Number of records found: 469
IR reflectography and active thermography on artworks : the added value of the 1.53 µm band”. Peeters J, Steenackers G, Sfarra S, Legrand S, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Janssens K, van der Snickt G, Applied Sciences 8, 50 (2018).
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Digitally reconstructing Van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles. Part 2: Pigment concentration maps”. Kirchner E, van der Lans I, Ligterink F, Geldof M, Gaibor ANP, Hendriks E, Janssens K, Delaney J, Color research and application 43, 158 (2018).
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A simplified protocol for usage of new immuno-SERS probes for detection of casein, collagens and ovalbumin in cross-sections of artworks”. Hrdlickova Kuckova S, Hamidi-Asl E, Sofer Z, Marvan P, De Wael K, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Analytical methods 10, 1054 (2018).
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Zinc and iron concentration as affected by nitrogen fertilization and their localization in wheat grain”. Singh BR, Timsina YN, Lind OC, Cagno S, Janssens K, Frontiers in plant science 9 (2018).
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Assessing the stability of arsenic sulfide pigments and influence of the binding media on their degradation by means of spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques”. Vermeulen M, Janssens K, Sanyova J, Rahemi V, McGlinchey C, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 138, 82 (2018).
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Non-invasive analysis of a 15th century illuminated manuscript fragment: point-based vs imaging spectroscopy”. Legrand S, Ricciardi P, Nodari L, Janssens K, Microchemical journal 138, 162 (2018).
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In situ macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanning as a non-invasive tool to probe for subsurface modifications in paintings by PP Rubens”. van der Snickt G, Legrand S, Slama I, Van Zuien E, Gruber G, Van der Stighelen K, Klaassen L, Oberthaler E, Janssens K, Microchemical journal 138, 238 (2018).
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Development of a new portable X-ray powder diffractometer and its demonstration to on-site analysis of two selected old master paintings from the Rijksmuseum”. Hirayama A, Abe Y, van Loon A, De Keyser N, Noble P, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Tantrakarn K, Taniguchi K, Nakai I, Microchemical journal 138, 266 (2018).
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A mobile scanner for xrpd-imaging of paintings in transmission and reflection geometry”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Storme P, ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2017: PAINTING AS A STORY T2 –, 6th Interdisciplinary ALMA Conference, JUN 01-03, 2017, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC , 29 (2017)
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Integrated X-ray fluorescence and diffuse visible-to-near-infrared reflectance scanner for standoff elemental and molecular spectroscopic imaging of paints and works on paper”. Delaney JK, Conover DM, Dooley KA, Glinsman L, Janssens K, Loew M, Heritage science 6, 31 (2018).
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Macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning, a new method for highly selective chemical imaging of works of art : instrument optimization”. Vanmeert F, de Nolf W, De Meyer S, Dik J, Janssens K, Analytical chemistry 90, 6436 (2018).
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Macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning : possibilities for quantitative and depth-selective parchment analysis”. Vanmeert F, de Nolf W, Dik J, Janssens K, Analytical chemistry 90, 6445 (2018).
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Photochemistry of Artists' Dyes and Pigments : towards better understanding and prevention of colour change in works of art”. Miliani C, Monico L, Melo MJ, Fantacci S, Angelin EM, Romani A, Janssens K, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 7324 (2018).
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Chemical Mapping by Macroscopic X-ray Powder Diffraction (MA-XRPD) of Van Gogh's Sunflowers : identification of areas with higher degradation risk”. Vanmeert F, Hendriks E, van der Snickt G, Monico L, Dik J, Janssens K, Angewandte Chemie: international edition in English 57, 7418 (2018).
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A Roman Egyptian Painting Workshop : technical investigation of the portraits from Tebtunis, Egypt”. Salvant J, Williams J, Ganio M, Casadio F, Daher C, Sutherland K, Monico L, Vanmeert F, De Meyer S, Janssens K, Cartwright C, Walton M, Archaeometry 60, 815 (2018).
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Protecting and stimulating effect on the degradation of eosin lakes. Part 1 : lead white and cobalt blue”. Alvarez-Martin A, Janssens K, Microchemical journal 141, 51 (2018).
