Number of records found: 232
Sustainability indicators for biobased chemicals : a Delphi study using multi-criteria decision analysis”. Van Schoubroeck S, Springael J, Van Dael M, Malina R, Van Passel S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 144, 198 (2019).
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Integrated assessment of agro-ecological systems : the case study of the “Alta Murgia&rdquo, National park in Italy”. Moretti M, De Boni A, Roma R, Fracchiolla M, Van Passel S, Agricultural Systems 144, 144 (2016).
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Climate response of rainfed versus irrigated farms: the bias of farm heterogeneity in irrigation”. Vanschoenwinkel J, Van Passel S, Climatic Change 147, 225 (2018).
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Identifying Social Indicators for Sustainability Assessment of CCU Technologies: A Modified Multi-criteria Decision Making”. Rafiaani P, Dikopoulou Z, Van Dael M, Kuppens T, Azadi H, Lebailly P, Van Passel S, Social Indicators Research 147, 15 (2020).
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Retrospective and prospective material flow analysis of the post-consumer plastic packaging waste management system in Flanders”. Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Alaerts L, Dewulf J, Waste Management 147, 10 (2022).
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Towards a more direct policy feedback in circular economy monitoring via a societal needs perspective”. Alaerts L, Van Acker K, Rousseau S, De Jaeger S, Moraga G, Dewulf J, De Meester S, Van Passel S, Compernolle T, Bachus K, Vrancken K, Eyckmans J, Resources, conservation and recycling 149, 363 (2019).
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Cost-effectiveness analysis of ecosystem management with ecosystem services : from theory to practice”. Boerema A, Van Passel S, Meire P, Ecological Economics 152, 207 (2018).
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Quantification of the indirect use value of functional group diversity based on the ecological role of species in the ecosystem”. Daniels S, Bellmore JR, Benjamin JR, Witters N, Vangronsveld J, Van Passel S, Ecological Economics 153, 181 (2018).
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The effect of plastic packaging recycling policy interventions as a complement to extended producer responsibility schemes : a partial equilibrium model”. Larraín M, Billen P, Van Passel S, Waste Management 153, 355 (2022).
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Heterogeneity in the solar-powered consumer electronics market : a discrete choice experiments study”. Lizin S, Van Passel S, Vranken L, Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 156, 140 (2016).
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The effect of waste incineration taxation on industrial plastic waste generation: A panel analysis”. De Weerdt L, Sasao T, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, De Jaeger S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 157, 104717 (2020).
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Drop-in biofuels production from microalgae to hydrocarbons : microalgal cultivation and harvesting, conversion pathways, economics and prospects for aviation”. Martinez-Villarreal S, Breitenstein A, Nimmegeers P, Perez Saura P, Hai B, Asomaning J, Eslami AA, Billen P, Van Passel S, Bressler DC, Debecker DP, Remacle C, Richel A, Biomass &, Bioenergy 165, 106555 (2022).
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Techno-economic assessment of mechanical recycling of challenging post-consumer plastic packaging waste”. Larraín M, Van Passel S, Thomassen G, Van Gorp B, Nhu TT, Huysveld S, Van Geem KM, De Meester S, Billen P, Resources Conservation And Recycling 170, 105607 (2021).
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Environmental assessment of waste feedstock mono-dimensional and bio-refinery systems : combining manure co-digestion and municipal waste anaerobic digestion”. Moretti M, Van Dael M, Malina R, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 171, 954 (2018).
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On the (ir)relevance of heatwaves in climate change impacts on European agriculture”. Fabri C, Moretti M, Van Passel S, Climatic Change 174, 16 (2022).
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Prospective material and substance flow analysis of the end-of-life phase of crystalline silicon-based PV modules”. Thomassen G, Dewulf J, Van Passel S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 176, 105917 (2022).
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Safe use of metal-contaminated agricultural land by cultivation of energy maize (Zea mays)”. Van Slycken S, Witters N, Meers E, Peene A, Michels E, Adriaensen K, Ruttens A, Vangronsveld J, Du Laing G, Wierinck I, Van Dael M, Van Passel S, Tack FMG, Environmental Pollution 178, 375 (2013).
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How an incineration tax changes waste management practices among firms”. De Weerdt L, De Jaeger S, Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Resources Conservation And Recycling 180, 106172 (2022).
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From fast-track implementation to livelihood deterioration: The dam-based Ribb Irrigation and Drainage Project in Northwest Ethiopia”. Annys S, Van Passel S, Dessein J, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Agricultural Systems 184, 102909 (2020).
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Accounting for externalities in cross-sectional economic models of climate change impacts”. Moretti M, Vanschoenwinkel J, Van Passel S, Ecological Economics 185, 107058 (2021).
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Geospatial environmental techno-economic assessment of pretreatment technologies for bioethanol production”. Vasilakou K, Nimmegeers P, Billen P, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 187, 113743 (2023).
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Environmental sustainability perception toward obvious recovered waste content in paper-based packaging : an online and in-person survey best-worst scaling experiment”. Van Schoubroeck S, Chacon L, Reynolds AM, Lavoine N, Hakovirta M, Gonzalez R, Van Passel S, Venditti RA, Resources, conservation and recycling 188, 106682 (2023).
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Environmental and health impacts of effluents from textile industries in Ethiopia : the case of Gelan and Dukem, Oromia Regional State”. Dadi D, Stellmacher T, Senbeta F, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Environmental Monitoring And Assessment 189, 11 (2017).
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Why does France not meet its pesticide reduction targets? Farmers' socio-economic trade-offs when adopting agro-ecological practices”. Bjørnåvold A, David M, Bohan DA, Gibert C, Rousselle J-M, Van Passel S, Ecological Economics 198, 107440 (2022).
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Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Back P, Cools J (2022) The politics of green infrastructure : a discrete choice experiment with Flemish local decision-makers. 107493–18
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Sailing through end-of-life challenges : a comprehensive review for offshore wind”. Vetters J, Thomassen G, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 199, 114486 (2024).
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The lock-in effect and the greening of automotive cooling systems in the European Union”. Bjornavold A, Van Passel S, Journal Of Environmental Management 203, 1199 (2017).
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Economic and environmental implications of policy instruments for the circular economy : a case study for postconsumer polyethylene film recycling in Europe”. Larraín M, Billen P, Cifuentes L, Van Passel S, Resources, conservation and recycling 204, 107519 (2024).
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The environmental impacts of the lignin-first biorefineries : a consequential life cycle assessment approach”. Tschulkow M, Pizzol M, Compernolle T, Van den Bosch S, Sels B, Van Passel S, Resources, conservation and recycling 204, 107466 (2024).
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Comparing frontier methods for economic-environmental trade-off analysis”. Van Meensel J, Lauwers L, Van Huylenbroeck G, Van Passel S, European Journal Of Operational Research 207, 1027 (2010).
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