Number of records found: 4750
P-N Junction Passivation in Kesterite Solar Cells by Use of Solution-Processed TiO2 Layer”. Ranjbar S, Hadipour A, Vermang B, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Garud S, Sahayaraj S, Meuris M, Brammertz G, da Cunha AF, Poortmans J, IEEE journal of photovoltaics 7, 1130 (2017).
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The Li3RuyNb1-yO4 (0 ≤y&le, 1) System: Structural Diversity and Li Insertion and Extraction Capabilities”. Jacquet Q, Perez A, Batuk D, Van Tendeloo G, Rousse G, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 29, 5331 (2017).
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Structure and reentrant percolation in an inverse patchy colloidal system”. de Araujo JLB, Munarin FF, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Ferreira WP, Physical Review E 95, 062606 (2017).
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Vertically aligned diamond-graphite hybrid nanorod arrays with superior field electron emission properties”. Ramaneti R, Sankaran KJ, Korneychuk S, Yeh CJ, Degutis G, Leou KC, Verbeeck J, Van Bael MK, Lin IN, Haenen K, APL materials 5, 066102 (2017).
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Achieving independent control of core diameter and carbon shell thickness in Pd-C core–shell nanoparticles by gas phase synthesis”. Singh V, Mehta BR, Sengar SK, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Kaushal A, Nanotechnology 28, 295603 (2017).
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Nitrogen cycling in bioregenerative life support systems : challenges for waste refinery and food production processes”. Clauwaert P, Muys M, Alloul A, De Paepe J, Luther A, Sun X, Ilgrande C, Christiaens MER, Hu X, Zhang D, Lindeboom REF, Sas B, Rabaey K, Boon N, Ronsse F, Geelen D, Vlaeminck SE, Progress in aerospace sciences 91, 87 (2017).
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Electronic Coupling between Graphene and Topological Insulator Induced Anomalous Magnetotransport Properties”. Zhang L, Lin B-C, Wu Y-F, Wu H, Huang T-W, Chang C-R, Ke X, Kurttepeli M, Tendeloo GV, Xu J, Yu D, Liao Z-M, ACS nano 11, 6277 (2017).
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The darkening of copper- or lead-based pigments explained by a structural modification of natural orpiment : a spectroscopic and electrochemical study”. Vermeulen M, Sanyova J, Janssens K, Nuyts G, De Meyer S, De Wael K, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 32, 1331 (2017).
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Hybrid YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting-ferromagnetic nanocomposite thin films prepared from colloidal chemical solutions”. Bartolome E, Cayado P, Solano E, Mocuta C, Ricart S, Mundet B, Coll M, Gazquez J, Meledin A, Van Tendeloo G, Valvidares SM, Herrero-Martin J, Gargiani P, Pellegrin E, Magen C, Puig T, Obradors X, Advanced Electronic Materials 3, 1700037 (2017).
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Cobalt location in p -CoO x / n -SnO 2 nanocomposites: Correlation with gas sensor performances”. Vladimirova SA, Rumyantseva MN, Filatova DG, Chizhov AS, Khmelevsky NO, Konstantinova EA, Kozlovsky VF, Marchevsky AV, Karakulina OM, Hadermann J, Gaskov AM, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 721, 249 (2017).
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New group-V elemental bilayers : a tunable structure model with four-, six-, and eight-atom rings”. Kong X, Li L, Leenaerts O, Liu X-J, Peeters FM, Physical review B 96, 035123 (2017).
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Nanorattles with tailored electric field enhancement”. Schnepf MJ, Mayer M, Kuttner C, Tebbe M, Wolf D, Dulle M, Altantzis T, Formanek P, Förster S, Bals S, König TAF, Fery A, Nanoscale 9, 9376 (2017).
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Tuning quantum nonlocal effects in graphene plasmonics”. Lundeberg MB, Gao Y, Asgari R, Tan C, Van Duppen B, Autore M, Alonso-Gonzalez P, Woessner A, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Hillenbrand R, Hone J, Polini M, Koppens FHL, Science 357, 187 (2017).
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Auger electron emission initiated by the creation of valence-band holes in graphene by positron annihilation”. Chirayath VA, Callewaert V, Fairchild AJ, Chrysler MD, Gladen RW, Mcdonald AD, Imam SK, Shastry K, Koymen AR, Saniz R, Barbiellini B, Rajeshwar K, Partoens B, Weiss AH, Nature communications 8, 16116 (2017).
