminck SE, De Clippeleir H, Chemosphere 308, 136294 (2022).
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Transition metal-free approach for the late-stage benzylic C(sp3)-H etherifications and esterifications”. Zhang Y, Sahoo PK, Ren P, Qin Y, Cauwenbergh R, Nimmegeers P, Gandhi SR, Van Passel S, Guidetti A, Das S, Chemical Communications 58, 11454 (2022).
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Disproportionation of nitrogen induced by DC plasma-driven electrolysis in a nitrogen atmosphere”. Pattyn C, Maira N, Buddhadasa M, Vervloessem E, Iseni S, Roy NC, Remy A, Delplancke M-P, De Geyter N, Reniers F, Green Chemistry 24, 7100 (2022).
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Producing oxygen and fertilizer with the Martian atmosphere by using microwave plasma”. Kelly S, Verheyen C, Cowley A, Bogaerts A, Chem 8, 2797 (2022).
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Identification of a unique pyridinic FeN4Cx electrocatalyst for N₂, reduction : tailoring the coordination and carbon topologies”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 126, 14460 (2022).
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Heterometallic molecular complexes act as messenger building units to encode desired metal-atom combinations to multivariate metal-organic frameworks”. Lopez-Garcia C, Canossa S, Hadermann J, Gorni G, Oropeza FE, de la Pena O'Shea VA, Iglesias M, Monge MA, Gutierrez-Puebla E, Gandara F, Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 16262 (2022).
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Structures and magnetic ordering in layered Cr oxide arsenides Sr₂CrO₂Cr₂OAs₂, and Sr₂CrO₃CrAs”. Sheath BC, Xu X, Manuel P, Hadermann J, Batuk M, O'Sullivan J, Bonilla RS, Clarke SJ, Inorganic chemistry 61, 10 (2022).
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Experimental methods in chemical engineering : computational fluid dynamics/finite volume method–CFD/FVM”. Van Hoecke L, Boeye D, Gonzalez‐Quiroga A, Patience GS, Perreault P, The Canadian journal of chemical engineering , 1 (2022).
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Preferential photoassimilation of volatile fatty acids by purple non-sulfur bacteria : experimental kinetics and dynamic modelling”. Segura PC, De Meur Q, Alloul A, Tanghe A, Onderwater R, Vlaeminck SE, Vande Wouwer A, Wattiez R, Dewasme L, Leroy B, Biochemical engineering journal 186, 108547 (2022).
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Unleashing lignin potential through the dithionite-assisted organosolv fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass”. Brienza F, Van Aelst K, Devred F, Magnin D, Tschulkow M, Nimmegeers P, Van Passel S, Sels BF, Gerin P, Debecker DP, Cybulska I, Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 138179 (2022).
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Waste-derived copper-lead electrocatalysts for CO₂, reduction”. Yang S, An H, Anastasiadou D, Xu W, Wu L, Wang H, de Ruiter J, Arnouts S, Figueiredo MC, Bals S, Altantzis T, van der Stam W, Weckhuysen BM, ChemCatChem 14, e202200754 (2022).
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Fast A-site cation cross-exchange at room temperature : single-to double- and triple-cation halide perovskite nanocrystals”. Otero-Martinez C, Imran M, Schrenker NJ, Ye J, Ji K, Rao A, Stranks SD, Hoye RLZ, Bals S, Manna L, Perez-Juste J, Polavarapu L, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 61, e202205617 (2022).
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Gas-solid hydrodynamics in a stator-rotor vortex chamber reactor”. Lang X, Ouyang Y, Vandewalle LA, Goshayeshi B, Chen S, Madanikashani S, Perreault P, Van Geem KM, van Geem KM, Chemical engineering journal 446, 137323 (2022).
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Distribution pattern of metal atoms in bimetal-doped pyridinic-N₄, pores determines their potential for electrocatalytic N₂, reduction”. Nematollahi P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 126, 3080 (2022).
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Chemistry, local molybdenum clustering, and electrochemistry in the Li2+xMo1-xO3 solid solutions”. Savina AA, Saiutina VV, Morozov AV, Boev AO, Aksyonov DA, Dejoie C, Batuk M, Bals S, Hadermann J, Abakumov AM, Inorganic chemistry 61, 5637 (2022).
