Number of records found: 375
A review on the leaf area index (LAI) in vertical greening systems”. De Bock A, Belmans B, Vanlanduit S, Blom J, Alvarado Alvarado AA, Audenaert A, Building and environment 229, 109926 (2023).
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Discovery of core-shell quasicrystalline particles”. Yang T, Kong Y, Du Y, Li K, Schryvers D, Scripta materialia 222, 115040 (2023).
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Are aptamer-based biosensing approaches a good choice for female fertility monitoring? A comprehensive review”. Cánovas R, Daems E, Langley AR, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 220, 114881 (2023).
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Modeling symmetric and defect-free carbon schwarzites into various zeolite templates”. Marazzi E, Ghojavand A, Pirard J, Petretto G, Charlier J-C, Rignanese G-M, Carbon 215, 118385 (2023).
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Follow-up of solid-state fungal wood pretreatment by a novel near-infrared spectroscopy-based lignin calibration model”. Wittner N, Gergely S, Slezsák J, Broos W, Vlaeminck SE, Cornet I, Journal of microbiological methods 208, 106725 (2023).
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Electronic Mach-Zehnder interference in a bipolar hybrid monolayer-bilayer graphene junction”. Mirzakhani M, Myoung N, Peeters FM, Park HC, Carbon 201, 734 (2023).
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Controlled precipitation in a new Al-Mg-Sc alloy for enhanced corrosion behavior while maintaining the mechanical performance”. Krishnamurthy SC, Arseenko M, Kashiwar A, Dufour P, Marchal Y, Delahaye J, Idrissi H, Pardoen T, Mertens A, Simar A, Materials characterization 200, 112886 (2023).
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Quasicrystalline clusters transformed from C14-MgZn₂, nanoprecipitates in Al alloys”. Yang T, Kong Y, Li K, Lu Q, Wang Y, Du Y, Schryvers D, Materials characterization 199, 112772 (2023).
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Integrated poultry waste management by co-digestion with perennial grass : effects of mixing ratio, pretreatments, reaction temperature, and effluent recycle on biomethanation yield”. Phuttaro C, Krishnan S, Saritpongteeraka K, Charnnok B, Diels L, Chaiprapat S, Biochemical engineering journal 196, 108937 (2023).
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Microneedle array-based electrochemical sensor functionalized with SWCNTs for the highly sensitive monitoring of MDMA in interstitial fluid”. Drăgan A-M, Parrilla M, Cambré, S, Domínguez-Robles J, Detamornrat U, Donnelly RF, Oprean R, Cristea C, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 193, 109257 (2023).
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NanoMIPs-based electrochemical sensors for selective detection of amphetamine”. Truta F, Cruz AG, Tertis M, Zaleski C, Adamu G, Allcock NS, Suciu M, Stefan M-G, Kiss B, Piletska E, De Wael K, Piletsky SA, Cristea C, Microchemical journal 191, 108821 (2023).
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Validated portable device for the qualitative and quantitative electrochemical detection of MDMA ready for on-site use”. Van Echelpoel R, Parrilla M, Sleegers N, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, van Nuijs ALN, Slosse A, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 190, 108693 (2023).
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Toward resilient organizations after COVID-19 : an analysis of circular and less circular companies”. Borms L, Brusselaers J, Vrancken KCM, Deckmyn S, Marynissen P, Resources, conservation and recycling 188, 106681 (2023).
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Environmental sustainability perception toward obvious recovered waste content in paper-based packaging : an online and in-person survey best-worst scaling experiment”. Van Schoubroeck S, Chacon L, Reynolds AM, Lavoine N, Hakovirta M, Gonzalez R, Van Passel S, Venditti RA, Resources, conservation and recycling 188, 106682 (2023).
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Geospatial environmental techno-economic assessment of pretreatment technologies for bioethanol production”. Vasilakou K, Nimmegeers P, Billen P, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 187, 113743 (2023).
