Number of records found: 2758
Micro-determination of zirconium-hafnium ratios in zircons by proton induced X-ray emission”. Van Grieken RE, Johansson TB, Winchester JW, Odom L, Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie 275, 343 (1975).
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The Mӧbius phenomenon in Generalized Mӧbius-Listing bodies with cross sections of odd and even polygons”. Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, Sn –, 1512-0066 34, 23 (2020)
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On the impact of precipitation amount on the concentration of elements and ions in urban aerosol particles”. Deutsch F, Stranger M, Kaplinskii AE, Samek L, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric and oceanic optics 16, 850 (2003)
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Oszklenie ochronne i jego wpływ na średniowieczne okna witrazowe: z perspektywy chemii atmosfery: studium przypadku kaplica Sainte Chapelle w Paryzu”. Kontozova V, Godoi R, Krata A, Van Grieken R, Analityka , 20 (2007)
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Overview of most commonly used analytical techniques for elemental analysis”. Margui E, Van Grieken R, Petro Industry News , 8 (2014)
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Perspectieven voor energie-dispersieve X-stralen fluorescentie bij de wateranalyse”. Vanderborght B, Van Grieken R, Hydrographica 1, 19 (1975)
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The process of cutting GMLmn bodies with dm-knives”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Sn –, 1512-0066 32, 67 (2018)
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Radiochemical study of Cd, Co and Eu-coprecititation with iron hydroxide in seawater”. Chakravorty R, Van Grieken R, Mikrochimica acta 3, 81 (1986)
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Selenium gehalten van levensmiddelen geconsumeerd in België”. Robberecht H, Deelstra H, vanden Berghe D, Van Grieken R, Revue des fermentations et des industries alimentaires 37, 188 (1983)
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Siberian Haze: complex study of aerosols in Siberia”. Koutsenogii PK, van Malderen H, Hoornaert S, Van Grieken R, Koutsenogii KP, Boufetov N, Makarov VI, Smoljakov BS, Nemirovski AM, Osipova LP, Krjukov JA, Ivakin EA, Posukh OL, Bronstein EL, Optics of the atmosphere and ocean 9, 712 (1996)
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Simultaneous determination of silicon and phosphorus in cast iron by 14 MeV neutron activation analysis”. Van Grieken R, Speecke A, Hoste J, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 6, 385 (1970).
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Single particle analysis of Hungarian background aerosol”. Török S, Sandor S, Xhoffer C, Van Grieken R, Meszaros E, Molnar A, Idojaras: quarterly journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 96, 223 (1992)
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Skin penetration of minerals in psoriatics and guinea-pigs bathing in hypertonic salt solutions”. Shani J, Barak S, Levi D, Ram M, Schachner ER, Schlesinger T, Robberecht H, Van Grieken R, Avrach WW, Pharmacological research communications 17, 501 (1985).
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Spatial neutron flux distributions around A 14 MeV neutron generator”. Van Grieken R, Speecke A, Hoste J, Journal of radioanalytical chemistry 10, 95 (1972).
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State-of-the-art X-ray fluorescence instrumentation for chemical analysis”. Margui E, Van Grieken R, Petro Industry News , 16 (2013)
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Structure of the dm knives and process of cutting of GML(man) or GRT(man) bodies”. Tavkhelidze I, Gielis J, Sn –, 1512-0066 33 (2019)
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Study of the Antarctic aerosol using X-ray fluorescence and single particle analysis”. Rojas CM, Van Grieken RE, Cantillano ME, Scientific series of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (Ser. Cinet. INACH) 42, 37 (1992)
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Synthesis of a chelating cellulose filter with 2,2-diaminodiethylamine functional groups”. Smits J, Van Grieken R, Zeitschrift für angewandte Makromolekare Chemie 72, 105 (1978)
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Total analysis of plant material and biological tissue by spark source mass spectrometry”. Verbueken A, Michiels E, Van Grieken R, Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie 309, 300 (1981).
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Trace elements and individual particle analysis of atmospheric aerosols from the Antarctic peninsula”. Artaxo P, Rabello MLC, Maenhaut W, Van Grieken R, Tellus 44b, 318 (1992)
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Trace elements in the atmospheric aerosols and soils in and around Recife, N.E. Brasil”. Costa Dantas C, Moura de Amorim W, Van 't dack L, Van Grieken R, Ciencia e cultura 32, 1525 (1980)
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Trace metal analysis of sediments and particulate matter in sea water by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence”. Vanderstappen M, Van Grieken R, Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie 282, 25 (1976).
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O vlijanii kolitsjestva osadkov na kontsentratsioe elementov i ionov v tsjastitsach gorodskogo aerozolja”. Deutsch F, Stranger M, Kaplinskii AE, Samek L, Joos P, Van Grieken R, Optika atmospheri i okeana 16, 927 (2003)
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Weathering of treated and untreated limestones in atmospheric exposures”. Vleugels GJ, Van Grieken RE, Journal of preservation technology 23, 48 (1991)
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X ray fluorescence in member states: Belgium: integration of analysis techniques of different scales using X ray induced and electron induced X ray spectrometry for applications in preventive conservation and environmental monitoring”. Van Grieken R, Potgieter-Vermaak S, Darchuk L, Worobiec A, XRF newsletter , 9 (2009)
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Zware metalen in Noordzee- en Schelde-sedimenten”. Van Alsenoy W, Bernard P, Van Grieken R, Wtare 5, 113 (1990)
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Generalized Möbius-Listing bodies and the heart”. Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, Ricci PE, Sn –, 2247-689x 13, 58 (2023)
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Molecular simulations for carbon dioxide capture in silica slit pores”. Kumar M, Sengupta A, Kummamuru NB, Materials Today: Proceedings , 1 (2023).
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Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Back P, Cools J (2022) The politics of green infrastructure : a discrete choice experiment with Flemish local decision-makers. 107493–18
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Van Oijstaeijen W (2023) Green infrastructure and local implementation : (green) bridging the gap between research and practice. xvii, 194 p
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