Number of records found: 4
The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology”. Adamovich I, Agarwal S, Ahedo E, Alves LL, Baalrud S, Babaeva N, Bogaerts A, Bourdon A, Bruggeman PJ, Canal C, Choi EH, Coulombe S, Donkó, Z, Graves DB, Hamaguchi S, Hegemann D, Hori M, Kim H-h, Kroesen GMW, Kushner MJ, Laricchiuta A, Li X, Magin TE, Mededovic Thagard S, Miller V, Murphy AB, Oehrlein GS, Puac N, Sankaran RM, Samukawa S, Shiratani M, Šimek M, Tarasenko N, Terashima K, Thomas Jr E, Trieschmann J, Tsikata S, Turner MM, van der Walt IJ, van de Sanden MCM, von Woedtke T, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 55, 373001 (2022).
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The 2017 Plasma Roadmap: Low temperature plasma science and technology”. Adamovich I, Baalrud SD, Bogaerts A, Bruggeman PJ, Cappelli M, Colombo V, Czarnetzki U, Ebert U, Eden JG, Favia P, Graves DB, Hamaguchi S, Hieftje G, Hori M, Kaganovich ID, Kortshagen U, Kushner MJ, Mason NJ, Mazouffre S, Thagard SM, Metelmann H-R, Mizuno A, Moreau E, Murphy AB, Niemira BA, Oehrlein GS, Petrovic ZL, Pitchford LC, Pu Y-K, Rauf S, Sakai O, Samukawa S, Starikovskaia S, Tennyson J, Terashima K, Turner MM, van de Sanden MCM, Vardelle A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 50, 323001 (2017).
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Low-pressure inductively coupled plasmas in hydrogen : impact of gas heating on the spatial distribution of atomic hydrogen and vibrationally excited states”. Smith GJ, Diomede P, Gibson AR, Doyle SJ, Guerra V, Kushner MJ, Gans T, Dedrick JP, Plasma sources science and technology 33, 025002 (2024).
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Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap”. Bruggeman PJ, Kushner MJ, Locke BR, Gardeniers JGE, Graham WG, Graves DB, Hofman-Caris RCHM, Maric D, Reid JP, Ceriani E, Fernandez Rivas D, Foster JE, Garrick SC, Gorbanev Y, Hamaguchi S, Iza F, Jablonowski H, Klimova E, Kolb J, Krcma F, Lukes P, Machala Z, Marinov I, Mariotti D, Mededovic Thagard S, Minakata D, Neyts EC, Pawlat J, Petrovic ZL, Pflieger R, Reuter S, Schram DC, Schröter S, Shiraiwa M, Tarabová, B, Tsai PA, Verlet JRR, von Woedtke T, Wilson KR, Yasui K, Zvereva G, Plasma sources science and technology 25, 053002 (2016).
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