Number of records found: 2109
Van Oijstaeijen W (2023) Green infrastructure and local implementation : (green) bridging the gap between research and practice. xvii, 194 p
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De Keyzer M, Soens T, Verbruggen C (2024) Mens en natuur : een geschiedenis. 313 p
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Clavel J (2024) Plant-mycorrhizal interactions and their role in plant invasions in mountains. 182 p
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Ruimte en gezondheidsongelijkheid aanpakken : een kwestie van sociale rechtvaardigheid”. Vervoort P, Grymonprez H, Bouckaert N, Derijcke D, De Wael W (2023).
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Labey E, Fonteyn F, Wilmot A, El Amouri S, Gjurova A, De Cock W, De Wael F (2023) Shaping utopia through law: how the law does (not) provide an answer to societal challenges. 210 p
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Surface modification of mesostructured cellular foam to enhance hydrogen storage in binary THF/H₂, clathrate hydrate”. Kummamuru NB, Ciocarlan R-G, Houlleberghs M, Martens J, Breynaert E, Verbruggen SW, Cool P, Perreault P, Sustainable energy &, fuels , 1 (2024).
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Ramirez-Rojas I (2024) Underground connections : the interplay between tropical rainforest trees and soil microbial communities. 205 p
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Li L (2023) Untangling microbial community assembly in rainforest and grassland soils under increasing precipitation persistence. 179 p
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Montiel FN (2024) Voltage against illicit drug trafficking : capabilities of electrochemical fingerprinting to detect illicit drugs. 256 p
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