Number of records found: 7465
Electromagnetic mathematical modeling of 3D supershaped dielectric lens antennas”. Mescia L, Bia P, Caratelli D, Chiapperino MA, Stukach O, Gielis J, Mathematical problems in engineering: theory, methods, and applications , 8130160 (2016).
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Empowering a mesophilic inoculum for thermophilic nitrification : growth mode and temperature pattern as critical proliferation factors for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Courtens ENP, Vandekerckhove T, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 92, 94 (2016).
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Energy efficient treatment of A-stage effluent : pilot-scale experiences with short-cut nitrogen removal”. Seuntjens D, Bundervoet BLM, Mollen H, De Mulder C, Wypkema E, Verliefde A, Nopens I, Colsen JGM, Vlaeminck SE, Water science and technology 73, 2150 (2016).
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Follow the N and P road : high-resolution nutrient flow analysis of the Flanders region as precursor for sustainable resource management”. Coppens J, Meers E, Boon N, Buysse J, Vlaeminck SE, Resources, conservation and recycling 115, 9 (2016).
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From streambed temperature measurements to spatial-temporal flux quantification : using the LPML method to study groundwater-surface water interaction”. Anibas C, Schneidewind U, Vandersteen G, Joris I, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Hydrological processes 30, 203 (2016).
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A geometrical model for testing bilateral symmetry of bamboo leaf with a simplified Gielis equation”. Lin S, Zhang L, Reddy GVP, Hui C, Gielis J, Ding Y, Shi P, Ecology and evolution 6, 6798 (2016).
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Growing media constituents determine the microbial nitrogen conversions in organic growing media for horticulture”. Grunert O, Reheul D, Van Labeke M-C, Perneel M, Hernandez-Sanabria E, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, Microbial Biotechnology 9, 389 (2016).
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Health implications of atmospheric aerosols from asbestos-bearing road pavements traditionally used in Southern Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Goncalves SJ Jr, Sayama C, Polezer G, Reis Neto JM, Alfoldy B, Van Grieken R, Riedi CA, Yamamoto CI, Godoi AFL, Bencs L, Environmental Science and Pollution Research T2 –, 1st International Caparica Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and, Molecules (PTIM), 2015, Caparica, PORTUGAL 23, 25180 (2016).
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High-rate activated sludge communities have a distinctly different structure compared to low-rate sludge communities, and are less sensitive towards environmental and operational variables”. Meerburg FA, Vlaeminck SE, Roume H, Seuntjens D, Pieper DH, Jauregui R, Vilchez-Vargas R, Boon N, Water research 100, 137 (2016).
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Impact of carbon to nitrogen ratio and aeration regime on mainstream deammonification”. Han M, De Clippeleir H, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Vlaeminck SE, Bott C, Murthy S, Water science and technology 74, 375 (2016).
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Impact of urban land use on the bacterial phyllosphere of ivy (Hedera sp.)”. Smets W, Wuyts K, Oerlemans E, Wuyts S, Denys S, Samson R, Lebeer S, Atmospheric environment : an international journal 147, 376 (2016).
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In-situ chromium and vanadium recovery of landfilled ferrochromium and stainless steel slags”. Spooren J, Kim E, Horckmans L, Broos K, Nielsen P, Quaghebeur M, Chemical engineering journal 303, 359 (2016).
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Jackson Pollock's Number 1A, 1948 : a non-invasive study using macro-x-ray fluorescence mapping (MA-XRF) and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) analysis”. Martins A, Coddington J, van der Snickt G, van Driel B, McGlinchey C, Dahlberg D, Janssens K, Dik J, Heritage science 4, 33 (2016).
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Laboratory-scale membrane up-concentration and co-anaerobic digestion for energy recovery from sewage and kitchen waste”. Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Nguyen Phuoc Dan, Nguyen Cong Vu, Nguyen Le Hoang Trung, Bui Xuan Thanh, De Wever H, Goemans M, Diels L, Water science and technology 73, 597 (2016).
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Laminated altered layers in historical glass : density variations of silica nanoparticle random packings as explanation for the observed lamellae”. Schalm O, Anaf W, Journal of non-crystalline solids 442, 1 (2016).
