Number of records found: 2704
Laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA) in nephrological investigations”. Verbueken AH, Van de Vyver FL, Paulus GJ, Visser WJ, Verpooten GA, de Broe ME, Van Grieken RE page 375 (1984).
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Laser microprobe mass spectrometric identification of sulfur species in single micrometer-size particles”. Bruynseels FJ, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 56, 871 (1984).
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Laser microprobe mass spectrometry of platinum in dog kidney after cisplatin adminstration”. Verbueken AH, Van Grieken RE, Paulus GJ, Verpooten GA, de Broe ME, Biomedical mass spectrometry 11, 159 (1984).
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van de Vijver FL, Verbueken AH, Visser WJ, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME (1984) Localisation of aluminium and iron by histochemical and laster microprobe mass analytical techniques in bone marrow cells of chronic hemodialysis patients. 837–838
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Patterns of iron storage in patients with severe renal failure”. van de Vijver FL, Vanheule AO, Verbueken AH, Van Grieken R, d'Haese P, Visser WJ, Bekaert AB, Buyssens N, de Broe ME, Contributions to nephrology 38, 153 (1984)
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Preparation of conducting electrodes from biological samples for multi-element trace analysis by spark-source mass spectrometry or emission spectrometry”. Vos L, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 164, 83 (1984).
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Speciation and distribution of sulfur and nitrogen in individual aerosol particles measured by LAMMA”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, (1984)
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Ultrastructural localization of aluminum in patients with dialysis-associated osteomalacia”. Verbueken AH, van de Vijver FL, Van Grieken RE, Paulus GJ, Visser WJ, d'Haese P, de Broe ME, Clinical chemistry : international journal of laboratory medicine and molecular diagnostics 30, 763 (1984)
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X-ray spectrometry”. Markowicz AA, Van Grieken RE, Reviews in analytical chemistry 56, 241r (1984)
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Experimental weathering studies of igneous rocks (alkali-granite, granodiorite, gabbro and granite) and sedimentary gneiss under hydrothermal conditions”. Van 't dack L, Beusen J-M, Claesson T, Vandelannoote R, van Grieken R, Gijbels R, , 363 (1985)
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Interaction between rock-forming minerals and fluids under hydrothermal conditions : experiments with emphasis on the chemical composition of the minerals surface and on the trace element content of the aqueous phase”. Beusen J-M, Van 't dack L, Gijbels R, , 310 (1985)
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Multi-element trace analysis of geothermal waters : problems, characteristics and applicability”. Vandelannoote R, Blommaert W, Van 't dack L, van Grieken R, Gijbels R, , 523 (1985)
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Gijbels R, van Grieken R (1985) Trace element geochemistry in thermal waters from the Eastern Pyrenees. S.l
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Bremsstrahlung background in electron-probe X-ray-microanalysis of thin films”. Markowicz AA, Storms HM, Van Grieken RE, Analytical chemistry 57, 2885 (1985).
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Characterization of individual particle types in coastal air by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Tavares T, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 23, 1 (1985).
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Chemical characterization of airborne particulate matter above the North Sea”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Chemical characterization of individual aerosol particles from remote and polluted marine air”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols sampled worldwide”. Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Winchester JW, National Geographic Society research reports 20, 791 (1985)
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Chemical composition of river sediments from the Indian sub-continent”. Subramanian V, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Chemical geology 48, 271 (1985).
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Direct detection of sulfate and nitrate layers on sampled marine aerosols by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment 19, 1969 (1985).
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Effect of pollution on sandy limestones of a historical cathedral in Belgium”. Keppens E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Electron microprobe observations of recrystallization affecting PIXE-analysis of marine aerosol deposits”. Storms H, Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Journal of trace and microprobe techniques 2, 103 (1985)
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Evaluation of different techniques used to determine aluminium in patients with chronic renal failure”. Visser WJ, Van de Vyver FL, Verbueken AH, d'Haese P, Bekaert AB, Van Grieken RE, Duursma SA, de Broe ME, (1985)
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Geoquimica dos microclasticos da Bacio do Parnaiba”. Mabesoone JM, Duarte PJ, Van Grieken R, Delgao A, Freire EMP page 30 (1985).
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Increased erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in psoriatics consuming high-selenium drinking water at the dead-sea psoriasis treatment center”. Shani J, Livshitz T, Robberecht H, Van Grieken R, Rubinstein N, Even-Paz Z, Pharmacological research communications 17, 479 (1985).
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Influence of sample thickness, excitation energy and geometry on particle size effects in XRF”. Van Dyck P, Markowicz A, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 14, 183 (1985).
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Investigation of heterogeneous reactions of PAH's on particle surfaces using laser microprobe mass analysis”. Niessner R, Klockow D, Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 22, 281 (1985).
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Laser microprobe mass analysis : a review of applications in the life sciences”. Verbueken AH, Bruynseels FJ, Van Grieken RE, Biomedical mass spectrometry 12, 438 (1985).
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van de Vijver FL, Verbueken AH, Van Grieken RE, de Broe ME, Visser WJ (1985) Laser microprobe mass analysis : a tool for evaluating histochemical staining of trace elements. 351–352
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Loss of particulate organic matter in estuaries as exemplified by the Ems and Gironde estuaries”. Eisma D, Bernard P, Boon JJ, Van Grieken R, Kalf J, Mook WG, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 58, 397 (1985)
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