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Role of the relative humidity and the Cd/Zn stoichiometry in the photooxidation process of cadmium yellows (CdS/Cd1-xZnxS) in oil paintings”. Monico L, Chieli A, De Meyer S, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Falkenberg G, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, Chemistry: a European journal 24, 11584 (2018).
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Separating two painting campaigns in Saul and David, attributed to Rembrandt, using macroscale reflectance and XRF imaging spectroscopies and microscale paint analysis”. Dooley KA, Gifford EM, van Loon A, Noble P, Zeibel JG, Conover DM, Alfeld M, van der Snickt G, Legrand S, Janssens K, Dik J, Delaney JK, Heritage science 6, 46 (2018).
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Applications of synchrotron X-ray nano-probes in the field of cultural heritage”. Cotte M, Genty-Vincent A, Janssens K, Susini J, Comptes rendus : physique 19, 575 (2018).
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The patron of Hieronymus Bosch's 'Last Judgment' triptych in Vienna”. Koldeweij J, Hoogstede L, Ilsink M, Janssens K, De Keyser N, Gotink RK, Legrand S, Nauhaus JM, van der Snickt G, Spronk R, The Burlington magazine 160, 106 (2018)
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LA-ICP-MS labels early medieval Tuscan finds from Siena and Donoratico as late natron glass”. Hellemans K, Cagno S, Bogana L, Janssens K, Mendera M, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 844 (2019).
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Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol–borax/agarose (PVA–B/AG) blend hydrogels for removal of deteriorated consolidants from ancient Egyptian wall paintings”. Al-Emam E, Motawea AG, Janssens K, Caen J, Heritage science 7, 22 (2019).
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Disclosing the binding medium effects and the pigment solubility in the (photo)reduction process of chrome yellows (PbCrO4/PbCr1-xSxO4)”. Monico L, Sorace L, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, ACS Omega 4, 6607 (2019).
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Rembrandt's An Old Man in Military Costume : combining hyperspectral and MA-XRF imaging to understand how two paintings were painted on a single panel”. MacLennan D, Trentelman K, Szafran Y, Woollett AT, Delaney JK, Janssens K, Dik J, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 58, 54 (2019).
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Transmission and reflection mode macroscopic x-ray powder diffraction imaging for the noninvasive visualization of paint degradation in still life paintings by Jan Davidsz. de Heem”. Vanmeert F, De Keyser N, van Loon A, Klaassen L, Noble P, Janssens K, Analytical chemistry 91, 7153 (2019).
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Recent advances in analysis of trace elements in environmental samples by X-ray based techniques (IUPAC Technical Report)”. Terzano R, Denecke MA, Falkenberg G, Miller B, Paterson D, Janssens K, Pure and applied chemistry 91, 1029 (2019).
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Preface to the special issue on: MA-XRF “developments and applications of macro-XRF in conservation, art, and archeology&rdquo, (Trieste, Italy, 24 and 25 September 2017)”. Romano FP, Janssens K, X-ray spectrometry 48, 249 (2019).
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Interpreting technical evidence from spectral imaging of paintings by Edouard Manet in the Courtauld Gallery”. Amato SR, Burnstock A, Cross M, Janssens K, Rosi F, Cartechini L, Fontana R, Dal Fovo A, Paolantoni M, Grazia C, Romani A, Michelin A, Andraud C, Tournie A, Dik J, X-ray spectrometry T2 –, MA-XRF Workshop on Developments and Applications of Macro-XRF in, Conservation, Art, and Archeology, SEP 24-25, 2017, Trieste, ITALY 48, 282 (2019).
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Rapid evaluation of the debromination mechanism of eosin in oil paint by direct analysis in real time and direct infusion-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry”. Alvarez-Martin A, Cleland TP, Kavich GM, Janssens K, Newsome GA, Analytical chemistry 91, 10856 (2019).
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Imaging secondary reaction products at the surface of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring by means of macroscopic X-ray powder diffraction scanning”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Vertongen R, van Loon A, Gonzalez V, van der Snickt G, Vandivere A, Janssens K, Heritage science 7, 67 (2019).
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