Number of records found: 2704
In situ TEM observation of cooperative grain rotations and the Bauschinger effect in nanocrystalline palladium”. Kashiwar A, Hahn H, Kubel C, Nanomaterials 11, 432 (2021).
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Interface cation migration kinetics induced oxygen release heterogeneity in layered lithium cathodes”. Li C-F, Zhao K, Liao X, Hu Z-Y, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Mu S, Li Y, Li Y, Van Tendeloo G, Sun C, Energy Storage Materials 36, 115 (2021).
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Mn₂O₃, oxide with bixbyite structure for the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media : highly active if properly manipulated”. Ryabova AS, Istomin SY, Dosaev KA, Bonnefont A, Hadermann J, Arkharova NA, Orekhov AS, Sena RP, Saveleva VA, Kerangueven G, Antipov E V, Savinova ER, Tsirlina GA, Electrochimica Acta 367, 137378 (2021).
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Semihard iron-based permanent-magnet materials”. Yin L, Juneja R, Lindsay L, Pandey T, Parker DS, Physical Review Applied 15, 024012 (2021).
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Single layer graphene controlled surface and bulk indentation plasticity in copper”. Bahrami F, Hammad M, Fivel M, Huet B, D'Haese C, Ding L, Nysten B, Idrissi H, Raskin JP, Pardoen T, International Journal Of Plasticity 138, 102936 (2021).
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Stress-induced amorphization triggers deformation in the lithospheric mantle”. Samae V, Cordier P, Demouchy S, Bollinger C, Gasc J, Koizumi S, Mussi A, Schryvers D, Idrissi H, Nature 591, 82 (2021).
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Structural and magnetic properties of the perovskites A₂LaFe₂SbO₉, (A = Ca, Sr, Ba)”. Hendrickx M, Tang Y, Hunter EC, Battle PD, Hadermann J, Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 295, 121914 (2021).
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Two-dimensional carbon nitride C₆N nanosheet with egg-comb-like structure and electronic properties of a semimetal”. Bafekry A, Shahrokhi M, Shafique A, Jappor HR, Shojaei F, Feghhi SAH, Ghergherehchi M, Gogova D, Nanotechnology 32, 215702 (2021).
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Investigation of active species in low-pressure capacitively coupled N-2/Ar plasmas”. Liang Y-S, Xue C, Zhang Y-R, Wang Y-N, Physics Of Plasmas 28, 013510 (2021).
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Plasma medicine technologies”. Kaushik NK, Bekeschus S, Tanaka H, Lin A, Choi EH, Applied Sciences-Basel 11, 4584 (2021).
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Plasma propagation in a single bead DBD reactor at different dielectric constants : insights from fluid modelling”. Wang W, Butterworth T, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 54, 214004 (2021).
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Probing the impact of material properties of core-shell SiO₂@TiO₂, spheres on the plasma-catalytic CO₂, dissociation using a packed bed DBD plasma reactor”. Kaliyappan P, Paulus A, D’Haen J, Samyn P, Uytdenhouwen Y, Hafezkhiabani N, Bogaerts A, Meynen V, Elen K, Hardy A, Van Bael MK, Journal Of Co2 Utilization 46, 101468 (2021).
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Atomic defects, functional groups and properties in MXenes”. Cui W, Hu Z-Y, Unocic RR, Van Tendeloo G, Sang X, Chinese Chemical Letters 32, 339 (2021).
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Enhancing the hydrogen evolution properties of kesterite absorber by Si-doping in the surface of CZTS thin film”. Vishwakarma M, Kumar M, Hendrickx M, Hadermann J, Singh AP, Batra Y, Mehta BR, Advanced Materials Interfaces , 2002124 (2021).
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Precipitation behaviors in Ti-2.3 Wt Pct Cu alloy during isothermal and two-step aging”. Akamine H, Mitsuhara M, Nishida M, Samaee V, Schryvers D, Tsukamoto G, Kunieda T, Fujii H, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science 52, 2760 (2021).
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Synergistic effects altering reaction pathways : the case of glucose hydrogenation over Fe-Ni catalysts”. Fu Y, Ding L, Singleton ML, Idrissi H, Hermans S, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 288, 119997 (2021).
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Topochemical deintercalation of Li from layered LiNiB : toward 2D MBene”. Bhaskar G, Gvozdetskyi V, Batuk M, Wiaderek KM, Sun Y, Wang R, Zhang C, Carnahan SL, Wu X, Ribeiro RA, Bud'ko SL, Canfield PC, Huang W, Rossini AJ, Wang C-Z, Ho K-M, Hadermann J, Zaikina J V, Journal Of The American Chemical Society 143, 4213 (2021).
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Unravelling the multi-scale structure-property relationship of laser powder bed fusion processed and heat-treated AlSi10Mg”. Van Cauwenbergh P, Samaee V, Thijs L, Nejezchlebova J, Sedlak P, Ivekovic A, Schryvers D, Van Hooreweder B, Vanmeensel K, Scientific Reports 11, 6423 (2021).
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Skorikov A (2021) Fast approaches for investigating 3D elemental distribution in nanomaterials. 143 p
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Optimized loss function in deep learning profilometry for improved prediction performance”. van der Jeught S, Muyshondt PGG, Lobato I, JPhys Photonics 3, 024014 (2021).
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Pedrazo Tardajos A (2021) Advanced graphene supports for 3D in situ transmission electron microscopy. 247 p
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Skorikov A, Heyvaert W, Albrecht W, Pelt DM, Bals S (2021) EMAT Simulated 3D Nanoparticle Structures Dataset
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Du K (2021) In situ TEM study on the manipulation of ferroelectrics. 91 p
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Prabhakara V (2021) Strain measurement for semiconductor applications with Raman spectroscopy and Transmission electron microscopy. 149 p
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&alpha, phase growth and branching in titanium alloys”. Shi R, Choudhuri D, Kashiwar A, Dasari S, Wang Y, Banerjee R, Banerjee D, Philosophical magazine (2021).
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ab initio description of bonding for transmission electron microscopy”. Madsen J, Pennycook TJ, Susi T, Ultramicroscopy 231 (2021).
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Velazco Torrejó,n A (2021) Alternative scan strategies for high resolution STEM imaging. 131 p
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Anomalous stress-strain behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy close to the border of superelastic window”. Wang X, Yao X, Schryvers D, Verlinden B, Wang G, Zhao G, Van Humbeeck J, Kustov S, Scripta Materialia 204, 114135 (2021).
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Antiferromagnetic order breaks inversion symmetry in a metallic double perovskite, Pb₂NiOsO₆”. Feng HL, Kang C-J, Manuel P, Orlandi F, Su Y, Chen J, Tsujimoto Y, Hadermann J, Kotliar G, Yamaura K, McCabe EE, Greenblatt M, Chemistry Of Materials 33, 4188 (2021).
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Asymmetrical superelastic behavior of thermomechanically processed semi-equiatomic NiTi alloy in tensile and compressive modes of deformation”. Safdel A, Zarei-Hanzaki A, Abedi HR, Pourbabak S, Schryvers D, Basu R, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 878, 160443 (2021).
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