Number of records found: 719
Vortex transport in a channel with periodic constrictions”. Kapra AV, Vodolazov DY, Misko VR, Superconductor science and technology 26, 095010 (2013).
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Effects of a constructional intervention on airborne and deposited particulate matter in the Portuguese National Tile Museum, Lisbon”. Anaf W, Horemans B, Madeira TI, Carvalho ML, De Wael K, Van Grieken R, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 1849 (2013).
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Efficiency of applying ammonium oxalate for protection of monumental limestone by poultice, immersion and brushing methods”. Mudronja D, Vanmeert F, Hellemans K, Fazinic S, Janssens K, Tibljas D, Rogosic M, Jakovljevic S, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 111, 109 (2013).
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Healthy environment : indoor air quality of Brazilian elementary schools nearby petrochemical industry”. Godoi RHM, Godoi AFL, Gonçalves jr SJ, Paralovo SL, Borillo GC, Gregório Barbosa CG, Arantes MG, Rosário Filho NA, Grassi MT, Yamamoto CI, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Rotondo GG, De Wael K, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 463, 639 (2013).
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Scanning XRF investigation of a Flower Still Life and its underlying composition from the collection of the Kröller-Muller Museum”. Alfeld M, van der Snickt G, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Dik J, Appel K, van der Loeff L, Chavannes M, Meedendorp T, Hendriks E, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 111, 165 (2013).
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Spatial monitoring of organohalogen compounds in surface water and sediments of a rural-urban river basin in Tanzania”. Hellar-Kihampa H, De Wael K, Lugwisha E, Govindan M, Covaci A, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 447, 186 (2013).
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Visualizing the 17th century underpainting in Portrait of an Old Man by Rembrandt van Rijn using synchrotron-based scanning macro-XRF”. Alfeld M, Siddons DP, Janssens K, Dik J, Woll A, Kirkham R, van de Wetering E, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 111, 157 (2013).
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Biotemplated diatom silica-titania materials for air purification”. Van Eynde E, Tytgat T, Smits M, Verbruggen SW, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, Photochemical &, photobiological sciences 12, 690 (2013).
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Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification”. Van Eynde E, Tytgat T, Smits M, Verbruggen S, Hauchecorne B, Blust R, Lenaerts S, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 1, 141 (2013)
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Study of a TiO2 photocatalytic coating for use in plasma catalysis”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 78, 227 (2013)
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Life cycle analyses of organic photovoltaics : a review”. Lizin S, Van Passel S, De Schepper E, Maes W, Lutsen L, Manca J, Vanderzande D, Energy &, Environmental Science 6, 3136 (2013).
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About “bulky&rdquo, links generated by generalized Möbius-Listing bodies GML2n”. Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, Ricci PE, Journal of mathematical sciences 193, 449 (2013).
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Atmospheric turbulence triggers pronounced diel pattern in karst carbonate geochemistry”. Roland M, Serrano-Ortiz P, Kowalski AS, Van Grieken R, Janssens IA, et al, Biogeosciences 10, 5009 (2013).
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Field demonstration and evaluation of the passive flux meter on a CAH groundwater plume”. Verreydt G, Annable MD, Kaskassian S, van Keer I, Bronders J, Diels L, Vanderauwera P, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 4621 (2013).
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Indoor air quality of a museum in a subtropical climate : the Oscar Niemeyer museum in Curitiba, Brazil”. Godoi RHM, Carneiro BHB, Paralovo SL, Campos VP, Tavares TM, Evangelista H, Van Grieken R, Godoi AFL, The science of the total environment 452, 314 (2013).
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Cascades of multiheaded chimera states for coupled phase oscillators”. Maistrenko YL, Vasylenko A, Sudakov O, Levchenko R, Maistrenko VL, International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and engineering 24, 1440014 (2014).
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Development of a ReaxFF reactive force field for intrinsic point defects in titanium dioxide”. Huygh S, Bogaerts A, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Computational materials science 95, 579 (2014).
