Number of records found: 2704
Oliveira MC (2022) Influence of phase-separated domains on the permeability of oxidized lipid membranes. 151 p
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Spanoghe J (2022) Purple bacteria cultivation on light, carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas : exploring and tuning the potential for microbial food production. vi, 207 p
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Van Tendeloo M (2022) Resource-efficient nitrogen removal from sewage : kinetic, physical and chemical tools for mainstream partial nitritation/anammox. iv, 204 p
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Universal equations : a fresh perspective”. Gielis J, Shi P, Caratelli D, Growth and Form (2022)
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Khan SU (2023) Singlet oxygen-based photoelectrocatalysis : from photosensitizer structures to plasmonic enhancement. 182 p
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Larraí,n M (2022) Recycling of plastics : linking technical, economic and policy aspects of post-consumer plastic packaging. x, 165 p
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Tschulkow M (2022) A techno-environmental economic assessment of a lignin-first biorefinery : a dynamic and prospective framework for emerging technologies. 175 p
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A mobile scanner for xrpd-imaging of paintings in transmission and reflection geometry”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Storme P, ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2017: PAINTING AS A STORY T2 –, 6th Interdisciplinary ALMA Conference, JUN 01-03, 2017, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC , 29 (2017)
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About “bulky” links, generated by generalized Möbius-Listing bodies”. Gielis J, Tavkelidze I, Ricci PE page 115 (2011).
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About some methods of analytic representation and classification of a wide set of geometric figures with “complex&rdquo, configuration”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Pinelas S, Sn –, 1512-0066 34, 81 (2020)
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Aerosol composition as a function of particle size”. Koleleni YIA, Van Grieken R, Tanzanian journal of science 19, 49 (1993)
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Aerosol composition studies using accelerator proton bombardment”. Van Grieken R, (1974)
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Aerosol-soil fractionation for Namib desert samples”. Eltayeb MAH, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Annegarn HAJ, Journal of aersol science 23, 983 (1992)
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The age of wastewater mining : selection for sludge with a maximum capture potential for organics in a high-rate contact stabilization system”. Meerburg FA, Boon N, Van Winckel T, Pauwels K, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2015)
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Air pollution and preventive conservation in some European museums”. Van Grieken R, , 19 (2014)
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Analise de solos por meio de fluorescencia de raios-X nao-dispersiva”. Costa Dantas C, Da Silveira Dantas H, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Química nova 4, 110 (1981)
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Analisis cuantitativo sin estandares de particulas individuales mediante microsonda de electrones”. Trincavelli JC, Van Grieken R page 273 (1996).
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Van Grieken R (1973) Analyse van ferro-metalen door activering met 14 MeV neutronen. 128 p
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Analysis of biological materials from Tanzania by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis”. Koleleni YIA, Van Grieken R, Tanzania journal of science 16, 143 (1990)
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Analysis of heterogeneous CaCO3-CaSO4 single particles using ultra-thin window EPMA”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Van Grieken RE, (2000)
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Analysis of individual aerosol particles in Siberian region: provisional results”. van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, Khodzher TV, Bufetov NS, Koutsenogii KP, Atmospheric and oceanic optics 7, 622 (1994)
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Analysis of individual environmental particles using ultra-thin window EPXMA”. Ro C-U, Osán J, Van Grieken R, (1998)
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Analysis of Malagasy medical herbs by X-ray fluorescence in total reflectivity”. Razafindramisa FL, Andriambololona R, Brunel M, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique: 4 6, 833 (1996)
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Analytical electron microscopy of single particles”. Markowicz A, Raeymaekers B, Van Grieken R, Adams F page 173 (1986).
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Buczyń,ska AJ (2014) Analytical methodology for combined stable carbon isotope ratio and concentration measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air particulate matter. 186 p
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Analytical methods to study atmospheric pollution and weathering of materials”. Van Grieken R, Cardell C, Delalieux F, Eyckmans K page 163 (2001).
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Analytical study of the weathering of building stones under field-exposure conditions”. Van Grieken R, Vleugels G, Sweevers E, Dewolfs R, European cultural heritage newsletter on research 8, 2 (1994)
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Van Grieken R, Hoste J (1972) Annotated bibliography on 14 MeV neutron activation analysis. 293 p
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Anorganische sporenanalyse voor milieuonderzoek”. Van Grieken R, (1986)
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Application of atmospheric plasma-jets for the conservation of cultural heritage”. Grieten E, Storme P, Caen J, Schalm O, Schryvers D, (2015)
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