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Live Fast, Die Young: Optimizing Retention Times in High-Rate Contact Stabilization for Maximal Recovery of Organics from Wastewater”. Meerburg FA, Boon N, Van Winckel T, Pauwels KTG, Vlaeminck SE, Environmental science and technology 50, 9781 (2016).
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LPMLE3: A novel 1-D approach to study water flow in streambeds using heat as a tracer”. Schneidewind U, van Berkel M, Anibas C, Vandersteen G, Schmidt C, Joris I, Seuntjens P, Batelaan O, Zwart HJ, Water resources research 52, 6596 (2016).
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Microscale profiling of photosynthesis-related variables in a highly productive biofilm photobioreactor”. Li T, Piltz B, Podola B, Dron A, de Beer D, Melkonian M, Biotechnology and bioengineering 113, 1046 (2016).
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New method for selective Cr recovery from stainless steel slag by NaOCl assisted alkaline leaching and consecutive BaCrO4 precipitation”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Nielsen P, Horckmans L, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Chemical engineering journal 295, 542 (2016).
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Nitrification and microalgae cultivation for two-stage biological nutrient valorization from source separated urine”. Coppens J, Lindeboom R, Muys M, Coessens W, Alloul A, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Clauwaert P, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 211, 41 (2016).
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Optical-quality controllable wet-chemical doping of graphene through a uniform, transparent and low-roughness F4-TCNQ/MEK layer”. Misseeuw L, Krajewska A, Pasternak I, Ciuk T, Strupinski W, Reekmans G, Adriaensens P, Geldof D, Geldof D, Van Vlierberghe S, Thienpont H, Dubruelf P, Vermeulen N, RSC advances , 104491 (2016).
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Polydopamine-gelatin as universal cell-interactive coating for methacrylate-based medical device packaging materials : when surface chemistry overrules substrate bulk properties”. Van de Walle E, Van Nieuwenhove I, Vanderleyden E, Declercq H, Gellynck K, Schaubroeck D, Ottevaere H, Thienpont H, De Vos WH, Cornelissen M, Van Vlierberghe S, Dubruel P, Biomacromolecules 17, 56 (2016).
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Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity in a sandy grassland using proximally sensed apparent electrical conductivity”. Rezaei M, Saey T, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Meirvenne M, Cornelis W, Journal of applied geophysics 126, 35 (2016).
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Production of carboxylates from high rate activated sludge through fermentation”. Cagnetta C, Coma M, Vlaeminck SE, Rabaey K, Bioresource technology 217, 165 (2016).
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Sensitivity of water stress in a two-layered sandy grassland soil to variations in groundwater depth and soil hydraulic parameters”. Rezaei M, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Boenne W, Van Hoey S, Campling P, Cornelis WM, Hydrology and earth system sciences 20, 487 (2016).
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Terapascal static pressure generation with ultrahigh yield strength nanodiamond”. Dubrovinskaia N, Dubrovinsky L, Solopova NA, Abakumov A, Turner S, Hanfland M, Bykova E, Bykov M, Prescher C, Prakapenka VB, Petitgirard S, Chuvashova I, Gasharova B, Mathis Y-L, Ershov P, Snigireva I, Snigirev A, Science Advances 2, e1600341 (2016).
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The relevance of in-situ and laboratory characterization of sandy soil hydraulic properties for soil water simulations”. Rezaei M, Seuntjens P, Shahidi R, Joris I, Boenne W, Al-Barri B, Cornelis W, Journal of hydrology 534, 251 (2016).
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Thermophilic sludge digestion improves energy balance and nutrient recovery potential in full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants”. De Vrieze J, Smet D, Klok J, Colsen J, Angenent LT, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 218, 1237 (2016).
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Transition thinking and business model innovation-towards a transformative business model and new role for the reuse centers of Limburg, Belgium”. Gorissen L, Vrancken K, Manshoven S, Sustainability 8 (2016).
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Uncoupling the solids retention times of flocs and granules in mainstream deammonification : a screen as effective out-selection tool for nitrite oxidizing bacteria”. Han M, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, Bioresource technology 221, 195 (2016).
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