Number of records found: 198
Formation of single layer graphene on nickel under far-from-equilibrium high flux conditions”. Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, Nanoscale 5, 7250 (2013).
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Reactive molecular dynamics simulations on SiO2-coated ultra-small Si-nanowires”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, Bogaerts A, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Nanoscale 5, 719 (2013).
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Modeling adatom surface processes during crystal growth: a new implementation of the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, CrystEngComm 11, 1597 (2009).
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Influence of internal energy and impact angle on the sticking behaviour of reactive radicals in thin a-C:H film growth: a molecular dynamics study”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Physical chemistry, chemical physics 8, 2066 (2006).
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Catalyzed growth of carbon nanotube with definable chirality by hybrid molecular dynamics-force biased Monte Carlo simulations”. Neyts EC, Shibuta Y, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, ACS nano 4, 6665 (2010).
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New mechanism for oxidation of native silicon oxide”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, Huygh S, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 9819 (2013).
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Plasma-induced destruction of bacterial cell wall components : a reactive molecular dynamics simulation”. Yusupov M, Bogaerts A, Huygh S, Snoeckx R, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 117, 5993 (2013).
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Plasma species interacting with nickel surfaces : toward an atomic scale understanding of plasma-catalysis”. Somers W, Bogaerts A, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 116, 20958 (2012).
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On the c-Si\mid a-SiO2 interface in hyperthermal Si oxidation at room temperature”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 116, 21856 (2012).
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Hyperthermal oxidation of Si(100)2x1 surfaces : effect of growth temperature”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 116, 8649 (2012).
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Can we control the thickness of ultrathin silica layers by hyperthermal silicon oxidation at room temperature?”.Khalilov U, Neyts EC, Pourtois G, van Duin ACT, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 115, 24839 (2011).
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Hyperthermal oxygen interacting with silicon surfaces : adsorption, implantation, and damage creation”. Neyts EC, Khalilov U, Pourtois G, van Duin ACT, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 115, 4818 (2011).
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Insights in the plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanotubes through atomic scale simulations : effect of electric field”. Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134, 1256 (2012).
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Changing chirality during single-walled carbon nanotube growth : a reactive molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo study”. Neyts EC, van Duin ACT, Bogaerts A, Journal of the American Chemical Society 133, 17225 (2011).
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Establishing uniform acceptance in force biased Monte Carlo simulations”. Neyts EC, Thijsse BJ, Mees MJ, Bal KM, Pourtois G, Journal of chemical theory and computation 8, 1865 (2012).
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Self-limiting oxidation in small-diameter Si nanowires”. Khalilov U, Pourtois G, van Duin ACT, Neyts EC, Chemistry of materials 24, 2141 (2012).
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Theoretical investigation of grain size tuning during prolonged bias-enhanced nucleation”. Eckert M, Mortet V, Zhang L, Neyts E, Verbeeck J, Haenen ken, Bogaerts A, Chemistry of materials 23, 1414 (2011).
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Differences between ultrananocrystalline and nanocrystalline diamond growth: theoretical investigation of CxHy species at diamond step edges”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Crystal growth &, design 10, 4123 (2010).
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Insights into the growth of (ultra)nanocrystalline diamond by combined molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations”. Eckert M, Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Crystal growth &, design 10, 3005 (2010).
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Catalyst preparation with plasmas : how does it work?”.Wang Z, Zhang Y, Neyts EC, Cao X, Zhang X, Jang BW-L, Liu C-jun, ACS catalysis 8, 2093 (2018).
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Density functional theory study of interface interactions in hydroxyapatite/rutile composites for biomedical applications”. Grubova IY, Surmeneva MA, Huygh S, Surmenev RA, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 121, 15687 (2017).
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Stabilities of bimetallic nanoparticles for chirality-selective carbon nanotube growth and the effect of carbon interstitials”. Vets C, Neyts EC, The journal of physical chemistry: C : nanomaterials and interfaces 121, 15430 (2017).
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Gas discharge plasmas and their applications”. Bogaerts A, Neyts E, Gijbels R, van der Mullen J, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 57, 609 (2002).
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PIC-MC simulation of an RF capacitively coupled Ar/H2 discharge”. Neyts E, Yan M, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research: B 202, 300 (2003).
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Thermal conductivity of titanium nitride/titanium aluminum nitride multilayer coatings deposited by lateral rotating cathode arc”. Samani MK, Ding XZ, Khosravian N, Amin-Ahmadi B, Yi Y, Chen G, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Tay BK, Thin solid films : an international journal on the science and technology of thin and thick films 578, 133 (2015).
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Macroscale computer simulations to investigate the chemical vapor deposition of thin metal-oxide films”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, de Meyer M, van Gils S, Surface and coatings technology 201, 8838 (2007).
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Molecular dynamics simulation of the impact behaviour of various hydrocarbon species on DLC”. Neyts E, Bogaerts A, Gijbels R, Benedikt J, van de Sanden MCM, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research: B: beam interactions with materials and atoms 228, 315 (2005).
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Enhanced piezoresponse and surface electric potential of hybrid biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate scaffolds functionalized with reduced graphene oxide for tissue engineering”. Chernozem R V, Romanyuk KN, Grubova I, Chernozem P V, Surmeneva MA, Mukhortova YR, Wilhelm M, Ludwig T, Mathur S, Kholkin AL, Neyts E, Parakhonskiy B, Skirtach AG, Surmenev RA, Nano Energy 89, 106473 (2021).
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Effect of natural deep eutectic solvents of non-eutectic compositions on enzyme stability”. Kovács A, Yusupov M, Cornet I, Billen P, Neyts EC, Journal Of Molecular Liquids 366, 120180 (2022).
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Can endohedral transition metals enhance hydrogen storage in carbon nanotubes?”.Khalilov U, Uljayev U, Mehmonov K, Nematollahi P, Yusupov M, Neyts EC, Neyts EC, International journal of hydrogen energy 55, 640 (2024).
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