Number of records found: 2109
Populieren en hun bacteriën : een sanering hoeft niet altijd duur en ingrijpend te zijn”. Compernolle T, Van Passel S, Lebbe L, Vangronsveld J, Thewys T, Nieuwsbrief milieu &, economie 24, 15 (2010)
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Polydopamine-gelatin as universal cell-interactive coating for methacrylate-based medical device packaging materials : when surface chemistry overrules substrate bulk properties”. Van de Walle E, Van Nieuwenhove I, Vanderleyden E, Declercq H, Gellynck K, Schaubroeck D, Ottevaere H, Thienpont H, De Vos WH, Cornelissen M, Van Vlierberghe S, Dubruel P, Biomacromolecules 17, 56 (2016).
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Polycyclodextrin and carbon nanotubes as composite for tyrosinase immobilization and its superior electrocatalytic activity towards butylparaben an endocrine disruptor”. Rather JA, Pilehvar S, De Wael K, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 15, 3365 (2015).
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Polycapillary X-ray optics”. Gao N, Janssens K page 89 (2004).
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Polaron effects in heterostructures, quantum wells and superlattices”. Peeters FM, Devreese JT, , 99 (1994)
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Polaron cyclotron resonance spectrum with interface optical phonon modes in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells”. Hai GQ, Peeters FM, Devreese JT Kluwer, Dordrecht, page 243 (1993).
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Polarized-beam high-energy EDXRF in geological samples”. Čevik U, Akbulut S, Makarovska Y, Van Grieken R, Spectroscopy letters 46, 36 (2013).
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Point defect reactions in silicon studies in situ by high flux electron irradiation in high voltage transmission electron microscope”. Vanhellemont J, Romano-Rodriguez A, Fedina L, van Landuyt J, Aseev A, Materials science and technology 11, 1194 (1995)
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Platinum group elements in the environment and their health risk”. Ravindra K, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, The science of the total environment 318, 1 (2004).
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Platinum : environmental pollution and health effects”. Bencs L, Ravindra K, Van Grieken R page 580 (2011).
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Rodrigues Lavor I (2021) Plasmons and electronic transport in two-dimensional materials. 219 p
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Plasmonic hybrid nanostructures in photocatalysis : structures, mechanisms, and applications”. Ninakanti R, Dingenen F, Borah R, Peeters H, Verbruggen SW, Topics in Current Chemistry 380, 40 (2022).
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Blommaerts N (2019) Plasmonic core shell nanoparticles : from synthesis to photocatalytic applications. 153 p
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Plasmacatalysis : a sustainable and efficient indoor air treatment”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2015)
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Xu W (2023) Plasma-catalytic DRM : study of LDH derived catalyst for DRM in a GAP plasma system. 350 p
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Belov I (2017) Plasma-assisted conversion of carbon dioxide
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Snoeckx R (2017) Plasma technology : a novel solution for CO2 conversion? Antwerpen
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van 't Veer KC (2022) Plasma kinetics modelling of nitrogen fixation : ammonia synthesis in dielectric barrier discharges with catalysts. 241 p
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Heijkers S (2020) Plasma chemistry modelling for CO2 and CH4 conversion in various plasma types. 316 p
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Plasma chemical looping : unlocking high-efficiency CO₂, conversion to clean CO at mild temperatures”. Long Y, Wang X, Zhang H, Wang K, Ong W-L, Bogaerts A, Li K, Lu C, Li X, Yan J, Tu X, Zhang H, JACS Au (2024).
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Van Wesenbeeck K (2016) Plasma catalysis as an efficient and sustainable air purification technology. 171 p
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Michielsen I (2019) Plasma catalysis : study of packing materials on CO2 reforming in a DBD reactor. 215 p
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Wang J (2022) Plasma catalysis : study of CO2 reforming of CH4 in a DBD reactor. XVI, 232 p
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Plasma catalysis : integration of a photocatalytic coating in a corona discharge unit”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2013)
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Plasma assisted catalysis : an efficient and sustainable indoor air purification technology”. Van Wesenbeeck K, Hauchecorne B, Lenaerts S, (2012)
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Clavel J (2024) Plant-mycorrhizal interactions and their role in plant invasions in mountains. 182 p
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Plant morphology and function, geometric morphometrics, and modelling : decoding the mathematical secrets of plants”. Gao J, Huang W, Gielis J, Shi P, Plants 12, 3724 (2023).
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Plant morphology and function, geometric morphometrics, and modelling : decoding the mathematical secrets of plants”. Gao J, Huang W, Gielis J, Shi P page 224 p. (2023).
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Plant and microbial science and technology as cornerstones to Bioregenerative Life Support Systems in space”. De Micco V, Amitrano C, Mastroleo F, Aronne G, Battistelli A, Carnero-Diaz E, De Pascale S, Detrell G, Dussap C-G, Ganigué, R, Jakobsen ØM, Poulet L, Van Houdt R, Verseux C, Vlaeminck SE, Willaert R, Leys N, NPJ microgravity 9, 69 (2023).
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Pixe analysis of aerosol samples collected over the atlantic-ocean from a sailboat”. Maenhaut W, Selen A, van Espen P, Van Grieken R, Winchester WJ, Nuclear instruments and methods 181, 399 (1981).
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