Number of records found: 2109
Cyclist exposure to black carbon, ultrafine particles and heavy metals : an experimental study along two commuting routes near Antwerp, Belgium”. Hofman J, Samson R, Joosen S, Blust R, Lenaerts S, Environmental research 164, 530 (2018).
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Preparation of conducting electrodes from biological samples for multi-element trace analysis by spark-source mass spectrometry or emission spectrometry”. Vos L, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 164, 83 (1984).
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Enhancing immobilization of arsenic in groundwater: A model-based evaluation”. Peng L, Liu Y, Sun J, Wang D, Dai X, Ni B-J, Journal of cleaner production 166, 449 (2017).
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Immunoreactivity for P-170 glycoprotein in malignant mesothelioma and in non-neoplastic mesothelium of the pleura using the murine monoclonal antibody JSB-1”. Ramael M, van den Bossche J, Buysse C, van Meerbeeck J, Segers K, Vermeire P, Van Marck E, The journal of pathology 167, 5 (1992).
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Immunoreactivity for the &beta, chain of the platelet derived growth factor receptor (PDGF-R) in malignant mesothelioma and non-neoplastic mesothelium”. Ramael M, Buysse C, van den Bossche J, Segers K, Van Marck E, The journal of pathology 167, 1 (1992)
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Ramael M, van den Bossche J, Buysse C, Van Marck E (1992) Nucleolar organizer regions in mesothelial proliferations. 435
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Weathering of Leinster granite under ambient atmospheric conditions”. Sweevers E, Peeters A, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 167, 73 (1995).
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Characterization of gas concrete materials used in buildings of Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Van Grieken R, Kobya Y, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 681 (2009).
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Combined SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of uranium minerals from a former uranium mine”. Stefaniak EA, Alsecz A, Frost R, Máthé, Z, Sajó, IE, Török S, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 416 (2009).
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The elemental chemistry of sediments in the Nainital lake, Kumaun Himalaya, India”. Das BK, Singh M, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 168, 85 (1995).
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Immunoreactivity for p53 protein in malignant mesothelioma and non-neoplastic mesothelium”. Ramael M, Lemmens G, Eerdekens C, Buysse C, Deblier I, Jacobs W, Van Marck E, The journal of pathology 168, 371 (1992).
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Process development for hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from sulfide-rich residue generated in a secondary lead smelter”. Kim E, Roosen J, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Binnemans K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 589 (2017).
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Recycling of a secondary lead smelting matte by selective citrate leaching of valuable metals and simultaneous recovery of hematite as a secondary resource”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Broos K, Vrancken KCM, Quaghebeur M, Hydrometallurgy 169, 290 (2017).
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Selective leaching of Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn from secondary lead smelting residues”. Kim E, Horckmans L, Spooren J, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Broos K, Hydrometallurgy 169, 372 (2017).
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Suspended matter in run-off water from limestone exposure setups”. Vleugels G, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 170, 125 (1995).
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Optimizing sulfur-driven mixotrophic denitrification process : system performance and nitrous oxide emission”. Liu Y, Ngo HH, Guo W, Zhou J, Peng L, Wang D, Chen X, Sun J, Ni B-J, Chemical engineering science 172, 414 (2017).
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Highly parameterized inversion of groundwater reactive transport for a complex field site”. Carniato L, Schoups G, van de Giesen N, Seuntjens P, Bastiaens L, Sapion H, Journal of contaminant hydrology 173, 38 (2015).
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Modelling cometabolic biotransformation of sulfamethoxazole by an enriched ammonia oxidizing bacteria culture”. Peng L, Kassotaki E, Liu Y, Sun J, Dai X, Pijuan M, Rodriguez-Roda I, Buttiglieri G, Ni B-J, Chemical engineering science 173, 465 (2017).
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Radiation dose estimation and mass attenuation coefficients of cement samples used in Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Celik N, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 176, 644 (2010).
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Aerodynamic characterisation of green wall vegetation based on plant morphology : an experimental and computational fluid dynamics approach”. Koch K, Samson R, Denys S, Biosystems engineering 178, 34 (2019).
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Paraformaldehyde-coated electrochemical sensor for improved on-site detection of amphetamine in street samples”. Schram J, Parrilla M, Slosse A, Van Durme F, Åberg J, Björk K, Bijvoets SM, Sap S, Heerschop MWJ, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 179, 107518 (2022).
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Pixe analysis of aerosol samples collected over the atlantic-ocean from a sailboat”. Maenhaut W, Selen A, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Winchester WJ, Nuclear instruments and methods 181, 399 (1981).
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Novel (photo)electrochemical analysis of aqueous industrial samples containing phenols”. Neven L, Barich H, Rutten R, De Wael K, Microchemical journal 181, 107778 (2022).
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Implementation of an expert system for the qualitative interpretation of x-ray-fluorescence spectra”. Janssens K, van Espen P, Analytica chimica acta 184, 117 (1986).
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Determination of trace metals in rain water by differential-pulse stripping voltammetry”. Vos L, Komy G, Reggers G, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 184, 271 (1986).
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DFT study of the hyperfine parameters and magnetic properties of ZnO doped with 57Fe”. Abreu Y, Cruz CM, Pinera I, Leyva A, Cabal AE, van Espen P, Solid state communications 185, 25 (2014).
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Identification of heavy metal origins related to chemical and morphological soil properties using several non-destructive X-ray analytical methods”. Akbulut S, Van Grieken R, Kilic MA, Čevik U, Rotondo GG, Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 2377 (2013).
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Seasonal trends of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide over North Santa Clara, Cuba”. Alejo D, Morales MC, de la Torre JB, Grau R, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, Sosa D, Nuñez V, Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 6023 (2013).
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High resolution micro-XRF maps of iron oxides inside sensory dendrites of putative avian magnetoreceptors”. Falkenberg G, Fleissner GE, Fleissner GUE, Schuchardt K, Kühbacher M, Chalmin E, Janssens K, Journal of physics : conference series 186, 012084 (2009).
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Methods, fluxes and sources of gas phase alkyl nitrates in the coastal air”. Dirtu AC, Buczyńska AJ, Godoi AFL, Favoreto R, Bencs L, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Van Vaeck L, Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 6445 (2014).
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