Number of records found: 7465
Unraveling the Transport Properties of RONS across Nitro-Oxidized Membranes”. Abduvokhidov D, Yusupov M, Shahzad A, Attri P, Shiratani M, Oliveira MC, Razzokov J, Biomolecules 13, 1043 (2023).
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Atomistic model of the anisotropic response of ortho-Mo₂C to indentation”. Espinosa IMP, Karaaslan Y, Sevik C, Martini A, AIP advances 13, 065125 (2023).
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Deep learning for automated materials characterisation in core-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy”. Annys A, Jannis D, Verbeeck J, Annys A, Jannis D, Verbeeck J, Scientific reports 13, 13724 (2023).
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Electronic and valleytronic properties of crystalline boron-arsenide tuned by strain and disorder”. Craco L, Carara SS, Barboza E da S, Milošević, MV, Pereira TAS, RSC advances 13, 17907 (2023).
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Ferromagnetic order controlled by the magnetic interface of LaNiO3/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlattices”. Soltan S, Macke S, Ilse SE, Pennycook T, Zhang ZL, Christiani G, Benckiser E, Schuetz G, Goering E, Scientific reports 13, 1 (2023).
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Forensic analysis of synthetic cathinones on nanomaterials-based platforms : chemometric-assisted voltametric and UPLC-MS/MS investigation”. Drăgan A-M, Feier BG, Tertis M, Bodoki E, Truta F, Stefan M-G, Kiss B, Van Durme F, De Wael K, Oprean R, Cristea C, Nanomaterials 13, 2393 (2023).
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Effects of Nitro-Oxidative Stress on Biomolecules: Part 1—Non-Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations”. Ghasemitarei M, Ghorbi T, Yusupov M, Zhang Y, Zhao T, Shali P, Bogaerts A, Biomolecules 13, 1371 (2023).
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Solution-gel-based surface modification of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4-δ with amorphous Li-Ti-O coating”. Ulu Okudur F, Batuk M, Hadermann J, Safari M, De Sloovere D, Kumar Mylavarapu S, Joos B, D'Haen J, Van Bael MK, Hardy A, RSC advances 13, 33146 (2023).
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The role of WOx and dopants (ZrO₂, and SiO₂) on CeO₂-based nanostructure catalysts in the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde under ambient conditions”. Bathula G, Rana S, Bandalla S, Dosarapu V, Mavurapu S, Rajeevan VVA, Sharma B, Jonnalagadda SB, Baithy M, Vasam CS, RSC advances 13, 36242 (2023).
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Does contract length matter? The impact of various contract-farming regimes on land-improvement investment and the efficiency of contract farmers in Pakistan”. Mazhar R, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Varnik R, Pietrzykowski M, Skominas R, Wei Z, Xuehao B, Agriculture (Basel) 13, 1651 (2023).
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Advanced three-dimensional electron microscopy techniques in the quest for better structural and functional materials”. Schryvers D, Cao S, Tirry W, Idrissi H, Van Aert S, Science and technology of advanced materials 14, 014206 (2013).
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Analysis of pattern formation in systems with competing range interactions”. Zhao HJ, Misko VR, Peeters FM, New journal of physics 14, 063032 (2012).
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Atomic resolution monitoring of cation exchange in CdSe-PbSe heteronanocrystals during epitaxial solid-solid-vapor growth”. Yalcin AO, Fan Z, Goris B, Li WF, Koster RS, Fang CM, van Blaaderen A, Casavola M, Tichelaar FD, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Vlugt TJH, Vanmaekelbergh D, Zandbergen HW, van Huis MA;, Nano letters 14, 3661 (2014).
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Atomic-scale simulations of reactive oxygen plasma species interacting with bacterial cell walls”. Yusupov M, Neyts EC, Khalilov U, Snoeckx R, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, New journal of physics 14, 093043 (2012).
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Characterization of AgxAuy nano particles by TEM and STEM”. de Vyt A, Gijbels R, Davock H, van Roost C, Geuens I, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 14, 499 (1999).
