Number of records found: 146
Lu Q (2024) Precipitation behavior and heat resistance properties of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-(Si) alloy. VIII, 212 p
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Sampling real-time atomic dynamics in metal nanoparticles by combining experiments, simulations, and machine learning”. Cioni M, Delle Piane M, Polino D, Rapetti D, Crippa M, Arslan Irmak E, Van Aert S, Bals S, Pavan GM, Advanced Science , 1 (2024).
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Single-layered imine-linked porphyrin-based two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks targeting CO₂, reduction”. Arisnabarreta N, Hao Y, Jin E, Salame A, Muellen K, Robert M, Lazzaroni R, Van Aert S, Mali KS, De Feyter S, Advanced energy materials (2024).
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Manaigo F (2024) Study of a gliding arc discharge for sustainable nitrogen fixation into NOx. xxiv, 114 p
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Tailoring mechanical properties and shear band propagation in ZrCu metallic glass nanolaminates through chemical heterogeneities and interface density”. Brognara A, Kashiwar A, Jung C, Zhang X, Ahmadian A, Gauquelin N, Verbeeck J, Djemia P, Faurie D, Dehm G, Idrissi H, Best JP, Ghidelli M, Small Structures , 2400011 (2024).
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Unveiling the interaction mechanisms of cold atmospheric plasma and amino acids by machine learning”. Chai Z-N, Wang X-C, Yusupov M, Zhang Y-T, Plasma processes and polymers , 1 (2024).
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Upscaling plasma-based CO₂, conversion : case study of a multi-reactor gliding arc plasmatron”. O'Modhrain C, Trenchev G, Gorbanev Y, Bogaerts A, ACS Engineering Au (2024).
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Assessing policy impacts on nutrient circularity : a comprehensive review”. Teleshkan E, Van Schoubroeck S, Spiller M, Van Passel S, Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems , 1 (2024).
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Van Hoecke L (2024) CFD-Assisted design of fluidized reactors for H2 release from LOHC. XXXIII, 181 p
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Lembrechts J, Clavel J, Lenoir J, Haider S, McDougall K, Nunez M, Alexander J, Barros A, Milbau A, Seipel T, Verbruggen E, Nijs I (2024) Dataset: Roadside disturbance promotes plant communities with arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in mountain regions worldwide
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De Keyzer M, Soens T, Verbruggen C (2024) Mens en natuur : een geschiedenis. 313 p
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Clavel J (2024) Plant-mycorrhizal interactions and their role in plant invasions in mountains. 182 p
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Roadside disturbance promotes plant communities with arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in mountain regions worldwide”. Clavel J, Lembrechts J, Lenoir J, Haider S, McDougall K, Nunez MA, Alexander J, Barros A, Milbau A, Seipel T, Pauchard A, Fuentes-Lillo E, Backes AR, Dar P, Reshi ZA, Aleksanyan A, Zong S, Sierra JRA, Aschero V, Verbruggen E, Nijs I, Ecography , e07051 (2024).
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Shifts in mycorrhizal types of fungi and plants in response to fertilisation, warming and herbivory in a tundra grassland”. Le Noir de Carlan C, Kaarlejarvi E, De Tender C, Heinecke T, Eskelinen A, Verbruggen E, New phytologist (2024).
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Surface modification of mesostructured cellular foam to enhance hydrogen storage in binary THF/H₂, clathrate hydrate”. Kummamuru NB, Ciocarlan R-G, Houlleberghs M, Martens J, Breynaert E, Verbruggen SW, Cool P, Perreault P, Sustainable energy &, fuels , 1 (2024).
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Ramirez-Rojas I (2024) Underground connections : the interplay between tropical rainforest trees and soil microbial communities. 205 p
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Unraveling microbial processes involved in carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions in rewetted peatlands by molecular biology”. Gios E, Verbruggen E, Audet J, Burns R, Butterbach-Bahl K, Espenberg M, Fritz C, Glatzel S, Jurasinski G, Larmola T, Mander U, Nielsen C, Rodriguez AF, Scheer C, Zak D, Silvennoinen HM, Biogeochemistry (2024).
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Montiel FN (2024) Voltage against illicit drug trafficking : capabilities of electrochemical fingerprinting to detect illicit drugs. 256 p
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Finizola e Silva M, Cools J, Cools J, Van Passel S (2024) A systematic review identifying the drivers and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture by smallholder farmers in Africa. 1356335–14
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Influence of pH on urine nitrification : community shifts of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and inhibition of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria”. Faust V, Vlaeminck SE, Ganigué, R, Udert KM, ACS ES&T engineering 4, 342 (2024).
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Comparative analysis of tight-binding models for transition metal dichalcogenides”. Jorissen B, Covaci L, Partoens B, SciPost physics core 7, 004 (2024).
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Floquet engineering of axion and high-Chern number phases in a topological insulator under illumination”. Shafiei M, Fazileh F, Peeters FM, Milošević, MV, SciPost Physics Core 7, 024 (2024).
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Photoluminescence of germanium-vacancy centers in nanocrystalline diamond films : implications for quantum sensing applications”. Joy RM, Pobedinskas P, Bourgeois E, Chakraborty T, Goerlitz J, Herrmann D, Noel C, Heupel J, Jannis D, Gauquelin N, D'Haen J, Verbeeck J, Popov C, Houssiau L, Becher C, Nesladek M, Haenen K, ACS applied nano materials 7, 3873 (2024).
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Competition of disorder and electron-phonon coupling in 2H-TaSe2-xSx (0≤x≤2) as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy”. Blagojević, J, Mijin SD, Bekaert J, Opačić, M, Liu Y, Milošević, MV, Petrović, C, Popović, ZV, Lazarević, N, Physical review materials 8, 024004 (2024).
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Listen to the radio and go on field trips : a study on farmers' attributes to opt for extension methods in Northwest Ethiopia”. Gebremariam YA, Dessein J, Wondimagegnhu BA, Breusers M, Lenaerts L, Adgo E, Van Passel S, Minale AS, Frankl A, AIMS Agriculture and Food 9, 3 (2024).
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Deep convolutional neural networks to restore single-shot electron microscopy images”. Lobato I, Friedrich T, Van Aert S, N P J Computational Materials 10, 10 (2024).
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Whole transcriptome analysis highlights nutrient limitation of nitrogen cycle bacteria in simulated microgravity”. Verbeelen T, Fernandez CA, Nguyen TH, Gupta S, Aarts R, Tabury K, Leroy B, Wattiez R, Vlaeminck SE, Leys N, Ganigué, R, Mastroleo F, NPJ microgravity 10, 3 (2024).
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Soil warming increases the number of growing bacterial taxa but not their growth rates”. Metze D, Schnecker J, Le Noir de Carlan C, Bhattarai B, Verbruggen E, Ostonen I, Janssens IA, Sigurdsson BD, Hausmann B, Kaiser C, Richter A, Science Advances 10, eadk6295 (2024).
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Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson high-temperature ferromagnetism in tetragonal transition-metal xenes”. Yorulmaz U, Šabani D, Sevik C, Milošević, MV, 2D materials 11, 035013 (2024).
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Refining short-range order parameters from the three-dimensional diffuse scattering in single-crystal electron diffraction data”. Poppe R, Roth N, Neder RB, Palatinus L, Iversen BB, Hadermann J, IUCrJ 11, 82 (2024).
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