Number of records found: 719
Elaborating the membrane life concept in a full scale hollow-fibers MBR”. Fenu A, De Wilde W, Gaertner M, Weemaes M, de Gueldre G, van de Steene B, Journal of membrane science 421, 349 (2012).
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Oxidation potential in the Earth's lower mantle as recorded by ferropericlase inclusions in diamond”. Kaminsky FV, Ryabchikov ID, McCammon CA, Longo M, Abakumov AM, Turner S, Heidari H, Earth and planetary science letters 417, 49 (2015).
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Dispersion modelling of traffic induced ultrafine particles in a street canyon in Antwerp, Belgium and comparison with observations”. Nikolova I, Janssen S, Vos P, Vrancken K, Mishra V, Berghmans P, The science of the total environment 412, 336 (2011).
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Size resolved ultrafine particles emission model : a continues size distribution approach”. Nikolova I, Janssen S, Vrancken K, Vos P, Mishra V, Berghmans P, The science of the total environment 409, 3492 (2011).
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Exposure assessment of a cyclist to PM10 and ultrafine particles”. Berghmans P, Bleux N, Int Panis L, Mishra VK, Torfs R, Van Poppel M, The science of the total environment 407, 1286 (2009).
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Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in residences in Antwerp, Belgium”. Stranger M, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 407, 1182 (2009).
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SEM-EDX hyperspectral data analysis for the study of soil aggregates”. Allegretta I, Legrand S, Alfeld M, Gattullo CE, Porfido C, Spagnuolo M, Janssens K, Terzano R, Geoderma: an international journal of soil science 406 (2022).
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Variation in particulate PAHs levels and their relation with the transboundary movement of the air masses”. Ravindra K, Wauters E, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 396, 100 (2008).
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Controlling pore size and uniformity of mesoporous titania by early stage low temperature stabilization”. Herregods SJF, Mertens M, Van Havenbergh K, Van Tendeloo G, Cool P, Buekenhoudt A, Meynen V, Journal of colloid and interface science 391, 36 (2013).
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Tailoring CuO nanostructures for enhanced photocatalytic property”. Liu J, Jin J, Deng Z, Huang SZ, Hu ZY, Wang L, Wang C, Chen LH, Li Y, Van Tendeloo G, Su BL;, Journal of colloid and interface science 384, 1 (2012).
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Size of cerium dioxide support nanocrystals dictates reactivity of highly dispersed palladium catalysts”. Muravev V, Parastaev A, van den Bosch Y, Ligt B, Claes N, Bals S, Kosinov N, Hensen EJM, Science 380, 1174 (2023).
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Restructuring of titanium oxide overlayers over nickel nanoparticles during catalysis”. Monai M, Jenkinson K, Melcherts AEM, Louwen JN, Irmak EA, Van Aert S, Altantzis T, Vogt C, van der Stam W, Duchon T, Smid B, Groeneveld E, Berben P, Bals S, Weckhuysen BM, Science 380, 644 (2023).
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Applications of advanced transmission electron microscopic techniques to Ni-Ti based shape memory materials”. Schryvers D, Potapov P, Santamarta R, Tirry W, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 378, 11 (2004).
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High resolution TEM study of Ni4Ti3 precipitates in austenitic Ni51Ti49”. Tirry W, Schryvers D, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 378, 157 (2004).
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Structure of multi-grain spherical particles in an amorphous Ti50Ni25Cu25 melt-spun ribbon”. Santamarta R, Schryvers D, Materials science and engineering: part A: structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing 378, 143 (2004).
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Characterization of U/Pu particles originating from the nuclear weapon accidents at Palomares, Spain, 1966 and Thule, Greenland, 1968”. Lind OC, Salbu B, Janssens K, Proost K, Garcia-León M, Garcia-Tenorio R, The science of the total environment 376, 294 (2007).
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Induced giant piezoelectricity in centrosymmetric oxides”. Park D-s, Hadad M, Riemer LM, Ignatans R, Spirito D, Esposito V, Tileli V, Gauquelin N, Chezganov D, Jannis D, Verbeeck J, Gorfman S, Pryds N, Muralt P, Damjanovic D, Science 375, 653 (2022).
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Development, performance and stability of sulfur-free, macrovoid-free BSCF capillaries for high temperature oxygen separation from air”. Buysse C, Kovalevsky A, Snijkers F, Buekenhoudt A, Mullens S, Luyten J, Kretzschmar J, Lenaerts S, Journal of membrane science 372, 239 (2011).
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Single-layer and bilayer graphene superlattices: collimation, additional Dirac points and Dirac lines”. Barbier M, Vasilopoulos P, Peeters FM, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society : mathematical, physical and engineering sciences 368, 5499 (2010).
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Oxygen exchange-limited transport and surface activation of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-\delta capillary membranes”. Kovalevsky A, Buysse C, Snijkers F, Buekenhoudt A, Luyten J, Kretzschmar J, Lenaerts S, Journal of membrane science 368, 223 (2011).
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Micelle-directed chiral seeded growth on anisotropic gold nanocrystals”. González-Rubio G, Mosquera J, Kumar V, Pedrazo-Tardajos A, Llombart P, Solís DM, Lobato I, Noya EG, Guerrero-Martínez A, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, MacDowell LG, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, Science 368, 1472 (2020).
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Composition of individual aerosol particles in the marine boundary layer over seas of the Western Russian Arctic”. Shevchenko VP, Van Grieken RE, van Malderen H, Lisitzin AP, Kuptsov VM, Serova VV, Doklady earth sciences 366, 546 (1999)
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New generation monitoring devices for heritage guardians to detect multiple events and hazards”. Schalm O, Anaf W, Callier J, Leyva Pernia D, IOP conference series : materials science and engineering 364, Unsp 012056 (2018).
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Positron annihilation study of nanocrystalline Ni3Al : simulations and measurements”. Kuriplach J, van Petegem S, Hou M, Van Tendeloo G, Schryvers D, et al, Materials science forum T2 –, 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-12), AUG 06-12, 2000, UNIV BUNDERSWEHR MUNCHEN, NEUBIBERG, GERMANY 363-3, 94 (2001)
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Resonant tunnelling through D- states”. Lok JGS, Geim AK, Maan JC, Marmorkos I, Peeters FM, Mori N, Eaves L, McDonnell P, Henini M, Sakai JW, Main PC;, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces T2 –, 11th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of 2-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS XI), August 07-11, 1995, Univ. Nottingham, Nottingham, England 362, 247 (1996).
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Electrons in a periodic magnetic field”. Ibrahim IS, Peeters FM, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces 361/362, 341 (1996).
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Magneto-oscillations of the gate current in a laterally modulated two-dimensional electron gas”. Blom FAP, Peeters FM, van de Zanden K, van Hove M, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces 361/362, 851 (1996).
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Resonant bound bipolarons in a superlattice in a high magnetic field”. Shi JM, Peeters FM, Devreese JT, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces 361/362, 397 (1996).
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Resonant tunneling through D- states”. Lok JGS, Geim AK, Maan JC, Marmorkos I, Peeters FM, Mori N, Eaves L, McDonnell P, Henini M, Sakai JW, Main PC, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces 361/362, 247 (1996)
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Stability and dynamical properties of a double-layer Wigner crystal in two dimensions”. Goldoni G, Schweigert V, Peeters FM, Surface science : a journal devoted to the physics and chemistry of interfaces 361/362, 163 (1996).
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