Number of records found: 310
DSC cycling effects on phase transformation temperatures of micron and submicron grain Ni50.8Ti49.2 microwires”. Pourbabak S, Verlinden B, Van Humbeeck J, Schryvers D, Shape memory and superelasticity , 1 (2020).
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Dynamics of scattering on a classical two-dimensional artificial atom”. Peelaers H, Partoens B, Tatyanenko DV, Peeters FM, Physical review : E : statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 75, 036606 (2007).
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Edge excitations of a 2D electron solid in a magnetic field”. Monarkha YP, Peeters FM, Sokolov SS, Journal of physics : condensed matter 9, 1537 (1997)
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Editorial Catalysts: Special Issue on Plasma Catalysis”. Bogaerts A, Catalysts 9, 196 (2019).
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Effect of a perpendicular magnetic field on the shallow donor states near a semiconductor-metal interface”. Li B, Djotyan AP, Hao YL, Avetisyan AA, Peeters FM, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 87, 075313 (2013).
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Effect of halogenation on the electronic transport properties of aromatic and alkanethiolate molecules”. Berdiyorov GR, Peeters FM, Hamoudi H, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 144, 115428 (2022).
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Effect of light gas atom inclusions on the characteristics of laser-produced plasma ions”. Khaydarov RT, Beisinbaeva HB, Sabitov MM, Kalal M, Berdiyorov GR, Nuclear fusion 51, 103041 (2011).
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Effect of mismatched electron-hole effective masses on superfluidity in double layer solid-state systems”. Conti S, Perali A, Peeters FM, Neilson D, Condensed Matter 6, 14 (2021).
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Effect of mold hardness on microstructure and contraction porosity in ductile cast iron”. Khalil-Allafi J, Amin-Ahmadi B, Journal of iron and steel research international 18, 44 (2011).
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Effect of ordered array of magnetic dots on the dynamics of Josephson vortices in stacked SNS Josephson junctions under DC and AC current”. Berdiyorov GR, Savel'ev S, Kusmartsev FV, Peeters FM, European physical journal : B : condensed matter and complex systems 88, 286 (2015).
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Effects of confining interaction in meso-superconductors”. Shanenko AA, Ivanov VA, Physics letters : A 322, 384 (2004).
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Effects of feedstock availability on the negative ion behavior in a C4F8 inductively coupled plasma”. Zhao S-X, Gao F, Wang Y-P, Wang Y-N, Bogaerts A, Journal of applied physics 118, 033301 (2015).
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Effects of silicon doping on strengthening adhesion at the interface of the hydroxyapatite-titanium biocomposite : a first-principles study”. Grubova IY, Surmeneva MA, Huygh S, Surmenev RA, Neyts EC, Computational materials science 159, 228 (2019).
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Electro-optical and mechanical properties of Zinc antimonide (ZnSb) monolayer and bilayer : a first-principles study”. Bafekry A, Yagmurcukardes M, Shahrokhi M, Ghergherehchi M, Kim D, Mortazavi B, Applied Surface Science 540, 148289 (2021).
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Electroluminescence spectra of an STM-tip-induced quantum dot”. Croitoru MD, Gladilin VN, Fomin VM, Devreese JT, Kemerink M, Koenraad PM, Sauthoff K, Wolter JH, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 21, 270 (2004).
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Electron microscopy and X-ray study of the growth of FeCr2S4 spinel single crystals by chemical vapour transport”. Volkov VV, van Heurck C, van Landuyt J, Amelinckx S, Zhukov EG, Polulyak ES, Novotortsev VM, Crystal research and technology 28, 1051 (1993).
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Electron microscopy study of twin sequences and branching in Ni66Al34 3r martensite”. Schryvers D, van Landuyt JT, Proceedings Of The International Conference On Martensitic Transformations (icomat-92) , 263 (1993)
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Electronic structure of the valence band in cylindrical strained InP/InGaP quantum dots in an external magnetic field”. Tadic, Peeters FM, Physica. E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures T2 –, 14th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of, Two-Dimensional Systems, July 30-August 03, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic 12, 880 (2002).
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Electropolymerized o-phenylenediamine on graphite promoting the electrochemical detection of nafcillin”. Bottari F, Moro G, Sleegers N, Florea A, Cowen T, Piletsky S, van Nuijs ALN, De Wael K, Electroanalysis 32, 135 (2019).
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Elucidating the effects of gas flow rate on an SF6inductively coupled plasma and on the silicon etch rate, by a combined experimental and theoretical investigation”. Tinck S, Tillocher T, Dussart R, Neyts EC, Bogaerts A, Journal of physics: D: applied physics 49, 385201 (2016).
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EM characterization of precipitates in as-cast and annealed Ni45.5Ti45.5Nb9 shape memory alloys”. Shi H, Frenzel J, Schryvers D, Materials science forum 738/739, 113 (2013).
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Enhancement of cellular glucose uptake by reactive species: a promising approach for diabetes therapy”. Kumar N, Shaw P, Razzokov J, Yusupov M, Attri P, Uhm HS, Choi EH, Bogaerts A, RSC advances 8, 9887 (2018).
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Enhancement of plasmon-photon coupling in grating coupled graphene inside a Fabry-Perot cavity”. Zhao CX, Xu W, Dong HM, Yu Y, Qin H, Peeters FM, Solid state communications 280, 45 (2018).
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Enhancement of pollutants removal from saline wastewater through simultaneous anammox and denitrification (SAD) process with glycine betaine addition”. Zhu W, Li J, Wang B, Chen G, Bioresource Technology 315, 123784 (2020).
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Enzymatic sensor for phenols based on titanium dioxide generating surface confined ROS after treatment with H2O2”. Rahemi V, Trashin S, Hafideddine Z, Meynen V, Van Doorslaer S, De Wael K, Sensors and actuators : B : chemical 283, 343 (2019).
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Erratum : First-principles study of possible shallow donors in ZnAl2O4 spinel [Phys. Rev. B 87, 174101 (2013)]”. Dixit H, Tandon N, Cottenier S, Saniz R, Lamoen D, Partoens B, Physical review : B : condensed matter and materials physics 88, 059905 (2013).
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Evidence of tetragonal distortion as the origin of the ferromagnetic ground state in gamma-Fe nanoparticles”. Augustyns V, van Stiphout K, Joly V, Lima TAL, Lippertz G, Trekels M, Menendez E, Kremer F, Wahl U, Costa ARG, Correia JG, Banerjee D, Gunnlaugsson HP, von Bardeleben J, Vickridge I, Van Bael MJ, Hadermann J, Araujo JP, Temst K, Vantomme A, Pereira LMC, Physical review B 96, 174410 (2017).
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Excellent excitonic photovoltaic effect in 2D CsPbBr₃/CdS heterostructures”. Jin B, Zuo N, Hu Z-Y, Cui W, Wang R, Van Tendeloo G, Zhou X, Zhai T, Advanced Functional Materials , 2006166 (2020).
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Excitation and propagation of spin waves in non-uniformly magnetized waveguides”. Vanderveken F, Ahmad H, Heyns M, Sorée B, Adelmann C, Ciubotaru F, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 53, 495006 (2020).
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Exciton trapping in a periodically modulated magnetic field”. Freire JAK, Freire VN, Farias GA, Peeters FM, Brazilian journal of physics 32, 310 (2002).
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