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Effect of selenium content of CuInSex alloy nanopowder precursors on recrystallization of printed CuInSe2 absorber layers during selenization heat treatment”. E Zaghi A, Buffière M, Koo J, Brammertz G, Batuk M, Verbist C, Hadermann J, Kim WK, Meuris M, Poortmans J, Vleugels J;, Thin solid films : an international journal on the science and technology of thin and thick films , 1 (2014).
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Engineered spatial inversion symmetry breaking in an oxide heterostructure built from isosymmetric room-temperature magnetically ordered components”. Alaria J, Borisov P, Dyer MS, Manning TD, Lepadatu S, Cain MG, Mishina ED, Sherstyuk NE, Ilyin NA, Hadermann J, Lederman D, Claridge JB, Rosseinsky MJ;, Chemical science 5, 1599 (2014).
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First-principles electronic functionalization of silicene and germanene by adatom chemisorption”. van den Broek B, Houssa M, Scalise E, Pourtois G, Afanas'ev VV, Stesmans A, Applied surface science 291, 104 (2014).
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Investigation of 50 Hz pulsed DC nitrogen plasma with active screen cage by trace rare gas optical emission spectroscopy”. Saeed A, Khan AW, Shafiq M, Jan F, Abrar M, Zaka-ul-Islam M, Zakaullah M, Plasma science &, technology 16, 324 (2014).
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Long-range orientation and atomic attachment of nanocrystals in 2D honeycomb superlattices”. Boneschanscher MP, Evers WH, Geuchies JJ, Altantzis T, Goris B, Rabouw FT, van Rossum SAP, van der Zant HSJ, Siebbeles LDA, Van Tendeloo G, Swart I, Hilhorst J, Petukhov AV, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D;, Science 344, 1377 (2014).
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Reaction pathways of biomedically active species in an Ar plasma jet”. Van Gaens W, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 23, 035015 (2014).
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Splitting of CO2 by vibrational excitation in non-equilibrium plasmas : a reaction kinetics model”. Kozák T, Bogaerts A, Plasma sources science and technology 23, 045004 (2014).
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The superconducting proximity effect in epitaxial Al/Pb nanocomposites”. Wang H, Picot T, Houben K, Moorkens T, Grigg J, Van Haesendonck C, Biermans E, Bals S, Brown SA, Vantomme A, Temst K, Van Bael MJ;, Superconductor science and technology 27, 015008 (2014).
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Theoretical aspects of graphene-like group IV semiconductors”. Houssa M, van den Broek B, Scalise E, Ealet B, Pourtois G, Chiappe D, Cinquanta E, Grazianetti C, Fanciulli M, Molle A, Afanas’ev VV, Stesmans A;, Applied surface science 291, 98 (2014).
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Unusual commensurability effects in quasiperiodic pinning arrays induced by local inhomogeneities of the pinning site density”. Bothner D, Seidl R, Misko VR, Kleiner R, Koelle D, Kemmler M, Superconductor science and technology 27, 065002 (2014).
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Vibrational properties of epitaxial silicene layers on (111) Ag”. Scalise E, Cinquanta E, Houssa M, van den Broek B, Chiappe D, Grazianetti C, Pourtois G, Ealet B, Molle A, Fanciulli M, Afanas’ev VV, Stesmans A;, Applied surface science 291, 113 (2014).
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Composition and state of alteration of 18th-century glass finds found at the Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine, Belgium”. Hellemans K, Vincke A, Cagno S, Herremans D, De Clercq W, Janssens K, Journal of archaeological science 47, 121 (2014).
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Composition of PM2.5 and PM1 on high and low pollution event days and its relation to indoor air quality in a home for the elderly”. Buczyńska AJ, Krata A, Van Grieken R, Brown A, Polezer G, De Wael K, Potgieter-Vermaak S, The science of the total environment 490, 134 (2014).
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