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Direct sensing of superoxide and its relatives reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in phosphate buffers during cold atmospheric plasmas exposures”. Girard-Sahun F, Lefrancois P, Badets V, Arbault S, Clement F, Analytical Chemistry 94, 5555 (2022).
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Energy‐Efficient Small‐Scale Ammonia Synthesis Process with Plasma‐enabled Nitrogen Oxidation and Catalytic Reduction of Adsorbed NOx”. Hollevoet L, Vervloessem E, Gorbanev Y, Nikiforov A, De Geyter N, Bogaerts A, Martens JA, Chemsuschem (2022).
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Correlation between the fluorination degree of perfluorinated zinc phthalocyanines, their singlet oxygen generation ability, and their photoelectrochemical response for phenol sensing”. Neven L, Barich H, Ching HYV, Khan SU, Colomier C, Patel HH, Gorun SM, Verbruggen S, Van Doorslaer S, De Wael K, Analytical chemistry 94, 5221 (2022).
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First principles assessment of the phase stability and transition mechanisms of designated crystal structures of pristine and Janus transition metal dichalcogenides”. Demirkol Ö, Sevik C, Demiroğlu I, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 24, 7430 (2022).
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Combined MA-XRF, MA-XRPD and SEM-EDX analysis of a medieval stained-glass panel formerly from Notre Dame, Paris reveals its material history”. Gestels A, Van der Snickt G, Caen J, Nuyts G, Legrand S, Vanmeert F, Detry F, Janssens K, Steenackers G, Microchemical journal 177, 107304 (2022).
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From 2D to 3D : bridging self-assembled monolayers to a substrate-induced polymorph in a molecular semiconductor”. Hao Y, Velpula G, Kaltenegger M, Bodlos WR, Vibert F, Mali KS, De Feyter S, Resel R, Geerts YH, Van Aert S, Beljonne D, Lazzaroni R, Chemistry of materials 34, 2238 (2022).
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Two-Dimensional CdSe-PbSe Heterostructures and PbSe Nanoplatelets: Formation, Atomic Structure, and Optical Properties”. Salzmann BBV, Wit J de, Li C, Arenas-Esteban D, Bals S, Meijerink A, Vanmaekelbergh D, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 126, 1513 (2022).
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Distribution of lipid aldehydes in phase-separated membranes: A molecular dynamics study”. Oliveira MC, Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Cordeiro RM, Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 717, 109136 (2022).
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Direct Solar Energy-Mediated Synthesis of Tertiary Benzylic Alcohols Using a Metal-Free Heterogeneous Photocatalyst”. Zhang Y, Qin S, Claes N, Schilling W, Sahoo PK, Ching HYV, Jaworski A, Lemière F, Slabon A, Van Doorslaer S, Bals S, Das S, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 10, 530 (2022).
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Effect of Cysteine Oxidation in SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain on Its Interaction with Two Cell Receptors: Insights from Atomistic Simulations”. Ghasemitarei M, Privat-Maldonado A, Yusupov M, Rahnama S, Bogaerts A, Ejtehadi MR, Journal Of Chemical Information And Modeling 62, 129 (2022).
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Sustainable NOxproduction from air in pulsed plasma: elucidating the chemistry behind the low energy consumption”. Vervloessem E, Gorbanev Y, Nikiforov A, De Geyter N, Bogaerts A, Green Chemistry 24, 916 (2022).
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Catalytic upcycling of PVC waste-derived phthalate esters into safe, hydrogenated plasticizers”. Windels S, Diefenhardt T, Jain N, Marquez C, Bals S, Schlummer M, De Vos DE, Green chemistry : cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future 24, 754 (2022).
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Electrochemical identification of hazardous phenols and their complex mixtures in real samples using unmodified screen-printed electrodes”. Barich H, Cánovas R, De Wael K, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry : an international journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kynetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry. 904, 115878 (2022).
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Catalyst-free single-step plasma reforming of CH4 and CO2 to higher value oxygenates under ambient conditions”. Wang Y, Chen Y, Harding J, He H, Bogaerts A, Tu X, Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 137860 (2022).
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Effusion nozzle for energy-efficient NOx production in a rotating gliding arc plasma reactor”. Van Alphen S, Ahmadi Eshtehardi H, O'Modhrain C, Bogaerts J, Van Poyer H, Creel J, Delplancke M-P, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 443, 136529 (2022).
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