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CoFe nanodumbbells : synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties”. Liakakos N, Gatel C, Blon T, Altantzis T, Lentijo-Mozo S, Garcia-Marcelot C, Lacroix LM, Respaud M, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Soulantica K, Nano letters 14, 2747 (2014).
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Conformal and atomic characterization of ultrathin CdSe platelets with a helical shape”. Hutter EM, Bladt E, Goris B, Pietra F, van der Bok JC, Boneschanscher MP, de Donega CM, Bals S, Vanmaekelbergh D, Nano letters 14, 6257 (2014).
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Density of states and Fermi level of a periodically modulated two-dimensional electron gas”. Peeters FM, Vasilopoulos P, Shi J, Journal of physics : condensed matter 14, 8803 (2002).
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ELNES study of carbon K-edge spectra of plasma deposited carbon films”. Hamon A-L, Verbeeck J, Schryvers D, Benedikt J, van den Sanden RMCM, Journal of materials chemistry 14, 2030 (2004).
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Epitaxy-enabled vapor-liquid-solid growth of tin-doped indium oxide nanowires with controlled orientations”. Shen Y, Turner S, Yang P, Van Tendeloo G, Lebedev OI, Wu T, Nano letters 14, 4342 (2014).
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Extreme mobility enhancement of two-dimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces by charge-transfer-induced modulation doping”. Chen YZ, Trier F, Wijnands T, Green RJ, Gauquelin N, Egoavil R, Christensen DV, Koster G, Huijben M, Bovet N, Macke S, He F, Sutarto R, Andersen NH, Sulpizio JA, Honig M, Prawiroatmodjo GEDK, Jespersen TS, Linderoth S, Ilani S, Verbeeck J, Van Tendeloo G, Rijnders G, Sawatzky GA, Pryds N, Nature materials 14, 801 (2015).
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Functional respiratory imaging as a tool to assess upper airway patency in children with obstructive sleep apnea”. Van Holsbeke C, Vos W, van Hoorenbeeck K, Boudewyns A, Salgado R, Verdonck PR, Ramet J, de Backer J, De Backer W, Verhulst SL, Sleep Medicine 14, 433 (2013).
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The glow discharge: an exciting plasma”. Bogaerts A, Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 14, 1375 (1999).
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Hollow cathode discharges with gas flow: numerical modelling for the effect on the sputtered atoms and the deposition flux”. Bogaerts A, Okhrimovskyy A, Baguer N, Gijbels R, Plasma sources science and technology 14, 191 (2005).
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Influence of artificial pinning on vortex lattice instability in superconducting films”. Silhanek AV, Leo A, Grimaldi G, Berdiyorov GR, Milošević, MV, Nigro A, Pace S, Verellen N, Gillijns W, Metlushko V, Ilić, B, Zhu X, Moshchalkov VV;, New journal of physics 14, 053006 (2012).
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Microstructure and spectroscopy studies on cubic boron nitride synthesized under high-pressure conditions”. Nistor LC, Nistor SV, Dinca G, Georgeoni P, van Landuyt J, Manfredotti C, Vittone E, Journal of physics : condensed matter 14, 10983 (2002).
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Molecular dynamics simulations of the sticking and etch behavior of various growth species of (ultra)nanocrystalline diamond films”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Chemical vapor deposition 14, 213 (2008).
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Monitoring galvanic replacement through three-dimensional morphological and chemical mapping”. Goris B, Polavarapu L, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, Liz-Marzán LM, Nano letters 14, 3220 (2014).
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Oppervlakte en in-diepte analyse via SIMS, SNMS en GDMS”. Gijbels R, Physicalia magazine 14, 49 (1992)
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Optical spectroscopy of oxygen precipitates in heavily doped p-type silicon”. Simoen E, Loo R, Claeys C, de Gryse O, Clauws P, van Landuyt J, Lebedev O, Journal of physics : condensed matter T2 –, Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS 2002), JUN 01-06, 2002, BOLOGNA, ITALY 14, 13185 (2002).
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