Number of records found: 849
Atmospheric deposition and its impact on ecosystems, with reference to the Mid-East region”. Van Grieken R, Shevach Y, Eurotrac newsletter , 39 (2000)
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Bencs L, Horemans B, Van Grieken R, et al. (2012) Atmospheric deposition fluxes to the Belgian marine waters originating from ship emissions : SHIPFLUX : final report
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Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in the North Sea as studied by micro- and trace analysis”. Van Grieken R, de Bock L, Injuk J, van Malderen H page 284 (1994).
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Atmospheric inputs of heavy metals into the North Sea”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Atmospheric particles”. Harrison RM, Van Grieken RE page 610 p. (1998).
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Atmospheric particulate element concentrations and deposition rates in French Polynesia”. Rojas CM, Injuk J, Van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Journal de recherche océanographique 25, 74 (2000)
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Atmospheric pollution at the Alhambra monument, Granada, Spain: a preventive conservation study”. Kontozova-Deutsch V, Horemans B, Cardell C, Van Grieken R, (2010)
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Automated energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis for diverse environmental samples”. Van Dyck P, Van Grieken R page 315 (1982).
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Automated EPXMA of individual environmental particles”. Van Grieken R, Artaxo P, Xhoffer C, (1992)
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Background aerosol composition at Gobabeb, South West Africa”. Annegarn H, Van Grieken R, van Espen P, von Blottnitz F, Sellschop J, Winchester J, Maenhaut W, Madoqua , 107 (1976)
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Background aerosol concentrations at the Namib-Atlantic interface”. Annegarn HJ, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Sellschop JPF, von Blottnitz F, (1979)
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Badanie składu powietrza w zabytkowych kościołach”. Samek L, Worobiec A, Spolnik Z, Van Grieken R, Analytika , 26 (2006)
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Caracterização dos sistemas iônicos e particulado no reservatório”. Godoi RHM, Bittencourt AVL, Hirata PY, Jafelicci Junior M, dos Reis Neto JM, de Souza Sarkis JE, Zara LF, Van Grieken R page 170 (2011).
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A case study of high-temperature corrosion in rotary cement kilns”. Potgieter JH, Godoi RHM, Van Grieken R, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 104, 603 (2004)
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Characterisation of air pollutants in museum showcases”. Kontozova V, Deutsch F, Godoi R, Godoi AF, Joos P, Van Grieken R, (2002)
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Characterisation of individual aerosol particles for atmospheric and cultural heritage studies”. Van Grieken R, Gysels K, Hoornaert S, Joos P, Osán J, Szalóki I, Worobiec A page 215 (2000).
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Characterisation of individual atmospheric particles within the Royal Museum of the Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland”. Worobiec A, Stefaniak EA, Kontozova V, Samek L, Karaszkiewicz P, van Meel K, Van Grieken R, e-Preservation Science 3, 63 (2006)
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Characterisation of individual suspension particles in the Ems estuary”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Eisma D, (1986)
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Characterization of aerosol particles at Seoul, Korea, using ultrathin window EPMA”. Oh K-Y, Ro C-U, Kim HK, Van Grieken R, (2000)
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Characterization of aerosol particles collected at Kosan and 1100 Hill sites, Cheju Island, Korea, using ultrathin window EPMA”. Oh K-Y, Ro C-U, Kim HK, Kim Y-P, Van Grieken R, (2000)
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Characterization of air particulate matter by X-ray, Raman and mass spectrometric techniques”. Van Grieken R, Adams F page 57 (1986).
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Characterization of air pollutants observed in three European cathedrals: is the protective glazing really effective?”.Kontozova V, Godoi RHM, Spolnik Z, Worobiec A, Deutsch F, Van Grieken R, Rivista della Stazione sperimentale del vetro 3, 13 (2005)
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Characterization of Asian dust using ultrathin window EPMA”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Kim HK, Chun Y, Van Grieken R, (1999)
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Characterization of atmospheric aerosol particles over Lake Balaton, Hungary, using X-ray emission methods”. Osán J, Alföldy B, Kurunczi S, Török S, Bozó, L, Worobiec A, Injuk J, Van Grieken R, Idöjárás: quarterly journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 105, 145 (2001)
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Characterization of colloidal and particulate matter transported by the Magela Creek system, Northern Australia”. Hart BT, Douglas GB, Beckett R, van Put A, Van Grieken R, Hydrological processes 7, 105 (1993)
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Characterization of individual environmental particles by beam techniques”. Xhoffer C, Wouters L, Artaxo P, van Put A, Van Grieken R page 107 (1992).
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Characterization of the ionic and particulate systems in the reservoir”. Godoi RHM, Lima Bittencourt AV, Hirata PY, Jafelicci Junior M, dos Reis Neto JM, Van Grieken R page 143 (2014).
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Charakterystyka i wpływ zanieczyszczeń, powietrza na eksponaty w muzeach”. Kontozova-Deutsch V, Deutsch F, Krata A, Van Grieken R, Análityka , 64 (2008)
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Chemical characterisation of weathering crust and run-off water for a deteriorated limestone cathedral”. Roekens E, Leysen L, Van Grieken R, Komy Z, (1986)
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Chemical characterisation, source identification and quantification of the input of atmospheric particulate matter into the North Sea”. van Malderen H, de Bock L, Hoornaert S, Injuk J, Van Grieken R page 103 (1996).
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