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Author Title Year Publication Volume Times cited Additional Links
Paulussen, S.; Sels, B.; Bogaerts, A.; Paul, J. Een tweede leven voor broeikasgassen? 2008 Het ingenieursblad : maandblad van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging KVIV 77 UA library record
Van Eynde, E.; Tytgat, T.; Smits, M.; Verbruggen, S.; Hauchecorne, B.; Blust, R.; Lenaerts, S. Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification 2013 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 1 UA library record
Smits, M.; Vanpachtenbeke, F.; Hauchecorne, B.; van Langenhove, H.; Demeestere, K.; Lenaerts, S. Exhaust composition of a small diesel engine 2012 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 77 UA library record
Van Wesenbeeck, K.; Hauchecorne, B.; Lenaerts, S. Study of a TiO2 photocatalytic coating for use in plasma catalysis 2013 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 78 UA library record
Gielis, J.; Tavkhelidze, I.; Ricci, P.E. About “bulky” links generated by generalized Möbius-Listing bodies GML2n 2013 Journal of mathematical sciences 193 UA library record
Ilgrande, C.; Christiaens, M.; Clauwaert, P.; Vlaeminck, S.E.; Boon, N. Can nitrification bring us to Mars? The role of microbial interactions on nitrogen recovery in Life Support Systems 2016 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81 UA library record
De Vis, K.; Jembrih-Simbürger, D.; Schalm, O.; Schreiner, M.; Caen, J. Einfluss verschiedener Silbersalze auf die Farbintensität von Silbergelb : analytische Untersuchungen 2002 Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 16 UA library record
Silva, F.S.; Godoi, R.H.M.; Tauler, R.; de André, P.A.; Saldiva, P.H.N.; Van Grieken, R.; de Marchi, M.R.R. Elemental composition of PM2.5 in Araraquara City (Southeast Brazil) during seasons with and without sugar cane burning 2015 Journal of environmental protection 6 UA library record
Gielis, J. Er bestaan geen absurde, irrationele, onregelmatige of onderling niet-onmeetbare meetkundige getallen 2021 Wiskunde en onderwijs 47 UA library record
Sui, Y.; Vlaeminck, S.E. Exploring Dunaliella salina as single cell protein (SCP) : the influence of light/dark regime on the growth and protein synthesis 2017 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 82 UA library record
Grunert, O.; Robles Aguilar, A.A.; Hernandez-Sanabria, E.; Reheul, D.; Vlaeminck, S.E.; Boon, N.; Jablonowski, N.D. Fertilizer type influences dynamics of the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere of tomato and impact the nutrient turnover and plant performance 2016 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81 UA library record
Van Grieken, R.; Stranger, M. Fijn stof en pollutiegassen in de binnenlucht 2006 ARGUS milieumagazine 4 UA library record
Roekens, E.; Van Grieken, R. Gevolgen van luchtverontreiniging op historische gebouwen 1987 Ons erfdeel 30 UA library record
Vermander, C.; De Wael, J.; Gielis, J. De kleine boerderij : twee bijzondere tuinkamers 2019 Groencontact 45 UA library record
Potgieter-Vermaak, S.; Van Grieken, R.; Potgieter, H. Die risikoprofiel van Pb en Cr in stedelike padstof 2012 Litnet akademies : 'n joernaal vir die geesteswetenskappe 9 UA library record
Muys, M.; Derese, S.; Verliefde, A.; Vlaeminck, S.E. Solubilization of struvite as a sustainable nutrient source for single cell protein production 2016 Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 81 UA library record
Caratelli, D.; Gielis, J.; Ricci, P.E.; Tavkhelidze, I. Some properties of “bulky” links, generated by Generalized Möbius Listing's bodies GML4n 2016 Journal of mathematical sciences 216 UA library record
Zaryouh, H.; Verswyvel, H.; Bauwens, M.; Van Haesendonck, G.; Deben, C.; Lin, A.; De Waele, J.; Vermorken, J.B.; Koljenovic, S.; Bogaerts, A.; Lardon, F.; Smits, E.; Wouters, A. De belofte van hoofdhalskankerorganoïden in kankeronderzoek : een blik op de toekomst 2023 Onco-hemato : multidisciplinair tijdschrift voor oncologie 17 UA library record
Sels, D.; Sorée, B.; Groeseneken, G. 2-D rotational invariant multi sub band Schrödinger-Poisson solver to model nanowire transistors 2010 UA library record
Bogaerts, R.; de Keyser, A.; van Bockstal, L.; van der Burgt, M.; van Esch, A.; Provoost, R.; Silverans, R.; Herlach, F.; Swinnen, B.; van de Stadt, A.F.W.; Koenraad, P.M.; Wolter, J.H.; Karavolas, V.C.; Peeters, F.M.; van de Graaf, W.; Borghs, G. 2D semiconductors at the Leuven pulsed field facility 1997 Physicalia magazine 19 UA library record
Taylor, P.R.; Martin, J.M.L.; François, J.P.; Gijbels, R. An ab initio study of the C3+ cation using multireference methods 1991 The journal of chemical physics 95 UA library record
Partoens, B.; Peeters, F.M. Artificial atoms and molecules 2002 Physicalia magazine 24 UA library record
Oleshko, V.; Gijbels, R.; Jacob, W.; Alfimov, M. Characterization of complex silver halide photographic systems by means of analytical electron microscopy 1994 Microbeam analysis 3 UA library record
Cândido, L.; Rino, J.-P.; Studart, N.; Peeters, F.M. Classical model of clusters of screened charges in quantum dots 1997 Brazilian journal of physics 27 UA library record
Pentcheva, E.N.; Petrov, P.S.; Veldeman, E.; Van 't dack, L.; Gijbels, R. Comportement hydrogéochimique des éléments traces au cours de l'interaction eau – roche en milieu alcalin 1990 Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 43 UA library record
Shi, J.M.; Farias, G.A.; Koenraad, P.M.; van de Stadt, A.F.W.; Peeters, F.M.; Wolter, J.H.; Devreese, J.T. Correlation effects of DX centers on electron mobility in delta doped semiconductors investigated by Monte Carlo simulations 1997 Brazilian journal of physics 27 UA library record
Peeters, F.M.; Matulis, A. Electrons in non-homogeneous magnetic fields 1994 Brazilian journal of physics 24 UA library record
Fomin, V.M.; Devreese, J.T.; Misko, V.R. Enhancement of critical magnetic field in superconducting nanostructures 2002 1 UA library record
Van 't dack, L.; Blommaert, W.; Vandelannoote, R.; Gijbels, R.; van Grieken, R. Equilibrium constants for trace elements in natural waters 1983 Reviews in analytical chemistry 7 UA library record
Pentcheva, E.N.; Petrov, P.S.; Van 't dack, L.; Gijbels, R. Études génétiques du système “eau thermale – gaz – roche” sous l'influence de phénomènes volcaniques récents 1995 Doklady Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk 48 UA library record