Number of records found: 4750
Wearable microneedle-based array patches for continuous electrochemical monitoring and drug delivery : toward a closed-loop system for methotrexate treatment”. Parrilla M, Detamornrat U, Domínguez-Robles J, Tunca S, Donnelly RF, De Wael K, ACS sensors , acssensors.3c01381 (2023).
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Enhanced photoelectrochemical detection of an analyte triggered by its concentration by a singlet oxygen-generating fluoro photosensitizer”. Blidar A, Trashin S, Carrion EN, Gorun SM, Cristea C, De Wael K, Acs Sensors 5, 3501 (2020).
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Exciton Fine Structure and Lattice Dynamics in InP/ZnSe Core/Shell Quantum Dots”. Brodu A, Ballottin MV, Buhot J, van Harten EJ, Dupont D, La Porta A, Prins PT, Tessier MD, Versteegh MAM, Zwiller V, Bals S, Hens Z, Rabouw FT, Christianen PCM, de Donega CM, Vanmaekelbergh D, ACS Photonics 5, 3353 (2018).
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Collective Plasmonic Properties in Few-Layer Gold Nanorod Supercrystals”. Hamon C, Novikov SM, Scarabelli L, Solís DM, Altantzis T, Bals S, Taboada JM, Obelleiro F, Liz-Marzán LM, ACS Photonics 2, 1482 (2015).
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High-throughput characterization of single-quantum-dot emission spectra and spectral diffusion by multiparticle spectroscopy”. Mangnus MJJ, de Wit JW, Vonk SJW, Geuchies JJ, Albrecht W, Bals S, Houtepen AJ, Rabouw FT, ACS Photonics 10, 2688 (2023).
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Photothermal circular dichroism measurements of single chiral gold nanoparticles correlated with electron tomography”. Spaeth P, Adhikari S, Heyvaert W, Zhuo X, Garcia I, Liz-Marzan LM, Bals S, Orrit M, Albrecht W, ACS Photonics 9, 3995 (2022).
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Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties and Saturation of Two-Photon Absorption in Lead-Free Double Perovskite Nanocrystals under Femtosecond Excitation”. Mushtaq A, Pradhan B, Kushavah D, Zhang Y, Wolf M, Schrenker N, Fron E, Bals S, Hofkens J, Debroye E, Pal SK, Acs Photonics 8, 3365 (2021).
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Disclosing the binding medium effects and the pigment solubility in the (photo)reduction process of chrome yellows (PbCrO4/PbCr1-xSxO4)”. Monico L, Sorace L, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, ACS Omega 4, 6607 (2019).
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Silver Ions Direct Twin-Plane Formation during the Overgrowth of Single-Crystal Gold Nanoparticles”. Grzelczak M, Sanchez-Iglesias A, Heidari H, Bals S, Pastoriza-Santos I, Perez-Juste J, Liz-Marzan LM, ACS Omega 1, 177 (2016).
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Combined first-principles and experimental study on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics of the multicomponent additive-manufactured Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta alloy”. Grubova IY, Surmenev RA, Neyts EC, Koptyug AV, Volkova AP, Surmeneva MA, ACS Omega 8, 27519 (2023).
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Semiconducting chalcogenide alloys based on the (Ge, Sn, Pb) (S, Se, Te) formula with outstanding properties : a first-principles calculation study”. Bafekry A, Shahrokhi M, Shafique A, Jappor HR, Fadlallah MM, Stampfl C, Ghergherehchi M, Mushtaq M, Feghhi SAH, Gogova D, ACS Omega 6, 9433 (2021).
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Tailoring Cu+ for Ga3+ cation exchange in Cu2-xS and CuInS2 nanocrystals by controlling the Ga precursor chemistry”. Hinterding SOM, Berends AC, Kurttepeli M, Moret M-E, Meeldijk JD, Bals S, van der Stam W, de Donega CM, ACS nano 13, 12880 (2019).
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Disconnecting Symmetry Breaking from Seeded Growth for the Reproducible Synthesis of High Quality Gold Nanorods”. Gonzalez-Rubio G, Kumar V, Llombart P, Diaz-Nunez P, Bladt E, Altantzis T, Bals S, Pena-Rodriguez O, Noya EG, MacDowell LG, Guerrero-Martinez A, Liz-Marzan LM, ACS nano 13, 4424 (2019).
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Chemistry of Shape-Controlled Iron Oxide Nanocrystal Formation”. Feld A, Weimer A, Kornowski A, Winckelmans N, Merkl J-P, Kloust H, Zierold R, Schmidtke C, Schotten T, Riedner M, Bals S, Weller PD Horst, ACS nano 13, 152 (2018).
