Number of records found: 232
Geospatial environmental techno-economic assessment of pretreatment technologies for bioethanol production”. Vasilakou K, Nimmegeers P, Billen P, Van Passel S, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 187, 113743 (2023).
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From fast-track implementation to livelihood deterioration: The dam-based Ribb Irrigation and Drainage Project in Northwest Ethiopia”. Annys S, Van Passel S, Dessein J, Adgo E, Nyssen J, Agricultural Systems 184, 102909 (2020).
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Food miles to assess sustainability : a revision”. Van Passel S, Sustainable Development 21, 1 (2013).
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Five-year development plans of renewable energy policies in Iran : a content analysis”. Dehhaghi S, Choobchian S, Ghobadian B, Farhadian H, Viira A-H, Stefanie HI, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Sustainability 14, 1501 (2022).
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Farmers' willingness to contribute to the restoration of an Ethiopian Rift Valley lake : a contingent valuation study”. Girma H, Huge J, Gebrehiwot M, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability 23, 10646 (2021).
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Farmers' preferences towards water hyacinth control : a contingent valuation study”. Van Oijstaeijen W, Van Passel S, Cools J, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Huge J, Berihun D, Ejigu N, Nyssen J, Journal Of Great Lakes Research 46, 1459 (2020).
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Farmers' preferences and willingness to pay for improved irrigation water supply program : a discrete choice experiment”. Chekol Zewdie M, Moretti M, Tenessa DB, Van Passel S, Environment, development and sustainability , 1 (2023).
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Farmers' perceived cost of land use restrictions : a simulated purchasing decision using discrete choice experiments”. Lizin S, Van Passel S, Schreurs E, Land Use Policy 46, 115 (2015).
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Farmers' decision to use drought early warning system in developing countries”. Sharafi L, Zarafshani K, Keshavarz M, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Science Of The Total Environment 758, 142761 (2021).
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Farm household risk balancing : empirical evidence from Switzerland”. de Mey Y, Wauters E, Schmid D, Lips M, Vancauteren M, Van Passel S, European Review Of Agricultural Economics 43 (2016).
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External costs from fossil electricity generation : a review of the applied impact pathway approach”. Jorli M, Van Passel S, Saghdel HS, Energy &, Environment 29, 635 (2018).
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Exploring variability across cooperatives : economic performance of agricultural cooperatives in northern Ethiopia”. Sebhatu KT, Gezahegn TW, Berhanu T, Maertens M, Van Passel S, D'Haese M, The international food and agribusiness management review 24, 397 (2021).
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Ex-ante LCA of emerging carbon steel slag treatment technologies : fast forwarding lab observations to industrial-scale production”. Buyle M, Maes B, Van Passel S, Boonen K, Vercalsteren A, Audenaert A, Journal Of Cleaner Production 313, 127921 (2021).
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Estimating human health impacts and costs due to Iranian fossil fuel power plant emissions through the impact pathway approach”. Jorli M, Van Passel S, Sadeghi H, Nasseri A, Agheli L, Energies 10, 2136 (2017).
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Environmental sustainability perception toward obvious recovered waste content in paper-based packaging : an online and in-person survey best-worst scaling experiment”. Van Schoubroeck S, Chacon L, Reynolds AM, Lavoine N, Hakovirta M, Gonzalez R, Van Passel S, Venditti RA, Resources, conservation and recycling 188, 106682 (2023).
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Environmental impact assessment and efficiency of cotton : the case of Northeast Iran”. Naderi Mahdei K, Esfahani SMJ, Lebailly P, Dogot T, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Environment, development and sustainability , 1 (2022).
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Environmental assessment of waste feedstock mono-dimensional and bio-refinery systems : combining manure co-digestion and municipal waste anaerobic digestion”. Moretti M, Van Dael M, Malina R, Van Passel S, Journal Of Cleaner Production 171, 954 (2018).
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Environmental and health impacts of effluents from textile industries in Ethiopia : the case of Gelan and Dukem, Oromia Regional State”. Dadi D, Stellmacher T, Senbeta F, Van Passel S, Azadi H, Environmental Monitoring And Assessment 189, 11 (2017).
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Environmental and economic performance of plasma gasification in Enhanced Landfill Mining”. Danthurebandara M, Van Passel S, Vanderreydt I, Van Acker K, Waste Management 45, 458 (2015).
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Environmental and economic assessment of 'open waste dump' mining in Sri Lanka”. Maheshi D, Van Passel S, Van Karel A, Resources Conservation And Recycling 102, 67 (2015).
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Enhanced landfill mining in view of multiple resource recovery : a critical review”. Jones PT, Geysen D, Tielemans Y, Van Passel S, Pontikes Y, Blanpain B, Quaghebeur M, Hoekstra N, Journal Of Cleaner Production 55, 45 (2013).
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Enhanced landfill mining at the REMO site : assessing stakeholders' perspectives for implementation”. Einhäupl P, Krook J, Svensson N, Van Acker K, Van Passel S, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, February 5-6, 2018, Mechelen, Belgium / Jones, Peter Tom [edit.], Machiels, Lieven [edit.] (2018)
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Eliciting stakeholder needs : an anticipatory approach assessing enhanced landfill mining”. Einhäupl PV, Krook J, Svensson N, Van Acker K, Van Passel S, Waste Management 98, 113 (2019).
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Eliciting policymakers&rsquo, preferences for technologies to decarbonise transport: A discrete choice experiment”. Bjørnåvold A, Lizin S, Van Dael M, Arnold F, Van Passel S, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 35, 21 (2020).
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Eliciting farmers' preferences and willingness to pay for land use attributes in Northwest Ethiopia : a discrete choice experiment study”. Admasu WF, Van Passel S, Nyssen J, Minale AS, Tsegaye EA, Land Use Policy 109 (2021).
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Effects of supply chain management on tomato export in Iran : application of structural equation modeling”. Fatemi M, Azadi H, Rafiaani P, Taheri F, Dubois T, Van Passel S, Witlox F, Journal of food products marketing 24, 177 (2018).
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Effective bioeconomy policies for the uptake of innovative technologies under resource constraints”. Maes D, Van Passel S, Biomass &, Bioenergy 120, 91 (2019).
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Ecosystem services assessment tools for African Biosphere Reserves: A review and user-informed classification”. Hugé, J, Rochette Aj, de Béthune S, Parra Paitan Cc, Vanderhaegen K, Vandervelden T, Van Passel S, Vanhove Mpm, Verbist B, Verheyen D, Waas T, Janssens I, Janssens de Bisthoven L, Ecosystem Services 42, 101079 (2020).
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Economic sustainability assessment in semi-steppe rangelands”. Chelan MM, Alijanpour A, Barani H, Motamedi J, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Science Of The Total Environment 637-638, 112 (2018).
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Economic performance of using batteries in European residential microgrids under the net-metering scheme”. Saviuc I, Peremans H, Van Passel S, Milis K, Energies 12, 165 (2019).
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