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Singlet oxygen-based electrosensing by molecular photosensitizers”. Trashin S, Rahemi V, Ramji K, Neven L, Gorun SM, De Wael K, Nature communications 8, 16108 (2017).
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The 2017 Plasma Roadmap: Low temperature plasma science and technology”. Adamovich I, Baalrud SD, Bogaerts A, Bruggeman PJ, Cappelli M, Colombo V, Czarnetzki U, Ebert U, Eden JG, Favia P, Graves DB, Hamaguchi S, Hieftje G, Hori M, Kaganovich ID, Kortshagen U, Kushner MJ, Mason NJ, Mazouffre S, Thagard SM, Metelmann H-R, Mizuno A, Moreau E, Murphy AB, Niemira BA, Oehrlein GS, Petrovic ZL, Pitchford LC, Pu Y-K, Rauf S, Sakai O, Samukawa S, Starikovskaia S, Tennyson J, Terashima K, Turner MM, van de Sanden MCM, Vardelle A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 50, 323001 (2017).
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Excitons and trions in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides : a comparative study between the multiband model and the quadratic single-band model”. Van der Donck M, Zarenia M, Peeters FM, Physical review B 96, 035131 (2017).
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Self-assembly of rigid magnetic rods consisting of single dipolar beads in two dimensions”. Domingos JLC, Peeters FM, Ferreira WP, Physical review E 96, 012603 (2017).
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Effect of head group and lipid tail oxidation in the cell membrane revealed through integrated simulations and experiments”. Yusupov M, Wende K, Kupsch S, Neyts EC, Reuter S, Bogaerts A, Scientific reports 7, 5761 (2017).
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Advanced turbulence models and boundary conditions for flows around different configurations of ground-mounted buildings”. Longo R, Ferrarotti M, Garcia Sánchez C, Derudi M, Parente A, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 167, 160 (2017).
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Imaging of super-fast dynamics and flow instabilities of superconducting vortices”. Embon L, Anahory Y, Jelić, ZL, Lachman EO, Myasoedov Y, Huber ME, Mikitik GP, Silhanek AV, Milošević, MV, Gurevich A, Zeldov E, Nature communications 8, 85 (2017).
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Photodegradation mechanisms and kinetics of Eosin-Y in oxic and anoxic conditions”. Alvarez-Martin A, Trashin S, Cuykx M, Covaci A, De Wael K, Janssens K, Dyes and pigments 145, 376 (2017).
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Energy Level Alignment and Cation Charge States at the LaFeO3/LaMnO3(001) Heterointerface”. Smolin SY, Choquette AK, Wilks RG, Gauquelin N, Félix R, Gerlach D, Ueda S, Krick AL, Verbeeck J, Bär M, Baxter JB, May SJ, Advanced Materials Interfaces 4, 1700183 (2017).
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Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states”. Bliokh KY, Ivanov IP, Guzzinati G, Clark L, Van Boxem R, Béché, A, Juchtmans R, Alonso MA, Schattschneider P, Nori F, Verbeeck J, Physics reports 690, 1 (2017).
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Double quantum dots defined in bilayer graphene”. Zebrowski DP, Peeters FM, Szafran B, Physical review B 96, 035434 (2017).
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Measuring adaptive capacity of urban wastewater infrastructure : change impact and change propagation”. Spiller M, The science of the total environment 601-602, 571 (2017).
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A DFT study of H-dissolution into the bulk of a crystalline Ni(111) surface: a chemical identifier for the reaction kinetics”. Shirazi M, Bogaerts A, Neyts EC, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 19, 19150 (2017).
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The influence of branched alkyl side chains in A-D-A oligothiophenes on the photovoltaic performance and morphology of solution-processed bulk-heterojunction solar cells”. Ata I, Ben Dkhil S, Pfannmoeller M, Bals S, Duche D, Simon J-J, Koganezawa T, Yoshimoto N, Videlot-Ackermann C, Margeat O, Ackermann J, Baeuerle P, Organic chemistry frontiers : an international journal of organic chemistry 4, 1561 (2017).
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Magnetic properties of the 6H perovskite Ba3Fe2TeO9”. Tang Y, Sena RP, Aydeev M, Battle PD, Cadogan JM, Hadermann J, Hunter EC, Journal of solid state chemistry 253, 347 (2017).
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Dual stabilization and sacrificial effect of Na2CO3 for increasing capacities of Na-Ion cells based on P2-NaxMO2 electrodes”. Sathiya M, Thomas J, Batuk D, Pimenta V, Gopalan R, Tarascon J-M, Chemistry of materials 29, 5948 (2017).
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