Number of records found: 2704
Application of combined SEM/EDX and μ-Raman approaches for the chemical and structural characterisation of fine particulates”. de Maeyer-Worobiec A, Stefaniak EA, Brooker A, Van Grieken R, (2007)
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Application of proton induced X-ray emission analysis to the St. Louis regional air pollution study”. Akselsson R, Orsini C, Meinert DL, Johansson TB, Van Grieken RE, Kaufmann HC, Chapman KR, Nelson JW, Winchester JW, (1976)
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Atmospheric aerosol particles: a review on sources, sinks and effects”. Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, (2002)
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Atmospheric aerosols and deposition near historic buildings: chemistry, sources, interrelationships and relevance”. Van Grieken R, Torfs K, (1996)
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Atmospheric inputs of heavy metals into the North Sea”. Injuk J, Van Grieken R, (1996)
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Atmospheric pollution at the Alhambra monument, Granada, Spain: a preventive conservation study”. Kontozova-Deutsch V, Horemans B, Cardell C, Van Grieken R, (2010)
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Automated EPXMA of individual environmental particles”. Van Grieken R, Artaxo P, Xhoffer C, (1992)
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Background aerosol concentrations at the Namib-Atlantic interface”. Annegarn HJ, Van Grieken RE, Winchester JW, Sellschop JPF, von Blottnitz F, (1979)
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Balancing flocs and granules by external selectors to increase capacity in high-rate activated sludge systems”. Van Winckel T, De Clippeleir H, Mancell-Egala A, Rahman A, Wett B, Bott C, Sturm B, Vlaeminck SE, Al-Omari A, Murthy S, , 6 p. T2 (2016)
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Caractérisation historique et chimique des peintures en grisaille et du verre de vitrail dans l'oeuvre de J.-B. Capronnier (1814 –, 1891) et J.-B. Bethune (1821 –, 1894)”. Caen J, Schalm O, Janssens K, (2000)
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Characterisation of air pollutants in museum showcases”. Kontozova V, Deutsch F, Godoi R, Godoi AF, Joos P, Van Grieken R, (2002)
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Characterisation of individual suspension particles in the Ems estuary”. Bernard PC, Van Grieken RE, Eisma D, (1986)
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Characterization of aerosol particles at Seoul, Korea, using ultrathin window EPMA”. Oh K-Y, Ro C-U, Kim HK, Van Grieken R, (2000)
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Characterization of aerosol particles collected at Kosan and 1100 Hill sites, Cheju Island, Korea, using ultrathin window EPMA”. Oh K-Y, Ro C-U, Kim HK, Kim Y-P, Van Grieken R, (2000)
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Characterization of Asian dust using ultrathin window EPMA”. Ro C-U, Oh K-Y, Kim HK, Chun Y, Van Grieken R, (1999)
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Chemical characterisation of weathering crust and run-off water for a deteriorated limestone cathedral”. Roekens E, Leysen L, Van Grieken R, Komy Z, (1986)
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Chemical characterization of airborne particulate matter above the North Sea”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Chemical characterization of individual aerosol particles from remote and polluted marine air”. Bruynseels F, Storms H, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Conceptual framework for deammonification in a combined floc-granule system : impact of aeration control, external selector and bioaugmentation based on full-scale data from WWTP in Strass”. Van Winckel T, Al-Omari A, Takás I, Wett B, Bachmann B, Sturm B, Bott C, Vlaeminck SE, Murthy S, De Clippeleir H, , 16 p. T2 (2017)
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Cool conditions for mainstream anammox applications : short and long term temperature effects”. De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Sun XY, Mozo I, Barrillon B, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Martin Ruel S, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Detection of ammomium compounds at the single particle level”. Otten P, Rajsic S, Van Grieken R, (1987)
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Determination of light elements in marine aerosols by grazing-emission X-ray fluorescence”. Schmeling M, Van Grieken R, (1999)
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A DNA nanotechnology toolbox for mix-and-match biosensor design”. Rutten I, Safdar S, Ven K, Daems D, Spasic D, Lammertyn J, (2019)
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Do gaseous pollutants and particulate matter endanger our world heritage? A study in the Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp”. Janssen E, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Krupińska B, Moris H, Peckstadt A, van Bos M, Watteeuw L, Van Grieken R, (2010)
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Drinking waste? An exploration of public support for wastewater reuse in Flanders”. Geerts R, Vandermoere F, Halet D, Joos P, Van Den Steen K, Van Meenen E, Blust R, Van Winckel T, Vlaeminck S, (2020)
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Effect of pollution on sandy limestones of a historical cathedral in Belgium”. Keppens E, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, (1985)
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Effecten van luchtverontreiniging op historische gebouwen”. Leysen L, Roekens E, Van Grieken R, (1987)
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Electron energy-loss spectroscopy and its application to individual particle analysis”. Xhoffer C, Jacob W, Van Grieken R, Broekaert JAC, Buseck P, (1992)
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Enabling partial nitritation/anammox on pre-treated sewage with IFAS : aeration and floc SRT control strategies limit nitrate production”. Seuntjens D, Carvajal Arroyo JM, Molina J, Boon N, Vlaeminck SE, , 3 p. T2 (2017)
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Energy efficient treatment of A-stage effluent : pilot-scale experiences with short-cut nitrogen removal”. Seuntjens D, Bundervoet BLM, Mollen H, De Mulder C, Wypkema E, Verliefde A, Nopens I, Colsen JGM, Vlaeminck SE, , 10 p. T2 (2015)
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