Number of records found: 2109
Composition and sources of aerosols from the Amazon basin”. Artaxo P, Storms H, Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Maenhaut W, Journal of geophysical research 93, 1605 (1988).
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CVD growth of monolayer WS2 through controlled seed formation and vapor density”. Yorulmaz B, Ozden A, Sar H, Ay F, Sevik C, Perkgoz NK, Materials science in semiconductor processing 93, 158 (2019).
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Quasi 3D modelling of vadose zone soil-water flow for optimizing irrigation strategies : challenges, uncertainties and efficiencies”. Rezaei M, De Pue J, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Cornelis W, Environmental modelling and software 93, 59 (2017).
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Crystal field and molecular structure of solid C60”. Lamoen D, Michel KH, Zeitschrift für Physik : B : condensed matter 92, 323 (1993).
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Beyond focus : exploring variability of service provision of agricultural cooperatives”. Sebhatu KT, Taheri F, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D'Haese M, Annals of public and cooperative economics 92, 207 (2021).
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Empowering a mesophilic inoculum for thermophilic nitrification : growth mode and temperature pattern as critical proliferation factors for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Courtens ENP, Vandekerckhove T, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, Water research 92, 94 (2016).
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The elemental composition of airborne particulate matter in the Atacama desert, Chile”. Rojas CM, Figueroa L, Janssens KH, Van Espen PE, Adams FC, Van Grieken RE, The science of the total environment 91, 251 (1990).
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EPXMA survey of shelf sediments (Southern Bight, North Sea): a glance beyond the XRD-invisible”. de Maeyer-Worobiec A, Dekov VM, Laane RWPM, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 91, 21 (2009).
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Nitrogen cycling in bioregenerative life support systems : challenges for waste refinery and food production processes”. Clauwaert P, Muys M, Alloul A, De Paepe J, Luther A, Sun X, Ilgrande C, Christiaens MER, Hu X, Zhang D, Lindeboom REF, Sas B, Rabaey K, Boon N, Ronsse F, Geelen D, Vlaeminck SE, Progress in aerospace sciences 91, 87 (2017).
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Organic surface coating on Coccolithophores –, Emiliania huxleyi: its determination and implication in the marine carbon cycle”. Godoi RHM, Aerts K, Harlay J, Kaegi R, Ro C-U, Chou L, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 91, 266 (2009).
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Proof of concept of high-rate decentralized pre-composting of kitchen waste : optimizing design and operation of a novel drum reactor”. Sakarika M, Spiller M, Baetens R, Donies G, Vanderstuyf J, Vinck K, Vrancken KC, Van Barel G, Du Bois E, Vlaeminck SE, Waste management 91, 20 (2019).
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CO₂, electrochemical reduction with Zn-Al layered double hydroxide-loaded gas-diffusion electrode”. Nakazato R, Matsumoto K, Yamaguchi N, Cavallo M, Crocella V, Bonino F, Quintelier M, Hadermann J, Rosero-navarro NC, Miura A, Tadanaga K, Electrochemistry 91, 097003 (2023).
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Characterization of the weathering crust of various historical buildings in Belgium”. Leysen LA, Roekens EJ, Van Grieken RE, De Geyter G, The science of the total environment 90, 117 (1990).
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Influence on photoplate evaluation parameters in spark source mass spectrometric analysis”. Verbueken A, Van Grieken R, Bulletin des sociétés chimiques belges 90, 331 (1981)
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Lead particles in an urban atmosphere : an individual particle approach”. Van Borman W, Wouters L, Van Grieken R, Adams F, The science of the total environment 90, 55 (1990).
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Monitoring of NO2 in the ambient air with passive samplers before and after a road reconstruction event”. Stranger M, Krata A, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Bencs L, Deutsch F, Worobiec A, Naveau I, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 90, 93 (2008).
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Redistribution of uranium and thorium by soil/plant interaction in a recultivated mining area”. Mihucz VG, Varga Z, Tatár E, Virág I, Van Grieken R, Koleszár Z, Záray G, Microchemical journal 90, 44 (2008).
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A seasonal study of atmospheric conditions influenced by the intensive tourist flow in the Royal Museum of Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland”. Worobiec A, Samek L, Karaszkiewicz P, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Stefaniak EA, van Meel K, Krata A, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 90, 99 (2008).
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Correlations between molecular and operational parameters in continuous lab-scale anaerobic reactors”. Carballa M, Smits M, Etchebehere C, Boon N, Verstraete W, Applied microbiology and biotechnology 89, 303 (2011).
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Reduction of trace metal levels in analytical-grade activated carbon”. Vanderborght B, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 89, 399 (1977).
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Self-inhibition can limit biologically enhanced TCE dissolution from a TCE DNAPL”. Haest PJ, Springael D, Seuntjens P, Smolders E, Chemosphere 89, 1369 (2012).
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Free energy and orientational phase transition in solid C60”. Michel KH, Zeitschrift für Physik: B 88, 71 (1992).
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Emerging halogenated flame retardants in the indoor environment”. Poma G, McGrath TJ, Christia C, Govindan M, Covaci A, Comprehensive analytical chemistry 88, 107 (2020).
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Characterization of the atmospheric aerosol over the eastern equatorial Pacific”. Maenhaut W, Raemdonck H, Selen A, Van Grieken R, Winchester JW, Journal of geophysical research 88, 5353 (1983).
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Mobile depth profiling and sub-surface imaging techniques for historical paintings : a review”. Alfeld M, Broekaert JAC, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 88, 211 (2013).
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Optimization of a simple spotting procedure for x-ray fluorescence analysis of waters”. Smits J, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 88, 97 (1977).
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Resolving the unresolved complex mixture in motor oils using high-performance liquid chromatography followed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography”. Mao D, van de Weghe H, Lookman R, Vanermen G, de Brucker N, Diels L, Fuel 88, 312 (2009).
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Assessment of heavy metals pollution in Sudanese harbours along the Red Sea Coast”. Idris AM, Eltayeb MAH, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Microchemical journal 87, 104 (2007).
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Removal of natural organic matter from water by using ion-exchange resins”. Kabsch-Korbutowicz M, Krupinska B, Przemysl chemiczny T2 –, Scientific and Technical Conference on Water and Wastewater Basis for, Environmental Protection (School of Quality Water 2008), MAY 28-30, 2008, Kolobrzeg, POLAND 87, 473 (2008)
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Free energy and structural phase transitions in mixed crystals: a microscopic derivation”. Theuns T, Michel KH, Zeitschrift für Physik: B 86, 125 (1992).
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