Number of records found: 2109
Finizola e Silva M, Cools J, Cools J, Van Passel S (2024) A systematic review identifying the drivers and barriers to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture by smallholder farmers in Africa. 1356335–14
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A survey of the recent use of x-ray beam methods for non-destructive investigations in the cultural heritage sector”. Janssens K page 265 (2005).
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A study of the weathering of an historic building”. Leysen L, Roekens E, Komy Z, Van Grieken R, Analytica chimica acta 195, 247 (1987).
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Asapu R (2018) A study of plasmonic systems using Layer-by-Layer synthesized core-shell nanoparticles. 142 p
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A study of aluminium-exposed fish using a scanning proton microprobe”. Cholewa M, Legge GJF, Eeckhaoudt S, Van Grieken R, Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis (1994)
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Ková,cs A (2023) A structured methodology for natural deep eutectic solvent selection and formulation for enzymatic reactions. viii, 216 p
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A step to disentangle diversity patterns in Uruguayan grasslands : climatic seasonality, novel land-uses, and landscape context drive diversity of ground flora”. Saeumel I, Ramirez LR, Santolin J, Pintado K, Conservation Science and Practice 5, 1 (2023).
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A spatial approach to identify priority areas for pesticide pollution mitigation”. Quaglia G, Joris I, Broekx S, Desmet N, Koopmans K, Vandaele K, Seuntjens P, Journal of environmental management 246, 583 (2019).
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A simple absorption correction for electron probe X-ray microanalysis of bulk samples”. Markowicz A, Storms H, Van Grieken R, X-ray spectrometry 15, 115 (1986).
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A seasonal study of atmospheric conditions influenced by the intensive tourist flow in the Royal Museum of Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland”. Worobiec A, Samek L, Karaszkiewicz P, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Stefaniak EA, van Meel K, Krata A, Bencs L, Van Grieken R, Microchemical journal 90, 99 (2008).
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A robust nitrifying community in a bioreactor at 50 degrees C opens up the path for thermophilic nitrogen removal”. Courtens ENP, Spieck E, Vilchez-Vargas R, Bode S, Boeckx P, Schouten S, Jauregui R, Pieper DH, Vlaeminck SE, Boon N, The ISME journal : multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology 10, 2293 (2016).
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A robust evolutionary algorithm for the recovery of rational Gielis curves”. Fougerolle YD, Truchetet F, Demonceaux C, Gielis J, Pattern recognition 46, 2078 (2013).
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A Ricardian analysis of climate change impacts on Japan's agriculture : accounting for solar radiation”. Okamura I, Van Passel S, Fabri C, Senda T, Climate change economics 14, 2350022 (2023).
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A qualitative model structure sensitivity analysis method to support model selection”. Van Hoey S, Seuntjens P, van der Kwast J, Nopens I, Journal of hydrology 519, 3426 (2014).
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A peculiar diffraction effect in FCC crystals of C60”. Amelinckx S, van Heurck C, van Dyck D, Van Tendeloo G, Physica status solidi: A: applied research 131, 589 (1992).
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A note on spirals and curvature”. Gielis J, Caratelli D, Shi P, Ricci PE, Growth and form 1, 1 (2020).
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A note on Generalized Möbius-Listing Bodies”. Gielis J, Tavkhelidze I, , 31 (2023).
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A note about generalized forms of the Gielis formula”. Gielis J, Natalini P, Ricci PE page 107 (2017).
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A new sulfolane based solvent for CO₂, capture”. Wagaarachchige J, Idris Z, Kummamuru NB, Sætre KA, Halstensen M, Jens K-J, SSRN electronic journal (2021).
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A new method to compensate for counting losses due to system dead time”. Karabidak SM, Čevik U, Kaya S, Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research : A: accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment 603, 361 (2009).
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A new method for the evaluation of the reversible and irreversible fouling propensity of MBR mixed liquor”. Huyskens C, Brauns E, van Hoof E, de Wever H, Journal of membrane science 323, 185 (2008).
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A multidimensional indicator set to assess the benefits of WEEE material recycling”. Nelen D, Manshoven S, Peeters JR, Vanegas P, D'Haese N, Vrancken K, Journal of cleaner production 83, 305 (2014).
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A Monte Carlo program for quantitative electron-induced x-ray analysis of individual particles”. Ro C-U, Osán J, Szalóki I, de Hoog J, Worobiec A, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 75, 851 (2003).
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A mobile scanner for xrpd-imaging of paintings in transmission and reflection geometry”. De Meyer S, Vanmeert F, Janssens K, Storme P, ACTA ARTIS ACADEMICA 2017: PAINTING AS A STORY T2 –, 6th Interdisciplinary ALMA Conference, JUN 01-03, 2017, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC , 29 (2017)
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A microanalytical study of the gills of aluminium-exposed rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)”. Goossenaerts C, Van Grieken R, Jacob W, Witters H, Vanderborght O, International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 34, 227 (1988).
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A microanalytical study of the gills of aluminium-exposed catfish”. Eeckhaoudt S, Landsberg J, Van Grieken R, Jacob W, Watt F, Witters H, Institute of physics conference series T2 –, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis / Kenway, P.B. [edit.] , 251 (1993)
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A microanalytical study of green and necrotic needle tissue”. Goossenaerts CH, Verbueken AH, Jacob WA, Van Praag HJ, Van Grieken RE page 224 (1987).
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A micro XRF spectrometer based on rotating anode generator and capillary optics”. Janssens K, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Adams F, Rindby A, Spectrochimica acta: part B : atomic spectroscopy 51, 1661 (1996)
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A methodology to monitor the pollution impact on historic buildings surfaces : the TeACH project”. Bernardi A, Becherini F, Bonazza A, Van Grieken R, et al, Lecture notes in computer science T2 –, Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation : proceedings of EUROMED-2012, the 4th International Conference on Cultural Heritage / Ioannides, M. [edit.], et al. , 765 (2012).
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A message in the dust”. Jambers W, Van Grieken R, Analysis Europe , 25 (1996)
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