Number of records found: 291
Wearable wristband-based electrochemical sensor for the detection of phenylalanine in biofluids”. Parrilla M, Vanhooydonck A, Watts R, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 197 (2022).
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3D arrangement of epitaxial graphene conformally grown on porousified crystalline SiC”. Veronesi S, Pfusterschmied G, Fabbri F, Leitgeb M, Arif O, Esteban DA, Bals S, Schmid U, Heun S, Carbon 189, 210 (2022).
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Carbon bed post-plasma to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product stream”. Girard-Sahun F, Biondo O, Trenchev G, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136268 (2022).
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Carbon bed post-plasma to enhance the CO2 conversion and remove O2 from the product stream”. Girard-Sahun F, Biondo O, Trenchev G, van Rooij G, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 442, 136268 (2022).
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Effusion nozzle for energy-efficient NOx production in a rotating gliding arc plasma reactor”. Van Alphen S, Ahmadi Eshtehardi H, O'Modhrain C, Bogaerts J, Van Poyer H, Creel J, Delplancke M-P, Snyders R, Bogaerts A, Chemical Engineering Journal 443, 136529 (2022).
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Gas-solid hydrodynamics in a stator-rotor vortex chamber reactor”. Lang X, Ouyang Y, Vandewalle LA, Goshayeshi B, Chen S, Madanikashani S, Perreault P, Van Geem KM, van Geem KM, Chemical engineering journal 446, 137323 (2022).
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Catalyst-free single-step plasma reforming of CH4 and CO2 to higher value oxygenates under ambient conditions”. Wang Y, Chen Y, Harding J, He H, Bogaerts A, Tu X, Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 137860 (2022).
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Unleashing lignin potential through the dithionite-assisted organosolv fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass”. Brienza F, Van Aelst K, Devred F, Magnin D, Tschulkow M, Nimmegeers P, Van Passel S, Sels BF, Gerin P, Debecker DP, Cybulska I, Chemical Engineering Journal 450, 138179 (2022).
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Enhancing bioflocculation in high-rate activated sludge improves effluent quality yet increases sensitivity to surface overflow rate”. Van Winckel T, Ngo N, Sturm B, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Vlaeminck SE, De Clippeleir H, Chemosphere 308, 136294 (2022).
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Producing oxygen and fertilizer with the Martian atmosphere by using microwave plasma”. Kelly S, Verheyen C, Cowley A, Bogaerts A, Chem 8, 2797 (2022).
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ZnAl layered double hydroxide based catalysts (with Cu, Mn, Ti) used as noble metal-free three-way catalysts”. Van Everbroeck T, Wu J, Arenas-Esteban D, Ciocarlan R-G, Mertens M, Bals S, Dujardin C, Granger P, Seftel EM, Cool P, Applied clay science 217, 106390 (2022).
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CO2 capture initiatives : are governments, society, industry and the financial sector ready?”.Perreault P, Kummamuru NB, Gonzalez Quiroga A, Lenaerts S, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 38, 100874 (2022).
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Effect of size distribution, skewness and roughness on the optical properties of colloidal plasmonic nanoparticles”. Borah R, Verbruggen SW, Colloids and surfaces: A: physicochemical and engineering aspects 640, 128521 (2022).
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Assessing the potential of application of titanium dioxide for photocatalytic degradation of deposited soot on asphalt pavement surfaces”. Omranian SR, Geluykens M, Van Hal M, Hasheminejad N, Rocha Segundo I, Pipintakos G, Denys S, Tytgat T, Fraga Freitas E, Carneiro J, Verbruggen S, Vuye C, Construction and building materials 350, 128859 (2022).
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Supercapacitive biofuel cells”. Pankratova G, Bollella P, Pankratov D, Gorton L, Current opinion in biotechnology 73, 179 (2022).
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On amorphization as a deformation mechanism under high stresses”. Idrissi H, Carrez P, Cordier P, Current opinion in solid state and materials science 26, 100976 (2022).
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Solving hindered groundwater dynamics in restored tidal marshes by creek excavation and soil amendments : a model study”. Van Putte N, Meire P, Seuntjens P, Joris I, Verreydt G, Hambsch L, Temmerman S, Ecological engineering: the journal of ecotechnology 178, 106583 (2022).
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Electrochemical detection of illicit drugs in oral fluid : potential for forensic drug testing”. Joosten F, Parrilla M, van Nuijs ALN, Ozoemena KId, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 2022, 141309 (2022).
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Electrochemical sensing of amphetamine-type stimulants (pre)-precursors to fight against the illicit production of synthetic drugs”. Montiel FN, Parrilla M, Sleegers N, Van Durme F, van Nuijs ALN, De Wael K, Electrochimica acta 436, 141446 (2022).
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Sustainability analysis of methane-to-hydrogen-to-ammonia conversion by integration of high-temperature plasma and non-thermal plasma processes”. Osorio-Tejada J, van't Veer K, Long NVD, Tran NN, Fulcheri L, Patil BS, Bogaerts A, Hessel V, Energy Conversion And Management 269, 116095 (2022).
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Electrochemical detection of MDMA and 2C-B in ecstasy tablets using a selectivity enhancement strategy by in-situ derivatization”. Van Echelpoel R, Kranenburg R, van Asten A, De Wael K, Forensic chemistry 27, 100383 (2022).
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Co-gasification of biomass and coal in a top-lit updraft fixed bed gasifier : syngas composition and its interchangeability with natural gas for combustion applications”. Quintero-Coronel DA, Lenis-Rodas YA, Corredor L, Perreault P, Bula A, Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Fuel 316, 123394 (2022).
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Experimental investigation of methane hydrate formation in the presence of metallic packing”. Kummamuru NB, Verbruggen SW, Lenaerts S, Perreault P, Fuel 323, 124269 (2022).
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Plasma-catalytic ammonia decomposition using a packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge reactor”. Andersen JA, Christensen JM, Østberg M, Bogaerts A, Jensen AD, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 47, 32081 (2022).
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Sustainable formation of tricarballylic acid from citric acid over highly stable Pd/Nb2O5.nH2O catalysts”. Stuyck W, Bugaev AL, Nelis T, de Oliveira-Silva R, Smolders S, Usoltsev OA, Arenas Esteban D, Bals S, Sakellariou D, De Vos D, Journal of catalysis (2022).
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Dry reforming of methane in an atmospheric pressure glow discharge: Confining the plasma to expand the performance”. Wanten B, Maerivoet S, Vantomme C, Slaets J, Trenchev G, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Co2 Utilization 56, 101869 (2022).
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Editorial: Special issue on CO2 utilization with plasma technology”. Li S, Liu C, Bogaerts A, Gallucci F, Journal Of Co2 Utilization 61, 102017 (2022).
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Enhancing CO2 conversion with plasma reactors in series and O2 removal”. Vertongen R, Trenchev G, Van Loenhout R, Bogaerts A, Journal Of Co2 Utilization 66, 102252 (2022).
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Electrochemical identification of hazardous phenols and their complex mixtures in real samples using unmodified screen-printed electrodes”. Barich H, Cánovas R, De Wael K, Journal of electroanalytical chemistry : an international journal devoted to all aspects of electrode kynetics, interfacial structure, properties of electrolytes, colloid and biological electrochemistry. 904, 115878 (2022).
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Microstructural investigation of IASCC crack tips extracted from thimble tube O-ring specimens”. Penders AG, Konstantinovic MJ, Yang T, Bosch R-w, Schryvers D, Somville F, Journal of nuclear materials 565, 153727 (2022).
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