Number of records found: 849
Monitoring of NO2 in the ambient air with passive samplers before and after a road reconstruction event”. Stranger M, Krata A, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Bencs L, Deutsch F, Worobiec A, Naveau I, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 90, 93 (2008).
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Redistribution of uranium and thorium by soil/plant interaction in a recultivated mining area”. Mihucz VG, Varga Z, Tatár E, Virág I, Van Grieken R, Koleszár Z, Záray G, Microchemical journal 90, 44 (2008).
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Assessment of heavy metals pollution in Sudanese harbours along the Red Sea Coast”. Idris AM, Eltayeb MAH, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Microchemical journal 87, 104 (2007).
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Distribution of atmospheric marine salt depositions over Continental Western Europe”. Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Marine pollution bulletin 52, 606 (2006).
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Recognition of uranium oxides in soil particulate matter by means of ì-Raman spectrometry”. Stefaniak EA, Sajó, I, Alsecz A, Worobiec A, Máthé, Z, Török S, Van Grieken R, Journal of nuclear materials 381, 278 (2008).
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Radiation dose estimation and mass attenuation coefficients of cement samples used in Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Celik N, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 176, 644 (2010).
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Characterization of gas concrete materials used in buildings of Turkey”. Damla N, Čevik U, Kobya AI, Celik A, Van Grieken R, Kobya Y, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 681 (2009).
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Combined SEM/EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of uranium minerals from a former uranium mine”. Stefaniak EA, Alsecz A, Frost R, Máthé, Z, Sajó, IE, Török S, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Journal of hazardous materials 168, 416 (2009).
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Combined XRD, EPMA and X-ray absorption study of mineral ilmenite used in pigments production”. Klepka M, Lawniczak-Jablonska K, Jablonski M, Wolska A, Minikayev R, Paszkowicz W, Przepiera A, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Journal of alloys and compounds 401, 281 (2005).
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Size distribution and chemical properties of welding fumes of inhalable particles”. Oprya M, Kiro S, Worobiec A, Horemans B, Darchuk L, Novakovic V, Ennan A, Van Grieken R, Journal of aerosol science 45, 50 (2012).
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A characterisation of the surface properties of an ultra fine fly ash (UFFA) used in the polymer industry”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Kruger RA, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Fuel 84, 2295 (2005).
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Acute changes in pulse pressure in relation to constituents of particulate air pollution in elderly persons”. Jacobs L, Buczyńska A, Walgraeve C, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Van Grieken R, et al, Environmental research 117, 60 (2012).
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Uneven distribution of inorganic pollutants in marine air originating from ocean-going ships”. Bencs L, Horemans B, Buczyńska AJ, Van Grieken R, Environmental pollution 222, 226 (2017).
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Appraisal of measurement methods, chemical composition and sources of fine atmospheric particles over six different areas of Northern Belgium”. Bencs L, Ravindra K, de Hoog J, Spolnik Z, Bleux N, Berghmans P, Deutsch F, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, Environmental pollution 158, 3421 (2010).
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Comparative overview of indoor air quality in Antwerp, Belgium”. Stranger M, Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Van Grieken R, Environment international 33, 789 (2007).
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Organohalogenated pollutants in human serum from Iassy, Romania and their relation with age and gender”. Dirtu AC, Cernat R, Dragan D, Mocanu R, Van Grieken R, Neels H, Covaci A, Environment international 32, 797 (2006).
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Modelling concentrations of airborne primary and secondary PM10 and PM2.5 with the BelEUROS-model in Belgium”. Deutsch F, Vankerkom J, Janssen L, Janssen S, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Fierens F, Dumont G, Mensink C, Ecological modelling 217, 230 (2008).
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Effects of IR heating on distribution and transport of gaseous air pollutants in urban and mountain churches in Poland”. Bencs L, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Samek L, Jutte BAHG, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 36, 200 (2019).
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Conservation of stained glass windows with protective glazing : main results from the European VIDRIO research programme”. Bernardi A, Becherini F, Verità, M, Godoi RHM, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Van Grieken R, et al, Journal of cultural heritage 14, 527 (2013).
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Transport and deposition of airborne pollutants in exhibition areas located in historical buildings: study in Wawel Castle Museum in Cracow, Poland”. Worobiec A, Samek J, Krata A, van Meel K, Krupińska B, Stefaniak EA, Karaszkiewicz P, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 11, 354 (2010).
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Comparison of hot-air and low-radiant pew heating systems on the distribution and transport of gaseous air pollutants in the mountain church of Rocca Pietore from artwork conservation points of view”. Bencs L, Spolnik Z, Limpens-Neilen D, Schellen HL, Jütte BAHG, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 8, 264 (2007).
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The impact of electric overhead radiant heating on the indoor environment of historic churches”. Samek L, de Maeyer-Worobiec A, Spolnik Z, Bencs L, Kontozova V, Bratasz Ł, Kozłowski R, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 8, 361 (2007).
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Influence of different types of heating systems on particulate air pollutant deposition: the case of churches situated in a cold climate”. Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Samek L, Bencs L, Belikov K, Van Grieken R, Journal of cultural heritage 8, 7 (2007).
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Chemical composition of building materials used in Turkey”. Čevik U, Damla N, Van Grieken R, Vefa Akpinar M, Construction and building materials 25, 1546 (2011).
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Fast analysis of decabrominated diphenyl ether using low-pressure gas chromatography.electron-capture negative ionization mass spectrometry”. Dirtu AC, Ravindra K, Roosens L, Van Grieken R, Neels H, Blust R, Covaci A, Journal of chromatography : A 1186, 295 (2008).
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Low-pressure gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry for the fast determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air samples”. Ravindra K, Godoi AFL, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1114, 278 (2006).
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Use of solid-phase microextraction for the detection of acetic acid by ion-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and application to indoor levels in museums”. Godoi AFL, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1067, 331 (2005).
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Fast chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aerosol samples from sugar cane burning”. Godoi AFL, Ravindra K, Godoi RHM, Andrade SJ, Santiago-Silva M, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1027, 49 (2004).
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Application of low-pressure gas chromatography-io-trap mass spectrometry to the analysis of the eseential oil of Turnera diffusa (Ward.) Urb”. Godoi AFL, Vilegas W, Godoi RHM, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1027, 127 (2004).
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Precision and accuracy of ST-EDXRF performance for As determination comparing with ICP-MS and evaluation of As deviation in the soil media”. Akbulut S, Cevik U, Van AA, De Wael K, Van Grieken R, Chemosphere 96, 16 (2014).
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