Number of records found: 2704
Struvite solubilisation rates enable direct addition To single cell protein bioreactors”. Muys M, Derese S, Verliefde A, Vlaeminck SE, , 10 p. T2 (2016)
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A study of aluminium-exposed fish using a scanning proton microprobe”. Cholewa M, Legge GJF, Eeckhaoudt S, Van Grieken R, Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis (1994)
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Study of environmental effects on deterioration of monuments: case study the cathedral of Bari, Italy”. Zezza F, Torfs K, Van Grieken R, García Pascua N, Macri F, (1996)
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Study of individual estuarine suspension particles by automated electron-probe X-ray microanalysis”. Bernard P, Van Grieken R, Eisma D, (1985)
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Study of individual particle types and heavy metal deposition for North Sea aerosols using micro- and trace analysis techniques”. Injuk J, de Bock L, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Study of the main physical processes contributing to image formation in emission radiography using mathematical modeling”. Leyva Pernia D, Cabal Rodríguez AE, Schalm O, van Espen P, Piñera Hernández I, Abreu Alfonso Y, (2013)
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Studying the composition of atmospheric aerosols through the joint application of hierarchical, non-hierarchical and fuzzy clustering to EPXMA data sets”. Treiger B, Bondarenko I, van Malderen H, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Sub-minute determination of BTEX in environmental samples using low pressure GC-ITMS”. Joos PE, Godoi AFL, de Jong R, de Zeeuw J, Van Grieken R, (2002)
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Sulfur and heavy metals over the Atlantic Ocean : comparison with other marine data”. Maenhaut W, Selen A, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Winchester JW, (1980)
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Sulphidotrophic denitrification treating regeneration water from ion exchange at high performance and low opex”. Vlaeminck SE, Kobayashi K, Jandra J, Van Nevel S, Vandekerckhove TGL, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Synchrotron computed X-ray fluorescence microtomography in environmental and earth sciences”. Vincze L, Vekemans B, Adams F, (2003)
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Synchrotron computed X-ray fluorescence tomography in environmental and earth sciences: radiation”. Vincze L, Vekemans B, Adams F, (2004)
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Towards a geometrical theory of morphology and morphogenesis”. Gielis J, Ding Y, Shi P, (2016)
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Towards application of mainstream deammonification on municipal wastewater in warm and cold areas”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, aussenac J, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Caligaris M, Graveleau L, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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Towards application of mainstream deammonification on municipal wastewater in warm and cold areas”. Mozo I, Lacoste L, Aussenac J, De Cocker P, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Martin Ruel S, , 4 p. T2 (2016)
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Towards upgrading of wastewater resources to microbial protein : volatile fatty acids impacting growth kinetics and yield of purple bacteria”. Alloul A, Vlaeminck SE, , 2 p. T2 (2017)
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Transitioning from mesophilic to thermophilic nitrification: shaping a niche for archaeal ammonia oxidizers”. Vandekerckhove T, Courtens ENP, Prat D, Vilchez-Vargas R, Vital M, Pieper DH, Meerbergen K, Lievens B, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 9 p. T2 (2016)
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Understanding ultrafine particles dynamics within a one km urban grid”. Mishra VK, Dons E, Panis LI, Frijns E, van Poppel M, Berghmans P, Bleux N, Wuyts K, Samson R, (2010)
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Use of grazing emission XRF spectrometry for silicon wafer surface contamination measurements”. de Gendt S, Kenis K, Mertens PW, Heyns MM, Claes M, Van Grieken RE, Bailleul A, Knotter M, de Bokx PK, (1996)
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Water and nutrient recovery from combined urine and grey water treatment in Space”. Lindeboom REF, Clauwaert P, Alloul A, Coessens W, Christiaens M, Vanoppen M, Rabaey K, Verliefde ARD, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2015)
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Water and process parameters as controllers for the ammonia to nitrite oxidation rate ratio in activated sludge”. Han M, Seuntjens D, Al-Omari A, Takacs I, Meerburg F, Murthy S, Vlaeminck SE, De Clippeleir H, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Water treatment unit breadboard : ground test facility for the recycling of urine and shower water for one astronaut”. de Paepe J, Lindeboom REF, Vanoppen M, Alonso Farinas B, Coessens W, Abbas A, Christiaens M, Dotremont C, Beckers H, Lamaze B, Demey D, Rabaey K, Clauwaert P, Verliefde ARD, Vlaeminck SE, , 2 p. T2 (2017)
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Weathering mechanism of Pentelic marble under ambient atmospheric conditions derived from runoff studies”. Delalieux F, Sweevers H, Van Grieken R, (1997)
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Weathering of bare and treated limestones under ambient conditions using runoff water analysis and microanalysis”. Vleugels G, Van Grieken R, (1992)
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X-ray spectrometry for air pollution and cultural heritage research”. Van Grieken R, Delalieux F, (2004)
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Noise-resistant correlation-based alignment of head-related transfer functions for high-fidelity spherical harmonics representation”. Reijniers J, Partoens B, Peremans H, (2023)
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Tavernier S, op de Beeck W, Ghekiere J-P, Van Tendeloo G (1996) Positively charged toner for use in electrostatography : US5532097 : 07/02/1996
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Blust RJP, Dardenne F, De Wael K, Nagels L, Van Camp G (2013) Electrochemical aptasensors with a gelatin B matrix : EP13175128
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De Wael K, Nagels L, Van Camp G (2013) Potentiometric sensors and method for measuring intermolecular interactions
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Hauchecorne B, Tytgat T, Terrens D, Vanpachtenbeke F, Lenaerts S (2011) Reaction chamber for studying a solid-gas interaction : PCT/EP2011/051075
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