Number of records found: 762
Possible Synergies of Nanomaterial-Assisted Tissue Regeneration in Plasma Medicine: Mechanisms and Safety Concerns”. Shaw P, Vanraes P, Kumar N, Bogaerts A, Nanomaterials 12, 3397 (2022).
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Observation of surface species in plasma-catalytic dry reforming of methane in a novel atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge in situ IR cell”. Van Turnhout J, Aceto D, Travert A, Bazin P, Thibault-Starzyk F, Bogaerts A, Azzolina-Jury F, Catalysis Science &, Technology 12, 6676 (2022).
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Plasma-catalytic methanol synthesis from CO₂, hydrogenation over a supported Cu cluster catalyst : insights into the reaction mechanism”. Cui Z, Meng S, Yi Y, Jafarzadeh A, Li S, Neyts EC, Hao Y, Li L, Zhang X, Wang X, Bogaerts A, Acs Catalysis 12, 1326 (2022).
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Bioactive Nonthermal Biocompatible Plasma Enhances Migration on Human Gingival Fibroblasts”. Han I, Song IS, Choi SA, Lee T, Yusupov M, Shaw P, Bogaerts A, Choi EH, Ryu JJ, Advanced healthcare materials 12, 2200527 (2023).
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Electrical stability and performance of a nitrogen-oxygen atmospheric pressure gliding arc plasma”. Manaigo F, Bahnamiri OS, Chatterjee A, Panepinto A, Krumpmann A, Michiels M, Bogaerts A, Snyders R, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 12, 5211 (2024).
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Argon and copper optical emission spectra in a Grimm glow discharge source: mathematical simulations and comparison with experiment”. Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 13, 721 (1998).
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Behavior of electrons in a dual-magnetron sputter deposition system : a Monte Carlo model”. Yusupov M, Bultinck E, Depla D, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 13, 033018 (2011).
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Mass spectrometric analysis of inorganic solids: GDMS and other methods”. Gijbels R, van Straaten M, Bogaerts A, Advances in mass spectrometry 13, 241 (1995)
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Modeling of argon direct current glow discharges and comparison with experiment: how good is the agreement?”.Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 13, 945 (1998).
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Modeling PECVD growth of nanostructured carbon materials”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, van de Sanden MCM, High temperature material processes 13, 399 (2009).
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Modelling of synchrotron SAXS patterns of silicalite-1 zeolite during crystallization”. Aerts A, Follens LRA, Biermans E, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Loppinet B, Kirschhock CEA, Martens JA, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 13, 4318 (2011).
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Molecular dynamics simulations for the growth of diamond-like carbon films from low kinetic energy species”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Benedikt J, van den Sanden MCM, Diamond and related materials 13, 1873 (2004).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of the growth of thin a-C:H films under additional ion bombardment: influence of the growth species and the Ar+ ion kinetic energy”. Neyts E, Eckert M, Bogaerts A, Chemical vapor deposition 13, 312 (2007).
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Short-pulse laser absorption in very steep plasma density gradients”. Cai H-bo, Yu W, Zhu S-ping, Zheng C-yang, Cao L-hua, Li B, Chen ZY, Bogaerts A, Physics of plasmas 13, 094504 (2006).
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Simulation of disk- and band-like voids in dusty plasma systems”. Liu YH, Chen ZY, Huang F, Yu MY, Wang L, Bogaerts A, Physics of plasmas 13, 052110 (2006).
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Cold atmospheric plasma treatment of melanoma and glioblastoma cancer cells”. Vermeylen S, De Waele J, Vanuytsel S, De Backer J, Van der Paal J, Ramakers M, Leyssens K, Marcq E, Van Audenaerde J, L J Smits E, Dewilde S, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 13, 1195 (2016).
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Plasma processes and polymers third special issue on plasma and cancer”. Laroussi M, Bogaerts A, Barekzi N, Plasma processes and polymers 13, 1142 (2016).
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Mannaerts D, Faes E, Cos P, Briedé, JJ, Gyselaers W, Cornette J, Gorbanev Y, Bogaerts A, Spaanderman M, Van Craenenbroeck E, Jacquemyn Y, Torrens C (2018) Oxidative stress in healthy pregnancy and preeclampsia is linked to chronic inflammation, iron status and vascular function. e0202919
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Oxidation of Innate Immune Checkpoint CD47 on Cancer Cells with Non-Thermal Plasma”. Lin A, Razzokov J, Verswyvel H, Privat-Maldonado A, De Backer J, Yusupov M, Cardenas De La Hoz E, Ponsaerts P, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Cancers 13, 579 (2021).
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Cold Atmospheric Plasma Increases Temozolomide Sensitivity of Three-Dimensional Glioblastoma Spheroids via Oxidative Stress-Mediated DNA Damage”. Shaw P, Kumar N, Privat-Maldonado A, Smits E, Bogaerts A, Cancers 13, 1780 (2021).
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Covalent Cysteine Targeting of Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) Family by Withaferin-A Reduces Survival of Glucocorticoid-Resistant Multiple Myeloma MM1 Cells”. Logie E, Chirumamilla CS, Perez-Novo C, Shaw P, Declerck K, Palagani A, Rangarajan S, Cuypers B, De Neuter N, Mobashar Hussain Urf Turabe F, Kumar Verma N, Bogaerts A, Laukens K, Offner F, Van Vlierberghe P, Van Ostade X, Berghe WV, Cancers 13, 1618 (2021).
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Effects of Nitro-Oxidative Stress on Biomolecules: Part 1—Non-Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations”. Ghasemitarei M, Ghorbi T, Yusupov M, Zhang Y, Zhao T, Shali P, Bogaerts A, Biomolecules 13, 1371 (2023).
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Atomic-scale simulations of reactive oxygen plasma species interacting with bacterial cell walls”. Yusupov M, Neyts EC, Khalilov U, Snoeckx R, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 14, 093043 (2012).
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The glow discharge: an exciting plasma”. Bogaerts A, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 14, 1375 (1999).
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Hollow cathode discharges with gas flow: numerical modelling for the effect on the sputtered atoms and the deposition flux”. Bogaerts A, Okhrimovskyy A, Baguer N, Gijbels R, Plasma sources science and technology 14, 191 (2005).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of the sticking and etch behavior of various growth species of (ultra)nanocrystalline diamond films”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Chemical vapor deposition 14, 213 (2008).
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Sputter deposition of MgxAlyOz thin films in a dual-magnetron device : a multi-species Monte Carlo model”. Yusupov M, Saraiva M, Depla D, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 14, 073043 (2012).
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Study of atmospheric MOCVD of TiO2 thin films by means of computational fluid dynamics simulations”. Baguer N, Neyts E, van Gils S, Bogaerts A, Chemical vapor deposition 14, 339 (2008).
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Synthesis of Micro- and Nanomaterials in CO2and CO Dielectric Barrier Discharges: Synthesis of Micro- and Nanomaterials…”. Belov I, Vanneste J, Aghaee M, Paulussen S, Bogaerts A, Plasma processes and polymers 14, 1600065 (2017).
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Special issue on numerical modelling of low-temperature plasmas for various applications –, part II: Research papers on numerical modelling for various plasma applications”. Bogaerts A, Alves LL, Plasma processes and polymers 14, 1790041 (2017).
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