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Selective laser-assisted synthesis of tubular van der Waals heterostructures of single-layered PbI2 within carbon nanotubes exhibiting carrier photogeneration”. Sandoval S, Kepic D, Perez del Pino A, Gyorgy E, Gomez A, Pfannmöller M, Van Tendeloo G, Ballesteros B, Tobias G, ACS nano 12, 6648 (2018).
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Electronic Coupling between Graphene and Topological Insulator Induced Anomalous Magnetotransport Properties”. Zhang L, Lin B-C, Wu Y-F, Wu H, Huang T-W, Chang C-R, Ke X, Kurttepeli M, Tendeloo GV, Xu J, Yu D, Liao Z-M, ACS nano 11, 6277 (2017).
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Direct Observation of Luminescent Silver Clusters Confined in Faujasite Zeolites”. Altantzis T, Coutino-Gonzalez E, Baekelant W, Martinez GT, Abakumov AM, Van Tendeloo G, Roeffaers MBJ, Bals S, Hofkens J, ACS nano 10, 7604 (2016).
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Commensurability Effects in Viscosity of Nanoconfined Water”. Neek-Amal M, Peeters FM, Grigorieva IV, Geim AK, ACS nano 10, 3685 (2016).
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Templated Growth of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering -Active Branched Au Nanoparticles within Radial Mesoporous Silica Shells”. Sanz-Ortiz MN, Sentosun K, Bals S, Liz-Marzan LM, ACS nano 9, 10489 (2015).
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Surface-Facet-Dependent Phonon Deformation Potential in Individual Strained Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons”. Yan Y, Zhou X, Jin H, Li C-Z, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Liu K, Yu D, Dressel M, Liao Z-M, ACS nano 9, 10244 (2015).
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Pyramid-Shaped Wurtzite CdSe Nanocrystals with Inverted Polarity”. Ghosh S, Gaspari R, Bertoni G, Spadaro MC, Prato M, Turner S, Cavalli A, Manna L, Brescia R, ACS nano 9, 8537 (2015).
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Photovoltaic effect and evidence of carrier multiplication in graphene vertical homojunctions with asymmetrical metal contacts”. Chen JJ, Wang Q, Meng J, Ke X, Van Tendeloo G, Bie YQ, Liu J, Liu K, Liao ZM, Sun D, Yu D;, ACS nano 9, 8851 (2015).
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Competing forces in the self-assembly of coupled ZnO nanopyramids”. Javon E, Gaceur M, Dachraoui W, Margeat O, Ackermann J, Ilenia Saba M, Delugas P, Mattoni A, Bals S, Van Tendeloo G, ACS nano 9, 3685 (2015).
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High-Throughput Morphological Chirality Quantification of Twisted and Wrinkled Gold Nanorods”. Vlasov E, Heyvaert W, Ni B, Van Gordon K, Girod R, Verbeeck J, Liz-Marzán LM, Bals S, ACS Nano (2024).
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Electrochemical stability of rhodium-platinum core-shell nanoparticles : an identical location scanning transmission electron microscopy study”. Vega-Paredes M, Aymerich-Armengol R, Arenas Esteban D, Marti-Sanchez S, Bals S, Scheu C, Manjon AG, ACS nano 17, 16943 (2023).
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Charging of vitreous samples in cryogenic electron microscopy mitigated by graphene”. Zhang Y, van Schayck JP, Pedrazo-Tardajos A, Claes N, Noteborn WEM, Lu P-H, Duimel H, Dunin-Borkowski RE, Bals S, Peters PJ, Ravelli RBG, ACS nano 17, 15836 (2023).
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Morphological and Optical Transitions during Micelle-Seeded Chiral Growth on Gold Nanorods”. Zhuo X, Mychinko M, Heyvaert W, Larios D, Obelleiro-Liz M, Taboada JM, Bals S, Liz-Marzán LM, ACS nano (2022).
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A high-entropy oxide as high-activity electrocatalyst for water oxidation”. Kante MV, Weber ML, Ni S, van den Bosch ICG, van der Minne E, Heymann L, Falling LJ, Gauquelin N, Tsvetanova M, Cunha DM, Koster G, Gunkel F, Nemsak S, Hahn H, Estrada LV, Baeumer C, ACS nano 17, 5329 (2023).
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Tunable circularly polarized luminescence via chirality induction and energy transfer from organic films to semiconductor nanocrystals”. Parzyszek S, Tessarolo J, Pedrazo-Tardajos A, Ortuno AM, Baginski M, Bals S, Clever GH, Lewandowski W, ACS nano 16, 18472 (2022).
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Synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence imaging elucidates uranium toxicokinetics in Daphnia magna”. Byrnes I, Rossbach LM, Brede DA, Grolimund D, Sanchez DF, Nuyts G, Cuba V, Reinoso-Maset E, Salbu B, Janssens K, Oughton D, Scheibener S, Teien H-C, Lind OC, ACS nano 17, 5296 (2023).
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