Number of records found: 2109
Mendonç,a Verbinnen CD (2022) Development of semiconductor-based photoelectrochemical sensing strategies for phenolic compounds in natural and supply water. 152 p
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DFT study of the hyperfine parameters and magnetic properties of ZnO doped with 57Fe”. Abreu Y, Cruz CM, Pinera I, Leyva A, Cabal AE, van Espen P, Solid state communications 185, 25 (2014).
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Diatom frustule morphogenesis and function : a multidisciplinary survey”. De Tommasi E, Gielis J, Rogato A, Marine Genomics 35, 1 (2017).
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Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification”. Van Eynde E, Tytgat T, Smits M, Verbruggen S, Hauchecorne B, Blust R, Lenaerts S, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 1, 141 (2013)
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Diatom silica-titania materials for photocatalytic air purification”. Van Eynde E, Lenaerts S page 240 (2012).
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Die risikoprofiel van Pb en Cr in stedelike padstof”. Potgieter-Vermaak S, Van Grieken R, Potgieter H, Litnet akademies : 'n joernaal vir die geesteswetenskappe 9, 1 (2012)
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Direct current glow discharge mass spectrometric analysis of Macor ceramic using a secondary cathode”. Schelles W, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 68, 3570 (1996).
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Direct current glow discharge mass spectrometry for elemental characterization of polymers”. Schelles W, Van Grieken R, Analytical chemistry 69, 2931 (1997).
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Direct detection of sulfate and nitrate layers on sampled marine aerosols by laser microprobe mass analysis”. Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R, Atmospheric environment 19, 1969 (1985).
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Direct observation of clusters in some FCC alloys by HREM”. De Meulenaere P, Van Tendeloo G, van Landuyt J, Icem 13, 447 (1994)
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Direct observation of laser-induced crystallization of a-C : H films”. Nistor LC, van Landuyt J, Ralchenko VG, Kononenko TV, Obraztsova ED, Strelnitsky VE, Applied physics A : materials science &, processing 58, 137 (1994).
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Direct reagentless detection of the affinity binding of recombinant His-tagged firefly luciferase with a nickel-modified gold electrode”. Vagin MY, Trashin SA, Beloglazkina EK, Majouga AG, Mendeleev communications 25, 290 (2015).
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Direct visualization of irreducible ferrielectricity in crystals”. Du K, Guo L, Peng J, Chen X, Zhou Z-N, Zhang Y, Zheng T, Liang Y-P, Lu J-P, Ni Z-H, Wang S-S, Van Tendeloo G, Zhang Z, Dong S, Tian H, npj Quantum Materials 5, 49 (2020).
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Disclosing the binding medium effects and the pigment solubility in the (photo)reduction process of chrome yellows (PbCrO4/PbCr1-xSxO4)”. Monico L, Sorace L, Cotte M, de Nolf W, Janssens K, Romani A, Miliani C, ACS Omega 4, 6607 (2019).
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Discrimination between coprecipitated and adsorbed lead on individual calcite particles using laser microprobe mass analysis”. Wouters LC, Van Grieken RE, Linton RW, Bauer CF, Analytical chemistry 60, 2218 (1988).
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Dispersal of suspended matter in Makasar Strait and the Flores Basin”. Eisma D, Kalf J, Karmini M, Mook WG, Van Put A, Bernard P, Van Grieken R, Netherlands journal of sea research 24, 383 (1989).
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Dispersion modelling of traffic induced ultrafine particles in a street canyon in Antwerp, Belgium and comparison with observations”. Nikolova I, Janssen S, Vos P, Vrancken K, Mishra V, Berghmans P, The science of the total environment 412, 336 (2011).
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Dispersion of heavy metals”. Van Grieken R page 319 (1998).
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Displacive and diffusive components in the formation of the Ni2Al structure studied by HREM, SAED and micro-ED”. Muto S, Merk N, Schryvers D, Tanner LE, Monterey Institute for Advances Studies , 101 (1992)
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Displacive-replacive phase transformation in a Ni62.5Al37.5 phase studies by HREM and microdiffraction”. Muto S, Merk N, Schryvers D, Tanner LE, Philosophical magazine: B: physics of condensed matter: electronic, optical and magnetic properties 67, 673 (1993).
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Dissecting demand response : a quantile analysis of flexibility, household attitudes, and demographics”. Srivastava A, Van Passel S, Laes E, Energy Research and Social Science 52, 169 (2019).
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Distribution and composition of suspended matter around Sumbawa Island, Indonesia”. Eisma D, van Put A, Van Grieken R, Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg 70, 137 (1992)
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Distribution of atmospheric marine salt depositions over Continental Western Europe”. Delalieux F, Van Grieken R, Potgieter JH, Marine pollution bulletin 52, 606 (2006).
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DIY measurement of your personal HRTF at home : low-cost, fast and validated”. Reijniers J, Partoens B, Peremans H, , 1 (2017)
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DNA binding by the antimalarial compound artemisinin”. Slavkovic S, Shoara AA, Churcher ZR, Daems E, De Wael K, Sobott F, Johnson PE, Scientific reports 12, 133 (2022).
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Do gaseous pollutants and particulate matter endanger our world heritage? A study in the Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp”. Janssen E, Kontozova-Deutsch V, Krupińska B, Moris H, Peckstadt A, van Bos M, Watteeuw L, Van Grieken R, (2010)
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Do ICP-MS based methods fulfill the EU monitoring requirements for the determination of elements in our environment?”.Tirez K, Vanhoof C, Bronders J, Seuntjens P, Bleux N, Berghmans P, De Brucker N, Vanhaecke F, Environmental science : processes &, impacts 17, 2034 (2015).
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Does contract length matter? The impact of various contract-farming regimes on land-improvement investment and the efficiency of contract farmers in Pakistan”. Mazhar R, Azadi H, Van Passel S, Varnik R, Pietrzykowski M, Skominas R, Wei Z, Xuehao B, Agriculture (Basel) 13, 1651 (2023).
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Does leaf micro-morphology influence the recognition of particles on SEM images?”.Muhammad S, Wuyts K, De Wael K, Samson R, International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Remediation 9, 22 (2021).
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Doped albumin : stndardization possibilities for LAMMA-analysis of thin freeze-dried cryosections of biological tissue”. Verbueken AH, Jacob WA, Frederik PM, Busing WM, Hersten RC, Van Grieken RE, Journal de physique 45, 561 (1984)
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