Number of records found: 2704
Use of solid-phase microextraction for the detection of acetic acid by ion-trap gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and application to indoor levels in museums”. Godoi AFL, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1067, 331 (2005).
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Fast chromatographic determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aerosol samples from sugar cane burning”. Godoi AFL, Ravindra K, Godoi RHM, Andrade SJ, Santiago-Silva M, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1027, 49 (2004).
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Application of low-pressure gas chromatography-io-trap mass spectrometry to the analysis of the eseential oil of Turnera diffusa (Ward.) Urb”. Godoi AFL, Vilegas W, Godoi RHM, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Journal of chromatography: A: bibliography section 1027, 127 (2004).
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Two-stage anaerobic membrane bioreactor for co-treatment of food waste and kitchen wastewater for biogas production and nutrients recovery”. Le T-S, Nguyen P-D, Ngo HH, Bui X-T, Dang B-T, Diels L, Bui H-H, Nguyen M-T, Le Quang D-T, Chemosphere 309, 136537 (2022).
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Self-inhibition can limit biologically enhanced TCE dissolution from a TCE DNAPL”. Haest PJ, Springael D, Seuntjens P, Smolders E, Chemosphere 89, 1369 (2012).
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Estimation of ecotoxicity of petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures in soil based on HPLC-GCXGC analysis”. Mao D, Lookman R, van de Weghe H, Weltens R, Vanermen G, Brucker N, Diels L, Chemosphere 77, 1508 (2009).
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Case specific prediction intervals for tri-PLS1 : the full local linearisation”. Serneels S, Faber K, Verdonck T, van Espen PJ, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 108, 93 (2011).
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Ferrihydrite precipitation in groundwater-fed river systems (Nete and Demer river basins, Belgium) : insights from a combined Fe-Zn-Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope study”. Dekov VM, Vanlierde E, Billström K, Gatto Rotondo G, van Meel K, Darchuk L, Van Grieken R, et al, Chemical geology 386, 1 (2014).
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Optimizing sulfur-driven mixotrophic denitrification process : system performance and nitrous oxide emission”. Liu Y, Ngo HH, Guo W, Zhou J, Peng L, Wang D, Chen X, Sun J, Ni B-J, Chemical engineering science 172, 414 (2017).
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Importance of design and operating parameters in a sonication system for viscous solutions : effects of input power, horn tip diameter and reactor capacity”. Bampouli A, Goris Q, Hussain MN, Louisnard O, Stefanidis GD, Van Gerven T, Chemical engineering and processing 198, 109715 (2024).
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Intensifying mass and heat transfer using a high-g stator-rotor vortex chamber”. Gonzalez-Quiroga A, Shtern V, Perreault P, Vandewalle L, Marin GB, Van Geem KM, Chemical Engineering And Processing 169, 108638 (2021).
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Fingerprinting of South African ordinary Portland cements, cement blends and mortars for identification purposes: discrimination with starplots and PCA”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Marjanovic L, Moeketsi S, Cement and concrete research 37, 834 (2007).
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The application of Raman spectrometry to the investigation of cement: part 2: a micro-Raman study of OPC, slag and fly ash”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Belleil M, DeWeerdt F, Van Grieken R, Cement and concrete research 36, 663 (2006).
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The application of Raman spectrometry to investigate and characterize cement: part I: a review”. Potgieter-Vermaak SS, Potgieter JH, Van Grieken R, Cement and concrete research 36, 656 (2006).
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Ammonia stripping and scrubbing followed by nitrification and denitrification saves costs for manure treatment based on a calibrated model approach”. Vingerhoets R, Brienza C, Sigurnjak I, Buysse J, Vlaeminck SE, Spiller M, Meers E, Chemical engineering journal 477, 146984 (2023).
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Thermodynamically unconstrained forced concentration cycling of methane catalytic partial oxidation over CeO2FeCralloy catalysts”. Ma Z, Perreault P, Pelegrin DC, Boffito DC, Patience GS, Chemical Engineering Journal 380, 122470 (2020).
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In-situ chromium and vanadium recovery of landfilled ferrochromium and stainless steel slags”. Spooren J, Kim E, Horckmans L, Broos K, Nielsen P, Quaghebeur M, Chemical engineering journal 303, 359 (2016).
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New method for selective Cr recovery from stainless steel slag by NaOCl assisted alkaline leaching and consecutive BaCrO4 precipitation”. Kim E, Spooren J, Broos K, Nielsen P, Horckmans L, Vrancken KC, Quaghebeur M, Chemical engineering journal 295, 542 (2016).
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Modeling symmetric and defect-free carbon schwarzites into various zeolite templates”. Marazzi E, Ghojavand A, Pirard J, Petretto G, Charlier J-C, Rignanese G-M, Carbon 215, 118385 (2023).
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Infiltration or indoor sources as determinants of the elemental composition of particulate matter inside a school in Wroclaw, Poland?”.Zwozdziak A, Sowka I, Krupińska B, Zwozdziak J, Nych A, Building and environment 66, 173 (2013).
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A 3D-printed hollow microneedle-based electrochemical sensing device for in situ plant health monitoring”. Parrilla M, Sena-Torralba A, Steijlen A, Morais S, Maquieira Á, De Wael K, Biosensors and bioelectronics 251, 116131 (2024).
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Daems E, Bassini S, Marië,n L, Op de Beeck H, Stratulat A, Zwaenepoel K, Vandamme T, op de Beeck K, Koljenovic S, Peeters M, Van Camp G, De Wael K (2023) Singlet oxygen-based photoelectrochemical detection of single-point mutations in the KRAS oncogene. 115957–7
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Modulating the mixed potential for developing biosensors: Direct potentiometric determination of glucose in whole, undiluted blood”. Cánovas R, Blondeau P, Andrade FJ, Biosensors &, Bioelectronics 163, 112302 (2020).
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The sweet detection of rolling circle amplification : glucose-based electrochemical genosensor for the detection of viral nucleic acid”. Ciftci S, Cánovas R, Neumann F, Paulraj T, Nilsson M, Crespo GA, Madaboosi N, Biosensors &, Bioelectronics 151, 112002 (2020).
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Feasibility of a return-sludge nursery concept for mainstream anammox biostimulation : creating optimal conditions for anammox to recover and grow in a parallel tank”. Zhu W, Van Tendeloo M, Alloul A, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 385, 129359 (2023).
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Uncoupling the solids retention times of flocs and granules in mainstream deammonification : a screen as effective out-selection tool for nitrite oxidizing bacteria”. Han M, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Wett B, Bott C, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, Bioresource technology 221, 195 (2016).
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Thermophilic sludge digestion improves energy balance and nutrient recovery potential in full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants”. De Vrieze J, Smet D, Klok J, Colsen J, Angenent LT, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 218, 1237 (2016).
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Used water and nutrients : recovery perspectives in a 'panta rhei' context”. Verstraete W, Clauwaert P, Vlaeminck SE, Bioresource technology 215, 199 (2016).
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Benchmark study on algae harvesting with backwashable submerged flat panel membranes”. de Baerdemaeker T, Lemmens B, Dotremont C, Fret J, Roef L, Goiris K, Diels L, Bioresource technology 129, 582 (2013).
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Enhanced biomethanation of kitchen waste by different pre-treatments”. Ma J, Duong TH, Smits M, Verstraete W, Carballa M, Bioresource technology 102, 592 (2011).
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