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Longer dry and wet spells alter the stochasticity of microbial community assembly in grassland soils”. Li L, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Vinduskova O, Reynaert S, Donnelly C, Zi L, Verbruggen E, Soil biology and biochemistry 178, 108969 (2023).
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Biochemical composition changes can be linked to the tolerance of four grassland species under more persistent precipitation regimes”. Zi L, Reynaert S, Nijs I, De Boeck H, Verbruggen E, Beemster GTS, Asard H, Abdelgawad H, Physiologia plantarum 175, e14083 (2023).
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Exploring the effects of graphene and temperature in reducing electron beam damage: A TEM and electron diffraction-based quantitative study on Lead Phthalocyanine (PbPc) crystals”. Jain N, Hao Y, Parekh U, Kaltenegger M, Pedrazo-Tardajos A, Lazzaroni R, Resel R, Geerts YH, Bals S, Van Aert S, Micron 169, 103444 (2023).
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Development of an electrochemiluminescent oligonucleotide-based assay for the quantification of prostate cancer associated miR-141-3p in human serum”. Campos R, Thiruvottriyur Shanmugam S, Daems E, Ribeiro R, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 153, 108495 (2023).
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Haem-mediated albumin biosensing : towards voltammetric detection of PFOA”. Moro G, Campos R, Daems E, Moretto LM, De Wael K, Bioelectrochemistry: an international journal devoted to electrochemical aspects of biology and biological aspects of electrochemistry 152, 108428 (2023).
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Wave-packet propagation in a graphene geometric diode”. Andelkovic M, Rakhimov KY, Chaves A, Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 147, 115607 (2023).
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An atomically dispersed Mn-photocatalyst for generating hydrogen peroxide from seawater via the Water Oxidation Reaction (WOR)”. Ren P, Zhang T, Jain N, Ching HYV, Jaworski A, Barcaro G, Monti S, Silvestre-Albero J, Celorrio V, Chouhan L, Rokicinska A, Debroye E, Kustrowski P, Van Doorslaer S, Van Aert S, Bals S, Das S, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 16584 (2023).
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Two pathways for the degradation of orpiment pigment (As₂S₃) found in paintings”. Broers FTH, Janssens K, Weker JN, Webb SM, Mehta A, Meirer F, Keune K, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 8847 (2023).
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Two-dimensional halide Pb-perovskite-double perovskite epitaxial heterostructures”. Singh A, Yuan B, Rahman MH, Yang H, De A, Park JY, Zhang S, Huang L, Mannodi-Kanakkithodi A, Pennycook TJ, Dou L, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 19885 (2023).
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Terahertz optoelectronic properties of synthetic single crystal diamond”. Xiao H, Zhang Z, Xu W, Wang Q, Xiao Y, Ding L, Huang J, Li H, He B, Peeters FM, Diamond and related materials 139, 110266 (2023).
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A perspective on the state-of-the-art functionalized 2D materials”. Duran TA, Yayak YO, Aydin H, Peeters FM, Yagmurcukardes M, Journal of applied physics 134, 120901 (2023).
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Optical spectrum of n-type and p-type monolayer MoS₂, in the presence of proximity-induced interactions”. Liu J, Xu W, Xiao YM, Ding L, Li HW, Peeters FM, Journal of applied physics 134, 224301 (2023).
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The role of carbon monoxide in the catalytic synthesis of endohedral carbyne”. Mehmonov K, Ergasheva A, Yusupov M, Khalilov U, Journal of applied physics 134, 144303 (2023).
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The peculiar potential of transition metal dichalcogenides for thermoelectric applications : a perspective on future computational research”. Sargin GO, Sarikurt S, Sevincli H, Sevik C, Journal of applied physics 133, 150902 (2023).
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Chester supersolid of spatially indirect excitons in double-layer semiconductor heterostructures”. Conti S, Perali A, Hamilton AR, Milošević, MV, Peeters FM, Neilson D, Physical review letters 130, 057001 (2023).
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